
I awakened with the Infinite Secrets system

[Loading..10%.....20%....50%...100%] [Congratulations on awakening the Infinite secrets system] [In the Brightest day and darkest night no secret shall leave thy sight from weak to strong shall see thy might thou shall lead everyone from dak to bright] [Happy Hunting, Host♡]

Nevade_Saito · Fantasía
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In this universe,

If an individual wants to conquer everything,

to rule over everything,what does he need the most ?

The answer is knowledge.As the old saying goes, "Knowledge is power." Examples of such is Solomon &All father Odin.These extremely greedy,power hungry individuals

tried to rule everything with knowledge and

wisdom.But due to limitations they were unable to reach their goals.

One failed because of the limit of lifespan.As for the other,let's say its because of too much family drama.

Now let's focus on our protagonist the one who will break these universal limits of wise

people and rule over the universe(or multiverse...probably).

The name of this little guy is Adam Albus Khan,coming from an english-palestine lineage,he wasn't as lucky as others thought him to be.Father Albus Weasley was a reporter from BBC.Mother Nora Khan was a

beauty from palestine.Before birth lost his father,after birth lost his mother,little to no wealth in his name,the only thing to be proud of Is his handsome face.

Little did he know that everything will change when he gets his hand on the most feared(even by the gods) weapon.... the infinite secrets system.

I am a new writer. Enjoy and please support.

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