

She just wanted to live the life she was granted. He wanted to rule his kingdom which was taken from him. They were bound by a thread called Destiny but the thread had many misfortunate knots. It's their journey to untangle the knots and live the life they deserved. He smirks She smiles. His growl Darkens the world, Her smile enlightens the world. He lives in the dark, She finds light in dark. What happens when they meet they are opposite of each other. It is said opposite poles attract each other Both souls were lost in their own world. Both needed the support of moonlight. Watch how they walk in the moonlight hand in hand living their journey till the end and follow me in this crazy journey.

Mystique_Goddess · Fantasía
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8 Chs





Rini is now 18 years old.

TULIP you can control or to be controlled Tulip tulipp...Rini Rini wake up] Rini woke up with a jolt and saw her mother standing in front of her shaking her to wake up.

[Rini wake up you are going to be late for your school again.] Rini's mom said [yes mom I am up stop shaking me] her mom was still shaking her from her dream. [Did you have nightmares again] her mom asked with a concerned face. [Noo mom}She kisses her mom on the cheeks saying good morning and rushing to the bathroom. My dear tulip you are a liar author smirked!

[fast fast or else the bald teacher will cook me alive fast] Rini kept mumbling to herself. In another 10 min, she was done from showering and was down for breakfast.

She stuffed her mouth with the sandwich and ran for her school obviously she missed the bus.[Go slowly or you will fall ]Rini's mother shouted

Rini waved her mom goodbye and ran thinking if she ran faster than cheetah maybe just maybe she will reach then.

As the warrior enters the battle and all soldiers cheer the same way Rini entered the classroom but the difference was students were laughing. [Welcome see the goddess entered ]the old bald teacher said [clap everyone] Rini muttered a small sorry then entered the class and sat on the last bench.

The school was going to end very school she would proceed with the next chapter of her life college. Everyone considered her a freak maybe because she joined school recently up until now she was homeschooled because they didn't have much money her mom worked as a saleswoman after years of hard work her mom was promoted to the position of manager.

Her life was way too stable these two years of school had few things in common her being a freak an outcast hence no social life, her loving mom and last her one and only friend Alex and the only thing variable was her disturbing nightmare that came in a warning. Warning her maybe of the upcoming storm. It was the calmness before the storm.

Another useless day she said to the bird sitting opposite to her on the tree outside the window. The bird gave a short nod and flew away fluttering her wings to her nest. Whoa! the bird also understands me Hehehe the bird also has a bad day like me.

If only mom understood me and did not send me to school it would have been happily ever after for me but her mom understood the importance of interaction cause Rini was really socially awkward always stayed cooped up in her own little world.

It will all end soon once I graduate. The headache prom is coming soon anyways I will go alone. Fine by me she thought.

Bell rang it was break time

[Hey Rini] a voice shouted. She turned around and saw her only friend Alex. The only problem was that Alex was in another section so they meet very little. Both of their mom are friends as they both worked as saleswomen and were almost promoted at the same time.

[Hey Alex] She did high-five with him so...

[I wanted you to ask you something] Alex mumbled slowly with his one hand behind and his ears were pink he was shy.

[Ya ask] Rini said with her mind in another planet perhaps the universe.

[wouldyougoonprmwithme] Alex said in one go

[Alex you see I only understand human language so please speak clearly] she said annoyed.

[I was asking would you go on the prom with me] Alex said.

[why your cheerleading girlfriend cheated you or you cheated

on her playboy] Rini smirked.

Alex was embarrassed [no I thought you were lonely so I asked it is my duty as your only friend]. [Finee I will go] Rini agreed. If only Rini knew why Alex asked her.

They were going to cafeteria where the prom committee was handling flyers. what is this an invitation] Rini thought. she took the flyer in her hand and saw a stranger's photo saying he was the special guest and he was going to give a speech on prom day. Once again wastage of my time speech seriously. But she had to admit this face was handsome.

[He is good looking!!] she said a bit loudly Alex heard and said [You don't know him, Rini, seriously are you sure you even living in this world]

[Good question sometimes even I doubt that hehe let us leave this handsome boy and skip school] Rini said. [Sure Rini Binnie! let's go]...

Rini threw the flyer away and a group of teenagers stepped on the flyer, oh the poor face of the special guest author sighed.

Rini may you find the special guest special

Author smirks

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