
I, Asuna, don't want to travel around the world

The "daily life" of my time travel experience has passed: seeking encounters in the dungeon, God Eater, dungeon (disintegration of the family), leisure vacation, Wanhua Dream Mirror (optional), Sword Art Online, Zhanchi, Suqing ( beautiful world). Current progress - Re: From Zero (This is an immature book written by an author with brain problems. - I seem to have learned a lot from this book? - It seems that I have learned nothing? - Sure enough, there is still no progress at all.) ------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer! This story is a translation. It doesn't belong to me. Author: 相望 Title: 我,亚丝娜,不想世界旅行(至章节被破坏的结界) Cover: PixAI.Art

CrystalWisp · Cómic
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29 Chs

Chapter 2: Unlock permissions by killing monsters?


  A cry-like roar resounded from the mouth of the pitch-black giant.

  "Why are the bosses so ugly?" Asuna frowned slightly.

  SAO is a game world, and the monsters that are refreshed are ugly enough to be in line with the game settings.

  However, when the game becomes reality, it's a bit unreasonable that the floor boss is still so ugly, right?

  The dark giant roared and charged towards Asuna with heavy steps.

  "It's much slower than SAO's boss."

  Asuna wanted to put her beloved sword back into its scabbard.

  But when she thought that the slow giant in front of her was still a boss after all, she continued to hold the "Flickering Light" and leaned forward slightly, and a faint light appeared on the beloved sword in his hand again.

  "I'll trouble you to be the unit of measurement."

  Slightly playful words came from Asuna's mouth, and the next second, a clear footprint appeared on the rock under Asuna's feet.

  Like a white afterimage, Asuna instantly appeared under the dark giant.

  Without stopping, Asuna used the momentum to jump onto the giant's body.


  Asuna shouted softly, and the white sword suddenly burst into dazzling light.

  Meteor, the breakthrough technique in the SAO world, shines with its own brilliance in this underground cave for the first time!


  The dark giant suddenly stopped and grabbed his face with his huge palms, trying to catch the sharp white light.

  However, although his huge body brought him great strength, it also limited his speed. His dark eyes like a demon could only let the white light pierce.


  Asuna landed lightly on the ground and looked at the beloved sword in her hand in disbelief.

The sword skill just now cannot be called a sudden attack skill.

  She sheathed her beloved sword and turned to look at the dark giant behind her.

  A huge hole penetrated the giant's brain. Asuna quickly lowered her head and spun around in circles, as if she was afraid that her clothes would be stained with something weird.

  However, the uniforms of the Blood Alliance Knights were still clean and spotless, which made Asuna breathe a sigh of relief.

  "I was scared to death. I thought I would get something weird on it."

  Asuna patted the armor on her chest, and only then did she notice that the giant who kept reaching for his face was slowly dissipating.

  The huge hole in the brain was the first to emit traces of gray powder, and then, as if a chain reaction had occurred, it spread from the head to the whole body in an instant!

  "Puff Puff Puff!!!"

  Continuous explosions sounded from the giant.

  A large amount of gray powder spread automatically into the air without wind.

  Asuna quickly covered her mouth and nose for fear of inhaling those unknown substances.


  A huge magic stone fell out of the gray powder, making a large dent in the rock on the ground.

  Asuna waved her hand, walked to the magic stone, and knocked gently.


  A crisp sound came into his ears, and then, the huge magic stone in front of him seemed to be mosaic, becoming blurry.

  Purple light continuously separated from the magic stone and converged in Asuna's hand.

  "Is it possible that you have to challenge the boss to unlock the player's permissions one after another?"

  Asuna stretched out her hand and scratched the half-empty space in front of her, and small squares suddenly appeared in her field of vision.

  Asuna rummaged backwards quickly.

  Clothes, props, equipment, ingredients!

  "Ah, great, the ingredients haven't been lost."

  The familiar warehouse, the personal belongings that have never been lost, and the most important thing is that the ingredients that I have collected so hard are still there!

  "The personal attributes panel still doesn't appear. Do I have to continue exploring and defeat the next boss to unlock it?"

  With a flick of her finger, a gray cloak appeared out of thin air outside the uniform of the Blood Alliance Knights on Asuna.

  Taking out a handkerchief and wiping her beloved sword, Asuna put on her hood, hiding her entire body in the shadows.

  "Let's search for some information first."

  After covering up her long chestnut-colored hair, Asuna gently tapped her rapier with her hand and put it back into the warehouse.

  Later, she replaced it with a spare rapier of slightly inferior quality.

  Using "Flickering Light" to deal with these low-level monsters is really overkill.

  "I remember that most of the NPCs seemed to be gathered in that direction."

  Asuna returned the same way, looking for the NPC in this underground cave.

  In a wild place where you are fighting monsters at this time, you may be attacked if you talk to an NPC.

  Although Asuna can easily subdue him with her strength, it will also cause the NPC's favorability to drop.

  If you receive any tasks in the future, there will eventually be some trouble.

  As a result, Asuna, wearing a gray cloak, hid in the shadows and easily followed a group of NPCs who looked very tired, walking towards the passage she had never walked through.

  As for the team of NPC adventurers, they were suspicious the whole time, looking back from time to time.

  For some reason, they always feel as if something is following them behind them.

  One floor, two floors, three floors...

  Only then did Asuna realize that she had been deep underground all along.

  Moreover, the higher you go, the weaker the monsters you encounter become.

  How weak is it?

  The strength of those monsters meant that Asuna could easily kill them with just a random stone on the ground.

  As the crowd of NPCs gradually gathered, Asuna also appeared from the shadows, still wearing a cloak, following the large army and walking towards somewhere.

  A light source different from the fluorescent light underground gradually appeared in Asuna's field of vision.

  "This is..."

  Bustling crowds, magnificent halls, elves in uniforms, and gold coin exchange counters.

  "Is this still SAO..." Asuna skipped the gold coin exchange counter and followed the flow of people outside.

  The eyes hidden under the hood looked curiously at this huge office space.

  Then, just as Asuna was looking at this place curiously, a half-elf girl in work uniform also cast her gaze in Asuna's direction.

  "This adventurer...why do I seem to have never seen him before?"

  Eina pushed up her frame. Although the adventurers in Orario were all strange guys, the person in front of her who was still wearing a crimson cloak after walking out of the dungeon was really a bit suspicious.

  "This adventurer, which family are you a member of?"

  She walked up to Asuna with a polite smile on her face.


  Was stopped.

  Asuna sighed in her heart, thinking about whether to escape from here directly.

  After all, with her abilities, these NPCs couldn't stop her at all.

  Familia is probably the name of the guild here. After escaping from here, we can get some information before making a decision.

  Asuna raised her head slightly, lowered her voice and said slightly hoarsely:

  "I am..."

  Aina was relieved.

  It seems that I am really too worried. How can any monster pretend to be an adventurer and walk to the ground...

  Suddenly, a gust of breeze blew by.

  Eh? ! ! !

  "Where are the people?!!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

CrystalWispcreators' thoughts