
I am The Villain! [AU - MARVEL/DC UNIVERSE)

Starting within the hellish walls of Hells Kitchen, New York. Adrian Starhart was a victim to black market mutant-trafficking, finding himself imprisoned to be tortured for hours on end, and treated less than a beast ever would. However, at the take-over of another soul, the X-gene in his body had undergone another awakening, proving that his life truly wasn't over, and that there was something else out there in the world he was meant to be... It all depended solely on his view of human nature... Something he detested as the new soul peered through the small life time of horrific things his previous self had to deal with before he arrived. '...Fine. I get it... All my past life's skills and experience were meant for this moment right here. All that time I spent wondering if my line of work was even worth anything in the end- It seems I was wrong. There is something I can use those skills for... Correcting this dastardly world by my own hands!' This world is mix of MCU and the Comic universe. With a bit of DC mixed in here and there as well. The story isn't about structure or realistically anything to do with the Marvel timeline or DC's. Whatever I choose to happen will happen, it will be an action pact more straight forward story.

Kustomari · Cómic
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8 Chs

The Build Up


NAME: Adrian Starhart


ABILITIES: Telekinesis (0/100) Telepathy (50/100) Warlocks Eye (1)

PASSIVES: True Magic Affinity (0) Warlocks Eye (1)

. . .


Description: Precise and perfect control of energies and inherent abilities. Provides 360-degree field of view and allows for absolute perception and grants the ability to peer further than the eye can see- Breaching through dimensions- eventually even space and time.]

Adrian smiled deviously, his heartbeat speeding up as he neared the end of the description. 'Let's go~ I won the lottery with this one. Good.' Smirking internally, he put his new ability to the test, finding that it was a lot easier to perceive the thermal energy that wafted off every single one of the captured mutants around him.

He even glanced upward, his smirk shifting to a delighted grin as he caught wisps of life above him. 'This collar is probably still affecting my eyes, but only a bit. I'm sure the higher the levels of my abilities, the more this power dampening shit lessens.'

This made him extremely happy. To the point he nearly started cackling to himself under his breath, disturbing the others greatly.

Some were beginning to think it was deeper than simple insanity...

But now, Adrian sat up straight. His gaze shifted to the progress on his Telepathy ability. 'Hmm... When that notification cleared up, I gained some XP. It was coordinated with the ability I just tapped into just now too... Maybe active usage and discovery is what pushes the ability to reach a new peak?' Well, when put like that, that made complete sense.

Adrian hummed, shrugging as he mentally admonished himself, finding that his common sense seemed to be taking a dive after all the fantasy-shit- His words- he experienced.

'Still, this collar...' He frowned, his hand reaching for the collar only for it to tighten, an electrical tingle rising the closer his hand got.

"Ah!" He groaned slightly, letting out a breath of air as he shook his head, defeated.

'Still. One step at a time... This is progress.' Consoling himself, he decided to familiarize himself with the feeling of his new eyes, as well as his new, expanding mental prowess.

. . .

[JUNE 14TH, 2005]

"Alright you pieces of trash! Wake the hell up and get out here!" Adrians eyes shot open, his face a perfect frame of stoicism as he slowly raised to his feet, the chains around his ankles finally making themselves present as he stumbled a bit.

The others did much the same, groaning all about as they were all awoken in the dead of night.

RIIIIIING! A nasty, teeth grinding buzzard blasted the room as the metal gates that acted as their prisons opened. Sliding to a screeching halt, Adrian stepped forward first, his feet touching the cold, wet pavement below.

His captor grabbed him by his arms, dragging him forward as he forced Adrian to the ground. Instantly slapping another set of thick titanium-alloy cuffs on his wrists, binding him further.

"Don't think you can get smart and try something with me, miracle-bug..." He spat, yet again grabbing Adrian violently by his arms and yanking him back to his feet. The boy groaned, his wrists grinding against the harsh grip of his restraint.

Such treatment was dished out regularly, though, as the group of prisoners were dragged out of their usual holdings and into the facility they dwelled, Adrian was constantly getting the harsher end of the stick...

"Keep it moving, 0052! No time for dallying!"

"Mmph!" Adrian grunted under his breath, glaring at the trash who pushed him. It was a man wearing a balaclava, something every single one of the captors seemed to share. The only thing that was ever visible were their eyes, making it difficult to distinguish them...

That was the case at first, but now with the awakening of his Warlock Eyes, Adrian is more than capable of remembering their psychic signatures.

"Heh." The man scoffed, stopping before a door within the mirky hallway they resided.

'Damn... Where the hell are we? I'm too deep to sense the world above ground.' Adrian mentally cursed, making his best guess the sewers of some major city network. However, his thoughts were interrupted by the sudden creak and forceful opening of a nearby several-inch thick steel door.

"Once instructed, line up and keep your mouths closed... Understood?" Every but Adrian nodded. Being the first one, naturally, Adrian was forced to step up.

As he walked through the door he was met a rather sorry sight; Molded walls filled with moisture casted a murky, brownish green tint over the rooms- Its lighting being two simple light bulbs hanging from the ceiling.

Though, their brightness was the only thing that kept some of the prisoners sane.

Upon reaching his position within the line though, he got a better angle of a few things. 'Huh... This is more like an examination room than anything... Shit, if they're selling us, I might be screwed!'

He made no distinct expressions, but his toe began to tap restlessly- showing his failure to fully hide his anxiety. However, from the rest of the world, he's the perfect persona of a stone rock.

Throughout the group, Adrian counted thirteen; 'Strange... I swear there was another...' Then it clicked, within his inverted worldly sight, there was one psychic flame missing... The man that sat on the other side of the wall.

The one he couldn't see.

[The wheel of fate turns... A subtle premonition courses through your veins...]

A random notification from the system popped up, suddenly obstructing the young mutant's view. However, before he was even able to further investigate, he was interrupted by the people in the room.

"W-What are you going to do to us?!"

"M-mommy! I-I'm scared!"

"Finally! You crazy bastards are putting us out of our misery, huh!?"

Various, but similar, explosions occurred from damn near all thirteen mutants. Each fighting against their active restraints as fear of their unknown futures crept in.

The masked traffickers remained silent, holding onto their fully automatic weapons with an excited finger.

The one Adrian recognized as the leader of the whole thing, stepped forward once more. Clapping to gather the collectives' attention. A metal door frame that leads to pure darkness was situated behind the captor; no doubt Adrian was sure that whatever was about to happen had something to do with that door.

"Great! Now we can get started—"

Yet, before Adrian very eyes the harsh and dangerous world he found himself in began to unfold... The various forces that make the world spin and the universe alive. The boy knew what world and universe he resided in, but still...



The chaotic desynchronized timing of the Marvel universe appears!!

Lol, anyway thank you for the support! The story will be getting on the road within the next couple chaps.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kustomaricreators' thoughts