
I am the ultimate faker

Issei was a normal kid with normal friends not knowing what his life would and not knowing about the supernational world until one day he met someone who gave him a new type of power and now with his life upside down what will be do especially with luck not in his side fanfic Harem? will have some shit and some conversation you guys may not like also this is an au so if the character don't act like they should that is the answer

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Cómic
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38 Chs

This my power

Issei was confused by this raven hair girl lookat this girl issei first thought was that she was good-looking and a nice body the thing that cought his eyes were hear beautiful raven black hair for some reasons issei like that colour black and even more liked crows and ravens Issei didn't know why he just didn't. As Issei saw the girl approaching him as the girl had an innocent smile on her face. As she then spoke and said something that shocked issei

I am sorry can you repeat that.

Issei said not believing what she said.

Well I asked if you wanted to go on a date with me.

Issei thought to him that this was not bad after all this can be good for him after all the last relationship he had will let's say it didn't end will for him so issei just looked at this girl.

Alrighty I except but what is your name can you atlest can you tell me what your name is.

Hearing this the girl will be shocked and have blush on her face.

Sure my name is Yuma.

Alright Yuma let's go on our date Tomorrow if that is ok with you.

Sure issei.

Said Yuma in a happy voice as she then left seeing this issei had a smile on his face he thought to him self that at least he can finally get over that relationship of his. After going away from issei Yuma had Wicked smile on her as she spoke to her self.

Wow it was that easy to trick him I guessed killing him will be easy after.

As Yuma said that Two drak angel wings came out of her back as she then teleported back to her place. Meanwhile issei went back to his house and seeing his dad.

Ah issei what took you so long in have been waiting for in this place.

Issei dad said in voice that said I need food.

Oh yeah sorry about that let me go cook something also for why I am let I gut asked out by a girl.

Hearing this his dad was happy seeing that his son was starting to date again. As Issei went to kitchen to cook and after that he mad the food and went to his room to sleep as the next day arrived as he then went to school while going he passed by sona. As he was going he heard Sona calling out for him. Issei turned his head seeing her issei just sighed to him.

What do you want sitri.

I just wanted to tell that I am-

For get it don't you get it is 2 years late for an apology if you wanna say sorry do in the right so no I don't except your sorry.

As then issei started to walk away seeing this the other students start to murmur about what just happened.

Did you see it happend again

One of the boys said

Yeah I wonder what is with him and sitri senpie.

Anothe boy said.

If you ask if the way they were talking sounded like that new eachother maybe something happened to them In the past.

Said a girl. If it was anything that made the boys and girls join to gather was what ever was happening between issei and Sona for issei this was headache to deal with so he just went to his class and then went to the Kendo class to blow of some steam.

Wow issei looks like your mad today.

Issei turned his head to seeimg it was kaori.

Oh kaori it is you sorry about pregedent I will be leaving now I have things to do after this so if you want a fight I will do one with you today.

So the rumares and the student talking is finally getting to the knight Prince.

Issei will look at her with a annoyed look before shacking his head up and down to answer his questions. Seeing this Kaori will guest walk back.

Also you can use this room for as long as you want sometimes even I come hear to blow of some steam.

Thanks Kaori.

As Issei then left the Kendo clube as he did he saw two he imdeatly knew who they were they are the pervaded duo schools most hated boys. As then issei slowly walked up to them before tying there legs together with a roup he found before walking away before yalling in the top of his lungs that everyone in the Kendo club can


as like clockwork the boys tryed to run but tripped and the kendo girls came and bet them up as they thanked issei on stopping them issei seeing this will have a small lap as he saw all of this. As then issei went back to his house took a shower and got dressed for his date. As Issei arrived were his date is going to be. As then some approach him and gave him a Flyer as Issei just put it in his card holders.

Oh sorry I am late

Issei turned his head to Yuma and she was looking that is what issei thought as then issei took her to place and even won her stupid crow toy and gave it to her.

Here even do I like them as well I think you will like it more.

Hearing this Yuma will be shocked and take it and hug it thanking issei as then they bought will go to the same park as cannon.

You know iseei this date was fun.

Yuma siand in a happy voice looking at issei as she then started to approach iseei.

Um can you do something for me.


