
I am Vegeta

When I died I expected to be reincarnated, Which I did but the thing is...I didn't expect to be reincarnated twice... Unfortunately, the past has always come back to haunt you Naruto in db super.

Imabethatguy12345 · Otras
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21 Chs

Chapter 7

Vegeta "And that's should give them enough time until Kakorot to show up."

Choaitsu- "Whose Kakorot?"

Tien- "He means Goku"

Chiaotsu- "Oh, why doesn't he just say goku?"

Vegeta-"Its a saiyan thing."

Krillin- "Wait a minute Goku is coming?"

Vegeta- "Yes I sensed him from space he's for a long way to go till he arrives."

Yamacha- "Wait a minute if you knew that he was coming then why didn't you tell us?"

I gave him a blank look...

Vegeta- "It slept my mind" I lied

yamacha. looked skeptical before he roled it off.

Yamacha- whatever, Here's what I think I think that a woman shouldn't be a part of this".

Vegeta- "And yet your still here?!"

Yamcha glared at me

Yamacha- I Just think that it would be perfectly reasonable if sh-"

Bulma grabs Yamachas ear and yanks it down.

Bulma- "Anyone want to explain to Yamcha here what ten pounds of torque does to a human ear?"

Gohan- "Rips it off?"

Bulma "Very good, Gohan!"

Cue every body laughs. well except for me piccolo tien and Chiaotsu.

Krillin sighs

Krillin-"we are going to Fucking die!"