
I am the system???

Autor: blablador
En Curso · 1.3M Visitas
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a guy dies but he is reincarnated but wait...he is the system and must chose his host and give him power's? 1chapter maybe more weekly

Chapter 1a minecraft system?

i was walking to my home trying to not think that i will need to do the same thing again tomorrow and the next day as well

wake up>eat>go to work>work>go Home>eat> sleep

this is the only thing that i have done for the past 10 years everyday nonstop

'ehh sometimes i would like to just leave all this and go to and adventure to see the world...no no stop! and adventure?? yea sure like that would happened you have 38 year man stop thinking of such childish things ...'


suddenly i felt my body being hit by something and i flew some distance away. i could feel that my bones are shattered and blood started coming out of my body

Truck driver: hey you alry...look at m....the amb...omi..


MC: where am i? why is it so dark?

i suddenly remembered what happened and i felt shivers going down my non existent spine

MC: did i die?? is this the afterlife??

hello you have been chosen to be reincarnated as a system and to find your host helping him accomplish his goals in life please select what kind of system you want to be~!]

MC: system?? like the one in those novels that i read when i was young? and what do you mean i need to select what system i want to be?

[yes you will be reincarnated as a system in one of those novels you read you also need to chose what kind of system you want to be you need to choose from one of the books/films/games/anime you played/watched/read]

MC:can you explain this better?

[example in when you were 15 years old you played "Enter The Gungeon" if you want to be a gungeon system you will be able to give your host every item from that game if the game has a main character that has inhuman strength than the host you chose will have the strength of that character too]

MC: ...can i have some time to chose? 'Jesus i need to try and understand all this im not even sure if this is real its so weir'

[yes take your time]

'ehhh ok i need to think what is the most powerful main character with good powers from a game, book, anime or film that i saw...'

some time has passed neither the MC and the mysterious voice have talked to each other but suddenly the MC had a idea

'wait could it be?'

MC: can you show me what kind of powers i could have if i chose to be a ...Minecraft system?

[ inhuman strength]Steve has 36 slots in his inventory, each able to hold up to 64 item, meaning that he can hold 2304 item in total the heaviest item in the game is a golden apple is crafted with an apple surrounded by eight gold blocks. It is presumably the heaviest item in the game Eight gold blocks weigh 340076.24 pounds in total, meaning that, if you count only the weight of gold blocks he can carry 783535656.96 pounds. But there are still the apples that we need to take into account. An apple usually weighs 5 ounces. There is 16 ounces in a pound. That means that there are 10170 ounces of apples if we fill up Steve's entire inventory. when we convert these ounces to pounds. 10170 ounces thus become 635.625 pounds. If we combine the apples with the gold blocks, we get 782536292.585 pounds in conclusion Steve can lift 782536292.585 pounds.

[inventory]-can store anything except living things

[stamina=hunger]-unless your host is not hungry he can run and he will not lose stamina

[health=hunger]-if your host is not hungry he will regenerate at a fast speed

[crafting]-this ability was modified by god the normal crafting space in your inventory is 3x3 and the crafting table is 10x10 not only that but you can craft everything that exist in the omniverse with the right materials

[enchanting]-you have the ability to use the game enchantments but also the one that you learn from the other worlds that you will visit with your host

[always awake]- your host dont need to sleep just like Steve dont need to he can choose to if he want but he does not need it

[shop]-some item from the game cant be find in the omniverse so your host need to buy them from the shop gems are the currency of the shop the most valuable is emerald

[build]-can build anything the your host want the only limits are your host imagination

[Steve curse]-the monsters are going to be more aggressive when its night

'holly sh*t...'

MC: i want to be a minecraft system!