Issei said in confident voice seeing what he can do to help out his new girlfriend. As then Yuma came close to issei seeing this issei thought she was going to kiss him or ask him out on another date but what she said shocked issei he was trying to process what just happened not only that he saw she just will die for me. As the Issei saw her transform

Will you die for me.

As she said that Issei find stopped working he started to process what was happening unthle he saw he transform two dark wings came out her back and see looked much older not only that she weaird something that was similar to a BDSM out fit with two dark wings coming out her back Issei was just trying to process what he was seeing.

If there is anything I will it is that the date was fun so sorry but if you wanna blame someone for this blame god for putting that inside of you.

Issei didn't now what to do but then he was now dodging that of light spear as Issei was trying to keep him slef alive

Why is this happening to me like why me why didn't I get involved with a fallen angel just why

Issei was thinking of all this in his head wanting to survive and not dieing as he was his face of his dad and his friends in Kendo club came to his mind he didn't wanted to die he just wanted to leave as then In Issei mind the door of all of his cards started to band trying to break out as then the lancer card chains broke as then some came out as then iseei stopped and had a smile on his. Seeing this Yuma was confused on why did he stop

You know what Yuma I should thank you for this if you didn't attack me I would know how to use these cards equip

As then issei graved his card holder nad pulled out the lancer card as then in his had a demonic blood red spear came on his hand seeing this Yuma was kinda sacred seeing this before coming her self.

Oh don't get cocky just because you have unlock your powers.

As then Yuma started to shoot her light spear's as then issei started to doughed each of her attack and parying her attacks and destroying the light weapons.

Will looks like you have some skills with the weapon of yours

Seeing the spear Yuma can only thing issei looked like warrior with his spear looking like it was going to bite her head up but she just shocked her head thinking nothing of it as then he went Infront of him as then he almost jabbed him with his Lance as then Yuma went back as Issei asked her something.

Tell Yuma how many

I am sorry what do you mean.

How many people did you do this with and how many People you had killed.

Yuma didn't know what to say as then Yuma went back as then issei moved in speed matching most devil knight before kicking her in the face as the he almost hit her in the head Yuma dogged as then her right solder was stabbed her in it as then yuma went back before as she felt a few strange of her hair fell down to the ground.

Wait Issei don't kill me

Yuma said begging issei. She was scared of him he had bloodlust that can match most high-level devil and speed and string that matched most devil knight and not just that hsi weapon was something that scared her even more all of this together made her scared and not want to die as then rains of light attack came down on were Issei was and made him jump away.

What the hell is takeing your so long Rayner.

Well he is more trouble then I thought dhonesheek.

Alrighty let me finish this.

Said dhonesheek with creepy smile.

Alright you battle maniack.

As then dhonesheek went to issei with his light spear as then they smirk.

Looks like you are the better fighter out of the two of you.

As then issei was seeing that multiple light spear attacks came at him seeing this issei used his Lance to destroy it as he was getting some damaged by the spear issei was not expecting this as he started to doughed all the attack as he went to the forest as Issei was talking a deff breath as he was feeling like his stamina was going down as then multiple spear went at him Issei tryed to block all of them but felt some were stabbing him as then issei thought he had to finish this but he was not able too as then dhonesheek cane to issei and stabbed his right elbow as he then felt blood coming out him as then issei stabbed his Lance at donasheek solder at then issei kicked him were the fountain was at as then dhonesheek went back and started to fly as the he saw that bought of them were going to use a powerful at him and issei was not going to allow that.

You know iseei when said the date was not lying but it looks like you have to die.

Hearing this issei had enough he was going to end this then he held the spear in throwing motion as th lance blood lust went through the roof and they can fell it as issei said it's name

Gea blogh.

As he through it trageting donasheek as then Donasheek tryed to block the spear but Instead her felt a stap thorough his heart as the. He was dead seeing This Yuma was shocked.

How can you use that spear only Chulainn.

As she then went flying with dhonesheek as then issei was down for the count before his body was healed wondering how it happen he turned his head and saw a man with maksi looking at his before he decipher. As Issei thought he need to go back or home as soon as possible.

To be continued

So yeah went back and read chapter one to see if I miss something and yeah I did I missed the alterego card I will be fixing the Ch to add the alterego anyway bye