
I Am Vengeance Incarnate

A man is reincarnated into DC into the body of a police officer who had just been killed by Victor Zsasz. Now, he is the host of the Ghost Rider, the devil's bounty hunter and he is ready to dish out revenge to every criminal in the world.

Dax_Mite · Cómic
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9 Chs


Don Falcon got into the Metropolis Police Department with a small smile on his face. He was sure what will happen next will scare the cops to no extent. Well, the police did know of him by the way they kept on staring at him till he reached the Captain's office. He got in without knocking, surprising the woman.

"Don Falcon? What are you doing here?" she asked him.

"Captain Dana Martins, it is your lucky day. I have decided that I will surrender myself to you," Don Falcon said, making the Captain frown with uncertainty.

"What do you mean surrender yourself?" she asked for clarity.

"I'll be honest with you, I might have made a terrible enemy in Gotham after my last time where I left with a bang,"

"You should be, I heard Batman is not afraid of getting his hands dirty," she mocked him, but the Don chuckled humorlessly at this.

"I wish I was been hunted by him. But the enemy I am talking about is Flaming Skull. He is not afraid of soaking his bony hands into people, killing them. I am not ready to die, not by him so I want to turn myself in and ask for Superman's protection," the Don answered.

"You want protection from Superman, after what you did? What makes you think that I won't ship you back to Gotham with a letter to him, you as a gift from us?" she asked, making the Don's heart skip a beat. He had underestimated just how much of an impact the Ghost Rider was. This was because the cops didn't want him coming to their cities for with how he operates, they were sure he would leave body counts and with him being invulnerable to bullets, their only trump card to stopping very violent criminals.

"If you do as I asked I will work with your department to get the hidden criminals of Metropolis," the Don said with a sad sigh. The Captain was impressed by this. Don Falcon was truly in a bind if he was willing to be a snitch! This was just incomprehensible.

A news article written by Lois Lane about the arrest of Don Falcon in Metropolis spread like wildfire, especially in Gotham. Gotham residences flooded the streets of Metropolis with banners, screaming that he should be tried in Gotham instead of Metropolis but the Metropolis Police Department refused to grant them that wish. Then, they heard that he was going to be protected by Superman till he was locked up in Iron Heights! This caused even the residences of Metropolis to forget about their hero and start throwing vegetables at him.

Superman was surprised at how much bloodthirsty these people were but still held on. He was shocked when he was requested for this but when he heard the stakes, he didn't hesitate. Being a hero is to catch villians, but heroes who kill are not heroes according to him. He was very confident with his strength, confident enough to not worry about this new threat.

After the hearing of Don Falcon and his sentence of 200 years in Iron Heights coming to an end, it was time to leave the courthouse but what awaited them outside was a burning skeleton on a bike looking straight at Don Falcon.

"Escape is furtile, Don Falcon! Your soul still needs plucking," Daniel said, demonically, as he got of the Harley. Don Falcon took a few steps backwards in fear as Superman landed in between the two.

"Listen here, Flaming Skull, what you are doing, taking justice in your own hands, it is wrong! I will have to arrest you for the murder of all those people in Gotham," Superman said. He could have said more but he had a feeling this being wasn't here to be lectured.

"I am the Vengeance of God, what does a mortal have to make me listen to it. Get out of the way or I will purge you too," Daniel said as he walked towards him.

"Vengeance of God? Which god just decides that killing is fine?"

"Clearly you haven't read the Bible," Daniel sneered before arriving in front of the Kryptonian. "MOVE!" His last word was more demonic than the last ones.

"Not gonna happen," Superman answered.

"Fine," Daniel growled before trying to punch him on the face. Superman got hold of the fist with one hand, a cocky smile on his face.

"You might have been strong where you came from but this is Metropolis," Superman bragged.