[from now on you will be a minecraft system and your host will have minecraft powers...you will now be send to travel the omniverse to find your host the only restrictions are that you can enter only fantasy world's and game worlds you will not be able to enter a book/film/anime worlds]

the MC disappeared and was in a forest he quickly checked himself and discovered he dont have a body

<so i guess that i need to go and find my host...> (from now on his thoughts will be in "<...>" hope you dont mind this student change)

the MC flew and started to look for a city village or any kind of settlement where people live. he traveled some time days passed after days weeks after weeks months when suddenly in the middle of the night he saw a light


he quickly rushed to the force of light and find some guys roasting meat and a...kid? a girl with cat ears and tail she looked like she was 13year old she was in rough shape she was bleeding from her mouth and her arm was broken she was tied up to the tree with a thick rope

<bandits?...they probably kidnapped the girl...should...should i save her? bind with her? i cant leave her....>

<i will not die if she dies i dont know where i have this knowledge but i know it>

<i at least need to try...and beside i'm a minectaft system i need to have a creative host and children are the most creative>

the MC flew into the little cat girl body and he could fell that he fused with her not only that her wounds have healed but her health was 3 hearts

<i healed the broken bones but the other are still there huh>

Cat girl: *weak voice* huh who said that? 'those guys are beside the fire but i could hear someone'

<ah sorry its me....ammm how to explain this i'm a system that fuse with other people and give them powers i will explain later when we will escape! also talk to me in your mind so the guys beside the fire will not hear us>

'...*shocked* i...who are you? what do you mean powers?'

<i will explain what i am and the powers later but now try to break those ropes one of my powers gives you super strength>

my host was a little confused well i cant blame her i would be too but she did what i say and tried to free herself. she moved her arms and the rope snapped causing some noise. the guys beside the fire looked at her an were a little surprised at what they saw

<well i guess the plan to silently sneak away is out of the table...you need to fight try to scare them with your strength>


she was scared i could see that but i was cheering for her i dont want a little girl to die especially my first host. the guys finally spoken after looking at her

GUY 1: you f*cking brat look at what you did! do you know how expensive that rope was? get her!

one of them walked to her and tried to grab her. he had a weird smile on his face

<oh god is he a lolicon?! punch him!>

my host did as i said her moves were clumsy as she was injured and tired but she swung her arm as hard as she could at the pedophile and when her fist made contact with him HE EXPLODED INTO MILION PIECES

<wow...Steve strength is not something to mess with...how do that monster in the minecraft world were not extinct>


<oh no nothing i was talking to myself>

the comrades of the now dead guy were looking at his at the piece of organs,meat and bones on the ground after they snapped of their trans they looked at the girl and started to run deep into the forest in fear

<good job!>

she collapsed and was now kneeling on the ground

<what happened did you feel sick? well you kill someone just now so i guess its normal...>

'no...i'm tired it hurts and i'm hungry'

even if she told this to me in her head i could hear in how much pain she was <...AH! quickly go and eat the meat that the guys were roasting if you are not hungry than you will heal yourself that is one of my powers!>

my host stood up and started to walk toward the campfire and she take one of the meat that they roasted it was not fully cooked but i didnt stopped her she probably didnt eat in a while

when she ate the meat i could feel that the [health=hunger] is starting to work what surprised me was that i could feel her body regenerate. after a minute she was fully healed and energized

<OK so i guess i need to explain what i am and what happened right? but first what is your name>

'its rose sir'

< no need to call me sir>

'but i was told to call that someone when i dont know his name'

< my name is Carl but this is an old name can you give me a new one?>

'a new one...hmm...maybe Arthur'

<like the legendary king huh? i like it! from now on i'm Arthur!>

'legendary king?'

<well its one of the many tales that i know maybe someday i will tell you some but now i will explain what i am and what happened to you listen careful>

the whole thing take me an hour to explain. i explain what a system is and what my powers are she listened careful and said questions when she didnt understand something i answered her the best i could and after she was done she was silent trying to piece everything that i said i didnt interrupt her and leaved her to her though after a while she asked

'why did you chose me?'

< i wanted to help and by experience i know that children are creative and my powers need creativity>

'what do i need to do now?'

<whatever you want no mater the what you want to do you have my help!>

i was really exited maybe i was a system and i needed a host but this is a start of my desired adventure that i wanted to have since i was a child

'can i go be an adventurer? *voice full of hope*'

so she is like me huh...<of course you can if fact i would say that you will be the best adventurer ever in existence!>

'then i want to travel and see the world like my parents wanted to!'

her parents? i will ask later this may be touchy subject <for now i lets create you a proper equipment and gather materials! first thing punch a tree! i know its sound stupid but to it as hard as you can!>

she did as i say well after all that its normal for her to listen to me i guess she trusted me. she walked to the nearest tree and punched with full force and one part of it broke and vanished as the rest of the tree fall down on the ground. i ah i forgot that this is a real world with real physics not minecraft

<do that again until the whole three vanish except the leafs>

she did as i said and after a minute she was done and she got a full stack of wood

'where did the tree go?'

