
I Am Your's

Where A K-pop Idol fell in love with an ordinary girl living with burden of responsibility.

Amicable_Tv · Fantasía
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10 Chs


Hyo-sonn reached the pet shop on time and met an old lady there.

Lady - So you want this job?

Hyo-sonn - yes, and don't worry I will manage it nicely, you won't get any complaints.

Lady - we will see that, Handle this shop for today, I will observe you and then will give this job to you if I find you a perfect fit.

Hyo-sonn - Sure ( with a happy assuring smile )

Lady - and don't think I will take you for granted, you will get today's payment even if you are not selected, because we don't keep other's money.

Hyo-sonn heart melted, she was more happy to find someone like her father, someone in this world who is not cruel when it comes to money.

Hyo-sonn - I'm glad mam.

Lady nodded and explained her work and left the shop.

Hyo-sonn - I should message at the book store that I will not come there today, I thought that I will meet the owner here and then leave for my job but, now since I have to stay here I need to inform at the Book store.

She messaged the owner there and continued her work here as per the instructions she got.

It was 10 at night when Two men covered from head to toe entered the shop.

They went and stood infront of the main desk.

Hyo-sonn - How may I help you Sir? Do you need anything.

Other Man - We are reveling our face please don't shout, We need a bit of fresh air. Paparazzi are too much sometimes.

Hyo-sonn looked at them confused.

Both of then took their mask off and took a deep breath.

Hyo-sonn - Are you both fine? Do you need any medical help?

Both men looked at her a bit confused as this was 1st time ever after they became famous that someone treated them normally as if she don't know them.

Hyo-sonn - Sir? You both need anything? You look lost?

Man - You don't know us?

Hyo-sonn - Are you my relative that I should know you?

Other Man - V hyeong this is 1st time I'm experiencing this type of interaction in our Korea that to near our Hybe building.

Tae - Jk Maybe she don't want to overreact so she under reacted.

Hyo-sonn - I guess you both know that I'm standing here itself and I also can hear you both?

Jk - Oh.. Ya... So Hi, I'm Jk.

Hyo-sonn - good evening sir, do you need anything? You can look arround the shop.

Tae - That we will but 1st tell me you really don't know us?

Hyo-sonn - I really really don't know you both.

Jk - don't lie gorgeous lady, you live in Korea and have not seen any banners with our photo?

Hyo-sonn - Oh so you are some celebrity? But why should i recognise you from any banner? Honesty speaking i don't understand why should I follow some humans blindly and love them when I know that they don't even know I existed? Isn't it insane?

Jk - Exactly my thought, but I'm glad that our Army Love's us.

Hyo-sonn - Korean Military Army Love's you both? ( she asked confused )

Both Mens laughed out loud.

Tae - believe me It's my 1st time to meet someone like you. I hope you are not acting to get our attention.

Hyo-sonn - why will I want your attention? I don't trust people easily specially men's. And i hope you are here to buy something?

Jk - oh yes, Hyeong you get Tan's food I will get bam's favourite.

They got their pet's favourite and paid.

Tae - ( before leaving ) you are too pure for this world.

Hyo-sonn - world is also pure it's just the way we look at it. Even in sunny afternoon we can not see bright light with a black shades on eyes. ( she says with a smile)

He to smiled and left with Jk and their pet's food.