"I know where I am," Daniel growled back before his fist suddenly lit on fire. The fire was like a parasite as it suddenly spread to Superman's hand, consuming his whole body in Hell Fire. "This is a special kind of fire, it feeds on guilt. It is normally harmless but to santient beings, it is the worst." Superman started screaming in pain as his flesh started sizzling meaning the Hell Fire of guilt was working on him. Daniel then turned to where Don Falcon was but only saw the judge staring at him in shock. He then looked at the convoy and saw it was about to leave, Don Falcon inside. Daniel screeched loudly, affecting the electromagnetic grid around the courthouse and definitely affecting the starting mechanism of the cars.

Armed with his shot gun, Daniel walked towards the truck Don Falcon was in. The driver and his passenger were panicking as they tried to start the truck with no success, while Don Falcon was pissing himself. He had seen what he had done to Charles Manson due to a GCPD leak and he didn't want to be the next Manson. The back door was ripped open, showing the scared Don the being that has been giving him nightmares for two days.

"You have been a naughty boy!" Daniel growled before getting hold of the ankle chains ripped them from the truck then used them to drag the overweight man out of the truck as easy as pulling a feather. The man was doing his best to resist as the police got out of their cars and opened fire at Daniel who didn't even falter or look at them. He proceeded to melt the chain onto the back of the bike and was about to get on, clearly intent on driving it whilst dragging the man on the ground when a blue and red blur smashed into him, crashing about two hundred metres away, leaving a trench behind. Daniel looked up and saw Superman, still burning, looking at him with anger, his teeth clenched together and his skin burnt and continuing to burn.

"I will not let you do this!" the hero said, his voice showing the amount of willpower he had.

"I am surprised. Most would have succumbed to the fire by now but you are not like them. It would mean that whatever guilt you have isn't eating you as much as you thought, probably because you are an alien," Daniel said, making the hero relax a moment, taken aback by his words before he increased his grip on his back bone.

"You don't know anything of what I have gone through!" Superman growled.

"I know more than you can imagine. Growing up in a farm, realizing you are an alien with powers, being shunned by normal people because of being weird, not pursuing your dream because of your strength, father dying while you couldn't save him! I know much about you, Kal El of Krypton, but you don't know anything about me," Daniel said before getting hold of his hands with both of his before slowly making them let go of his spine. He then started pushing the Kryptonian away as he got up till they were now hands locked but still pushing.

"I have the strength to back my power," Daniel said before suddenly pulling on the hero, bringing him closer to him, giving him the edge to deliver a headbutt that made the Kryptonians dizzy and let go. The hell fire died on his command.

Superman recovered quickly then send a shockwave punch at Daniel who blocked it with one hand, but was till sent sliding backwards. Daniel growled back as he went again, making Superman send another punch. He skillfully went under it before delivering a shockwave punch of his own that sent the hero to the sky. Looking up, Daniel regretted a little that he couldn't fly. Superman came flying down at Supersonic, smashing into Daniel, making the ground tremble as they both went underground, Superman using his head as a drill.

Daniel saw he was in a pinch and he roared in anger. A green fire started burning from his skull. He turned his head forcefully, staring at Superman before punching him from sideways, making the hero fly in the opposite direction, making an even bigger tunnel. Daniel kicked on the sides, making him propel after Superman, the ground equal to foam on his skull. He caught up with the hero, punching him again, upwards, sending the him upwards, making the ground open up and shower on the surface as he went up a couple more hundred metres before he stopped. He couldn't believe how strong his opponent was.

He looked down and saw the Flaming Skull getting out of the ground but what happened next made him almost laugh. He saw the man tilt his skull forward and soil flowed out of his eye sockets for a good few seconds then stopped. He tapped his head on the back two times, making the left over soil flow out before he shook his skull thrice, made sure there was no more then looked up.

"Not even bleeding! Colour me impressed. But, the real deal starts now!" Daniel growled. His frame suddenly became bigger, while he was 1.95m, he was now a whooping 2.7m giant of a skeleton. A red flame was now burning on his head and even Superman could feel the air heating up. This was the hell fire flame of anger!