
I Am The Werewolf

Izzy is the young kid, who is the werewolf. She lives in the town and keep her identity secret. She lives alone in abandoned house. She had a friend who is normal human name Rosie she soon found out who Izzy is one day. Izzy’s werewolves friends went to Izzy to warn her about Jack. Who is their friend but soon finds out Jack is no good and is their enemy.

Ninjadragonfire10 · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

My name is Izzy, I am werewolf. I am born in the forest. My whole family and pack is the werewolves, there are others werewolves in different place some are our enemies and some are not. Nobody knows that werewolves exist and we hidden from them. And there are the true leaders in each packs of werewolves also there are Alpha... but sadly we don't seem them that much so it really rare to see alpha and we call it Werealpha. And yea it sound bit weird to say that, but that what we call it.

I live alone and live in abandoned home. In the town. I live there which it not good idea so, I change my look to look like normal human and hid my fangs. I am just 12 year old living alone and I know children like age 12 need to have parents and family but some don't and I'm ok without my family. Even the pack. I do go to school like everybody else children and I have to control my anger cause it can show my fang and my glowing eye so lucky I use the eye contact every time I go out somewhere. As right now I am packing up my school stuff and ready go to school witch it not really fun. As I was walking down to sidewalk and see busses, cars, children running around, crying, laughing, talking, and others they do. I ignored the children so they won't bother me. But except one of girl. Who I met first day of school two years ago. She doesn't bother me that much but I can tell she trying to talk to me so I can hang out with her. It been going on for days until I finally laugh when she says something funny. Her name is Rosie, she do have parent and little brother who is 5 year old. She and I became good friend. As I see my friend waiting for me outside of school.

" you know you don't have to wait for me..." as I said while smiling.

" I know... but I know someone else who want to brag about what she have and do to your face... " Rosie said as she cross her arm and her finger inch her neck.

" still inching...? " I ask as my eyebrows rise.

" yea... it been going on for days...! " as Rosie sound annoyed, and rolls her eyes.

" did you tell your parent about this...?" As I respond to Rosie as I open the door and let Rosie in first then I go in the door close on it self.

We both kept walking though the hallway to classroom.

" yes I did, mom is buying the new soap today..she thinks the other soap is dirty by my little brother.." as Rosie respond.

She and I went into class and sat down the chair near the table.

As soon Rosie about to talk but the other girl inrup our talk and started bragging about fancy clothes. I rolls my eyes and hearing her saying Blah, Blah, and Blah. The teacher came and started teaching.

The School finished in 8 hours. I was walking outside and ready to go home. The same girl came to my face to brag about it to my face and all again I hear is Blah, Blah, and Blah. This girl is wearing the fancy rich clothes color pink and white. Her hair is light brown and her hair style is curly and down. Even her two friends has same style but different colors. Their skin is lighter than I know. And mine is kinda bit light skin but has lighter brown on me.

" you know I'm hearing you is saying.... Blah, Blah, Blah and I don't even care...." as I said to girls face,

they don't care and huff at me and left. As finally I can go home. As I got to home and out my stuff away. And course I had to finish homework first. Few hours pass by I heard the howl of werewolves. I soon to smile and leave the house and close the door. I ran to the side walk until I reach to the trees and went more deep as I know. As I soon to stop. I took off my eye contact and realize my fangs and growls as then I howl. I do that sometimes but not everyday cause my friend will call me and ask or something and I have to go all the way to the town so yea. Rosie doesn't know that I'm werewolf also don't have family but I do meet my friends werewolves from their pack. I met three of them and they are different types of werewolves.

Black werewolves, brown werewolves, white werewolves, and others. There are millions of them and I heard that we can't mix the breed due to unknown.

As soon my werewolves friends soon came out of the trees and soon to growls and sniffing. There were five of them. Surrounded around me which I like it cause this is what werewolves friends do. One of my friend is the boy he soon walk close to me. He is one of our enemy but once we got know of him, we kept secret so their pack won't know.