<in your inventory if you want to see it than say "inventory in your head">

she did as i said and she saw the minecraft inventory without the black part where your character could be seen how could i know that? well i saw this too there were 36 slots and 5 other for the armor head,torso,arms,legs and feet there was also one more for the shield

<OK see those squares on the top right? place ale the wood in one of them and in the one square beside those will show wooden planks turn every one of them and than take 2 wooden planks and place one on the bottom and the other above him then you will get a stick>


<good now place two sticks in the middle like you placed the wooden planks but ad 3 of the wooden planks above the stick the left right and middle you will get a wooden pickaxe it may sound not impressive but you will be able to mine stone with it>

she did all i said and was now holding the wooden pickaxe after that i said we needed to find a large rock to get some cobblestone and craft her stone item after all this is the best items we can get now

when we find it she mined all the rock she could and i said how to make a stone pickaxe and a stone sword we also figured out that the swords come out how we want them to look for example if we would want a katana we would get a katana if we would want a normal double edge knight sword we could we will get one. i didnt know if the items break as quickly as in the game so i told Rose to make 3 sword's she really liked the katana

<i guess that's all we got meat from the bandits and a couple of swords and also a pickaxe...i cant think of anything else Rose do you know where the nearest town or village is?>

'yes its a one day travel on foot'

<well lets go then!>

this is going to be an amazing experience :)


this is my second book i will update it once a week

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JadePanda003 · Otros
223 Chs
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Volumen 1


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Bland, Boring and may give you a high blood due to frustration. The Mc is an Idiot who have a weak will. Cannot stomach killing humans but A okay with other species. Racist. Poor decision making and easily manipulated. Has a slave for a master. Who's his master is a slave from a princess. And a princess who works from a guild. Not a castle. Why she's still alive I have no Idea. Apparently she have plot armor to avoid assasins bull ****. The emotions are bland, boring or forced. Author has no knowledge of Politics, Geography, Physics, Real world, Deception etc. I can guess that you are a new Author so I'll give you a tip. Rational self inserts are well-written self inserts solely because they don't break reader's immersion. You self-insert yourself into the SI fanfic imagining what would you do in the self-insert's shoes. They need to be realistic. We need to be realistic. Think about it. You are reading a story where a guy is reincarnated/transmigrated to a foreign universe and the first thing they do is freak out. That's good. That is a normal human reaction from getting cosmically kidnapped from one world to another, especially a fantasy world you read manga about. But the next thing they do defines whether the self insert fanfic is rational or not, or I would like to say whether the fanfic is well-written or wish fulfilment trash. Does the self insert... Have fun carelessly exploring and trying out their new magical powers? Plan on meeting and befriending the canon characters? Instantly befriend the main canon characters through their apparent godlike social skills? Easily create a harem with their reincarnated good looks or otherworldly transmigrated visage? Instantly become a genius in the mystical arts without no hard training whatsoever? Constantly allude to knowledge and idiom they should not have and better yet, with the canon characters not questioning, calling out, or noticing this strange behavior? Save someone that they know is going to die if they don't do anything without thinking of the butterflied consequences? Congratulations. If the self insert fanfic you are reading answers yes to one or two of the following questions the SI you are reading is not rational. It's wish fulfilment trash. The next realistic and rational thing the self insert should do is Survive. The self insert should plan and secure their survival. This is their new life now. This is our new life now. This is not a game or one of the mangas we read pre-insert. The fiction you and the self insert read is now reality and we should treat it as such. If the SI was reincarnated, they don't have to worry as much compared to being inexplicably transmigrated. They have no identity, money, and shelter so they better be taking their situation seriously. It is after-all, our new life now. And if the SI got where they were by a ROB(random omnipotent being), I wouldn't be reading that Self-insert fanfic anyway because ROBs are trash and they ruin stories. The Mc's like that doesn't even deserve the power as they didn't have the right mind set. Or maybe this was just a wish fulfillment? Or you can just ignore my tips.
