
I arrive at Black Clover as Satoru Gojo

You are living your own life, facing the situations that arise in your life, but in a moment all that changes, you want to rest and for everything to end but you never expect that to happen, now you have to live in the unknown and see how to solve everything. "Gojo-sensei could you help me?" "I'm coming" "I'm craving for something sweet" As you can imagine I'm Gojo Satoru and I'm in a world different from mine where I don't know how I got there.

Lightstrick558 · Cómic
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20 Chs

Chapter 6




"You're doing well, son. Now lift your leg higher and adjust your stance a bit. Now, throw the kick."


"Perfect, you've got it. Now, practice it for a while so you can master it."

"Yes, Dad, and thank you for teaching me to fight."

"No problem, son. This is what I can teach you before you awaken your magical power. I can also teach you a few other things that might be useful."

"Haha, the more the better."

"Alright, keep practicing. I have to go to work now."

"Okay, bye Dad."

Satoru continues to practice the moves his father taught him. A few months ago, he asked his father to train him in close combat. Although he can rely on his cursed energy, he has to defend himself in close combat can be challenging. When his father heard his request, he was thrilled. Satoru's father's magical power enhances his physical abilities, allowing him to work for hours without tiring and enhancing the abilities of his teammates as well.

His father used to be a strong fighter, but compared to others who could use long-range magic, he found it difficult to compete. He then became a builder in the village, where he met Satoru's mother.

During this time, Satoru hasn't wasted any time training. He has made significant progress with cursed energy, understanding the infinity technique, and physical training. Initially, it was challenging, but thanks to his six eyes, it became easier. However, his natural talent also plays a significant role. Gojo Satoru is naturally gifted, allowing him to grasp things more quickly.

He's become quite intelligent due to his past studies and now has better control over cursed energy. As for the infinity technique, he can activate it at will, although not for long durations. He's also practicing combat techniques to be prepared for the future.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Satoru is already 10 years old. He stands at 1.38 meters tall (around 4'5", I think; I'm not entirely sure as I didn't research this thoroughly). He's taller than most kids his age. He wears a white shirt, black pants, and black shoes, along with dark sunglasses, as he eats an apple on the roof of his house.

"Who would've thought time flies so fast? I still remember practicing with blue and almost destroying my house, haha."

"Satoru, come down from the roof and take these things to Grandma Mary."

"I'm coming, Mom."

Satoru jumps off the roof and lands in front of his mother. He grabs the box she had and then runs off towards the village. Watching him run so fast, his mother shakes her head and returns home.

"Here you go, Grandma Mary. These are the things my mom sent."

"Thank you, Satoru. As a reward for bringing these, have this bag of sweets. Just don't eat them all at once; you might get a toothache."

"Don't worry, Grandma, I won't eat them all." (But I can't promise if I can resist the temptation.)

"Goodbye, Grandma."

"Goodbye, Satoru."

After saying goodbye to Grandma Mary, Satoru leaves his house and takes a lollipop from the bag of sweets he just received. He unwraps it and puts it in his mouth.

"Mmm, it tastes like grape."

Satoru walks through the village, greeting everyone. Many return his greetings with smiles or kind words. Everyone in the village knows Satoru as a fun, mischievous, and lively boy. He sometimes plays pranks, but they're always harmless. Many enjoy his company, while others feel sorry for him.

In this world, everything revolves around mana. If you have a lot of mana, you'll be respected, but if you have little, bad things might happen to you. Everyone in the village knows Satoru by two titles. The first is "The Sky Boy," named for his snow-white hair and beautiful eyes. The second is "Hated by the World," referring to his lack of mana.

Normally, a child awakens their magical power around the age of 5, but some awaken it later, around 6 or 7. But five years have passed, and Satoru hasn't awakened his magical power. Some thought there was something wrong with him or that he had a disease. But after seeing a doctor, they discovered that Satoru doesn't have even a drop of mana.

Upon hearing this news, Satoru's parents were devastated. They couldn't believe their beloved son couldn't use mana. Not only is the inability to use mana inconvenient, but it also exposes him to potential hatred and contempt from others. This worried his parents deeply, and they hugged their son tightly, assuring him that they would always support him no matter what.

Satoru, who was in the embrace of his parents, was quite calm. He had known about this since he was three, so he didn't think much of it and acted as if the news impacted him greatly. As he walked through the village, he reached a park that was somewhat deserted and ran into some kids he had once considered friends but now seemed to no longer be.

"Look who's here, the famous mana-less boy."

"Haha, no magical powers for you, huh?"

"Why don't you go cry to your mommy about not having magical powers?"

The kids began to mock Satoru for his lack of magical power. They used to be friends, but once they gained their powers, their arrogance grew rapidly. Despite being children, they had a good amount of mana and claimed they would soon become magic knights. Seeing that Satoru hadn't awakened his magical power fascinated them, and they mocked him for it.

"Yes, yes, I have no magical power. Why don't you go home and let your mommy comfort you? Oh right, you don't have a mom anymore, boo-hoo."

"Why don't you ask your older brother to help you control your magical power? Well, he was a magic knight, but he got caught doing illegal things."

"Lastly, please scream at the top of your lungs that you have no magical power so we can all leave."

Satoru started mocking the children with the most painful remarks, and it had the desired effect. All the children were angry at what Satoru said and his demeanor. He was mocking them with a friendly smile, waving his arms and making mocking gestures.

They couldn't take it anymore and lunged at Satoru, while others cast simple spells at him. However, all the spells stopped inches away from Satoru, just like the children's fists.

"This is why I hate playing with kids; they don't see the world with innocent eyes. Since you started this, it's self-defense, hehe."

Satoru had his head bowed, laughing with a friendly smile but an underlying sense of danger. The children in front of him withdrew their fists and took a few steps back, while the floating spells disappeared. This surprised them, but what surprised them even more was seeing a black sphere appear in Satoru's right hand, which then turned blue.

"We need to clean up the trash to keep our streets clean. [Cursed Technique: Blue Amplifier]"

Satoru lifted his gaze to see the children with his smile still on his face and launched the blue sphere in his hand upwards towards them. The children watched as the sphere passed over them, thinking that the spell had failed. But they all felt something pulling them, and before they knew it, they were floating and crashing into each other.

Satoru's blue technique pulled all the children towards it, and they were all clustered around it. Seeing them scared and trying to escape brought joy to Satoru, and with a simple finger movement, he sent the spell towards an alley. The spell followed Satoru's direction and flew towards the alley, taking the children with it.

The spell hit a wall and disappeared, while the children who were sent flying crashed into the wall and fell to the ground. They were all hurt, with some worse off than others—broken noses, bumps on foreheads, broken arms. They were all groaning in pain, with some screams here and there. This caught the attention of the villagers.

Satoru continued his walk without even looking back at the children. He already knew their condition and the outcome, so he took out another candy from the bag and started eating it as he walked back home.

(Good thing they backed off; I couldn't use blue while Infinity was active.)






"Alright, I've almost got control of blue down. I still need to perfect it, and then I can move on to teleportation. Oh, I also need to figure out how to use the reverse red technique."

"So much to do. I also need to convince my parents to let me go to the capital to find out what point in history I'm at. Even if they tell me the year, I won't know where I am. I don't know if they put a date in the manga, or if I just didn't pay attention to it."

"Depending on where I am in the story, that's how I could change the course of history or leave it as it is."


<Author: if you have suggestions or anything can tell me>.

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