" good evening... I heard your howl Jack... did something happen or you want to race while we became wolf...? " as I smirk at Jack,

He smile and said yes we all soon transform into the full wolf and start racing into the woods. We are the pups of werewolves and having fun chasing and running. But till we saw the human walking into the woods, I hid and my friends left didn't notice. I soon escaped and ran back to my home before I change back to normal self. I was sweating and breathing hardly as Rosie is looking for me and saw me. Lucky she didn't see me changing back from being wolf.

" hi Rosie... " as I said breathing hardly.

" have you been running for whole time...? " Rosie said as she turn her head confused.

" sorta... it long story... so are you looking for me..?" as I respond and took deep breath.

" yes and I been trying to call you... and texting but you didn't respond back..." as Rosie said

" sorry I was busy and lost track of time... " I respond.

" it ok.. you been going around for two years... what you been doing for whole time...? " Rosie ask.

" like I said it long story... " I said in soft voice.

" ok... so I was meaning to tell you that at school the principal send us the email about the play.... it called Alpha And The Child... it base on true story...." as Rosie soon to smile.

I groans and respond back.

" how many times I have to tell... werewolves and Alpha dose not exist... and gotta say that title seem catchy..."

" I know you don't believe in werewolves and Alpha... but they want us to do it also we all are required to go to play and see which character we got and there will be some of them so we all required... sorry Izzy, I tried to tell the principal that you will not be interested be in the play. He said it doesn't matter but no choice.. and important people are coming so now we need to go now! " Said Rosie

She soon to grab my arm and pull me in. We both ran all the way to the school. And there are the long line of students and can see they want to be in the play even the three girls with fancy clothes. Rosie and I stand in the line, waiting to be call next, again I heard howling. I can understand the howling and there are different types. My friends are looking for me. As I turn back and look into the sky. Rosie soon holds my hand and look at me so did I.

" it just few of wolves howling... and don't worry they are not near here... there nothing to be afraid..." as Rosie said while smiling.

" thanks...." I said.

It been howling for an hour which it gotten me worried cause I know what will happen next after few hours. Finally I was next soon and Rosie already did and she is standing and waiting for me. When I soon walk up to the principal. He gave me the paper so I can copy the words. I look at the words. I look up and starting acting.

" I was just a young pup, but a werewolf...or should I say... an Alpha..." I was going to continue but I kept hearing Howling it getting loud and more close I can tell they are near.

" I have a pack and family. My mother, father and young brother pup... sadly they abandoned me. Because of the enemies of the pack and I shall have my revenge and I will slowly make the revenge..." I finish the paper. I look down little at principal, he look shock by me, he soon to smile and look down on the paper and writing something. I'm not sure if I got in or not but I do hope I do not got in.

" you may go Izzy..." Principal said looking down the paper.

I soon leave. Rosie was there and we both hug.

" that's was amazing.... you are so excellent at acting... where you got that from...? " Rose asked while smiling.

" I don't know.. I just... act... beside I doubt that I got in...". I respond while Rosie and I leaving the school.

" you kidding... you will be in that play... playing as the Alpha....!" As Rosie said and sound really happy.

" if you say so... I bet you if I don't got in... you own me something...!" As I said laughing.

" if you got in... I am helping you for the character..." as Rosie said while smiling.

" I had to meet up someone... do you want me meet up with you later or see you tomorrow...? " I ask.

" oh don't worry, see you tomorrow..." Rosie said as she soon to leave.

I suddenly left and ran to the deep woods and then I howls to let my friends know that I'm ok. Jack soon appears behind me and I know. I turn around and see Jack.

" where were you.. we are worried sick?! " as Jack growled and yelled at me angry.

" I got lost... and when I heard you howl I thought I will find you guys but seem I was worng..." I respond back at Jack.

"... sorry I had to yell... but we got worried... and if that humans caught you.... who knows..." Jack said.

" I was hiding cause I saw human. And you guys left and I wasn't there..." I soon respond slowly.

Jack soon sighs and respond.

" that's explain why I see you stand behind...." Jack Reapond.

" where others..?" As I noticed none of my friends came.

" they left home... and I promise them that I will keep looking for you no matter how long..." Jack explain.

" thanks for finding me but I can take care of myself..." I said.

" right... if that going to happen..." as Jack said and soon to leave.

I went back home.