
I Am Your's

Where A K-pop Idol fell in love with an ordinary girl living with burden of responsibility.

Amicable_Tv · Fantasía
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10 Chs


Hyo-Sonn looked at them with confusion written all arround her face.

Jimin - You don't know whom you are talking about? Don't you?

Hyo-Sonn - I don't. I mean how can you expect me remember so many humans i have never met in my live.

Jin - but you are meeting him right now.

Hyo-Sonn - ( points at Jin ) you are one of them?

Jin - ( controlling his laugh ) no not me he is the infact he is all of them you talked about.

He says pointing at Suga.

Hyo-Sonn - All? ( she asked shockingly )

Jimin - Allllll....

Hyo-Sonn - That means Lina want to marry only one person not a dozen of humans rather a human with dozen of names.

Suga - Heyy.. I don't have dozen of names but only few.

Hyo-Sonn - Sorry Sorry.. My mistake...

Suga - ( with a beautiful simle ) it's Ok. I know you are not at fault but who is Lina?

He asked her because the moment she took her name something happened in his heart and he himself don't know why but he wanted to know more about her.

Hyo-Sonn - She is my best friend more like my sister, and she is very much into Kpop and Stuffs related to entertainment industry.

Jin - yet you don't know anything about us?

Hyo-Sonn - yep because she knows I don't have extra time to get involved with these things and she respect that side of mine. But i know she will go crazy knowing i met her dream husband.

Jimin - call her and give her a surprise.

Hyo-Sonn - really? But I'm on duty i can't chat on phone now.

Jin - but you are just entertaining your guest and customers.

Hyo-Sonn - ok so I will call her.

She called Lina and put her call on speaker.

Lina picks call and before Hyo-sonn could reply she screamed at her without knowing that three other human are hearing her.

Lina - yaaaa... You silly girl why you called right now? I'm telling, this has to be important or else you are not entering your own room in your own house.

Hyo-Sonn - ( a bit worried ) are you fine? Are you tensed? Everything is fine, right?

Lina - how can anything thing be right when you interpreted my 1st kiss?

Hyo-Sonn - Ooo my.... Ohh noo... You cant... Nooo.... You are in a relationship? Hey girl! I need explanation..

Lina - oh so now you need explanation? When you broke my slumber.

Hyo-Sonn - Slumber? You were kissing or sleeping?

Lina - kissing while sleeping.

Hyo-Sonn - Oohhh God? You are sleeping with a boy? Youuuu cheater.

Lina - Hey over actor, over thinker i wass sleeping and for the 1st time in my life My Suga was about to kiss me in my dream but guess what you tree of cactus decided to call me and i missed mu 1st Kiss.... 🥹🥹🤧🤧🤧

Hyo-Sonn - Oo... Oh.. Then it's fine

The three men standing there started laughing like maniacs.

Lina - who is laughing like that?

Hyo-Sonn - Oh ya that's why I called you because the one who was about to kiss you is here with other two mens you know and they asked me to call you but you were getting wild dreams.

Lina - Nice joke dude.

But next what she hear stoped her breath because Suga was the one who relied this time.

Suga - So what kind of Kiss you were going to have with me in your dreams?

Lina's side went


Hyo-Sonn - hey you are alive? Lina? Are you breathing? Heyy????