
I’m the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

After a brief slumber, Yuga woke up to find himself in the world of Pokémon, inheriting a family daycare business. Note: 1. This book is a Pokémon fan fiction. 2. The story is heavily inspired by the animated series in terms of world-building and characters. 3. Early chapters may contain mature themes, reader discretion is advised. 4. The main storyline involving the day care may have a slower start, please be patient. 5. Prior to reading, it is recommended to review the introductory sections for relevant information. 6. This story does not feature a female lead. Let's Join : My Patreon: https://shorturl.at/imCOS My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EmMDmZmRaC

bearnard_bear97 · Anime & Comics
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1092 Chs


After completing two rounds of Swords Dance, Leafeon unleashed its most powerful move against Torterra - Last Resort.

Last Resort is a unique move that requires the user to have used three different moves previously, and Leafeon had already used Leaf Blade, Swords Dance, and Tackle.

The immense force of Last Resort made it difficult for Torterra to remain standing, causing it to collapse to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

However, Leafeon didn't halt its attack and used Last Resort once more against Torterra.

Torterra's giant tree on its back swayed and released a barrage of Razor Leaf, attempting to stop Leafeon's assault, but Leafeon agilely dodged them.

In the end, Torterra had no choice but to exit the battle.

After recalling Torterra, Yuga immediately sent out his fourth Pokémon - Venusaur.

Venusaur, like Torterra, had a defensive role, but unlike Torterra, it relied on its substantial endurance rather than innate defensive abilities.

Defensive Pokémon come in various forms, some rely on their moves for defense, like Yuga's Chimecho, some rely on their physical strength, like Steelix and Aggron, and some, like Yuga's Venusaur, rely on their endurance and energy consumption for defense.

The direction in which a Pokémon trained depends on the trainer's own considerations and searches.

Yuga's Venusaur was even larger than Torterra. As it touched the ground, it seemed as if an earthquake had occurred, which was the capital it needed to sustain its high energy consumption.

Upon stabilizing itself, Venusaur's first action was to clear the path ahead, where Leafeon was entangled by countless emerald vines that sprouted from the flowers on its back.

Venusaur's flower was incredibly vivid, with crimson petals adorned with pink spots. However, unlike the pale yellow and green of Leafeon, its skin was a deep emerald green, with small toxic bumps scattered across it.

This Venusaur looked more menacing and frightening compared to its Bulbasaur and Ivysaur stages, devoid of the cuteness associated with those earlier stages.

The darker the color of Venusaur's skin, the more energy it had accumulated, as its type is Grass and Poison.

Seeing Venusaur on the battlefield, Sawsbuck, which had been struggling against Ferrothorn, decisively disengaged from its opponent, quickly ran and then used Sunny Day.

Ferrothorn, who wasn't particularly fast, couldn't catch up to the full-speed Sawsbuck.

Sunny Day was a crucial skill for Yuga's Grass-type Pokémon since it had a significant impact on them.

As Sunny Day successfully activated, Venusaur initiated Synthesis. Stars of light appeared on the petals and leaves on its back, collecting solar energy.

With the support of solar energy, Venusaur's vines extended even faster, quickly surrounding the fleeing Leafeon, leaving it with no escape.

Caught in the vines, Leafeon was thrown towards Ferrothorn.

Ferrothorn, who had been chasing after Sawsbuck, was directly toppled by Leafeon.

As Leafeon was thrown out, Venusaur retracted its vines, and the ground began to tremble. Thick, gigantic roots started tearing through the earth's surface, emerging from below.

These brown roots were so massive that they quickly blocked Venusaur's line of sight. However, as the brown roots appeared, Torterra's Stealth Rocks were completely destroyed.

At the moment the brown roots emerged, Sawsbuck leaped lightly and landed on one of the roots, raising its head proudly, exuding confidence in its gaze towards Leafeon and Ferrothorn.

This confidence stemmed from Venusaur's powerful field control.

Whether it was Momiji or the other onlooking trainers, they were all taken aback by the sudden appearance of these dominating roots.

"What in the world is this?"

"Is this all caused by that Venusaur?"

"This... This... This is just too exaggerated, isn't it?"

"How can we even compete with this? Maybe the boss should just admit defeat."

"Is this a move? What kind of move is it?"

"I don't know, it looks like Frenzy Plant, but is Frenzy Plant supposed to exaggerated as this?"


The audience below the stage was filled with discussions about Venusaur's Frenzy Plant. Although they couldn't see Venusaur itself, they could witness the continuous collection of solar energy, which was radiating dazzling light as it converged in one direction.

Maintaining such an extensive Frenzy Plant placed a significant burden on Venusaur, which was why it needed to continuously gather solar energy under the Sunny Day.

Once the Frenzy Plant ability ceased, Venusaur would fall victim to its side effects, entering a stiffened state and becoming an easy target.

Venusaur's Frenzy Plant was more potent than that of other Pokémon, and consequently, the side effects were more intense.

Hence, whenever Venusaur used Frenzy Plant, it would persist until the end without interruption.

Under normal weather conditions, Venusaur could still employ this move, but it would be a diluted version. Rainy weather, however, made it impossible for Venusaur to execute this ability.

Seeing those brown roots on the field thicker than her entire body, Momiji silently muttered to herself:

"So, these are the Pokémon trained by an Elite Trainer? Truly living up to their reputation."

If Momiji previously thought that the difference between her and Yuga was merely a level gap, now she realized there was also a massive gap in skill between them.

The Aroma Day Care had been so supportive of Yuga and YoYo Day Care because they saw potential in Yuga's development within the League. Momiji challenging Yuga today was also her way of testing Yuga's strength.

For someone like Yuga, who was relatively isolated, to achieve better development within the League, he needed substantial strength, just like Mr. Kuni'o.

Mr. Kuni'o didn't have a Trainer affiliation of his own, but no one in the League disrespected him. That's what strength was.

Organizations like the Aroma Day Care had many Breeders under their care, but Trainers were rarer, and the number of strong Trainers was even scarcer.

Furthermore, the Aroma Day Care had limited involvement with the League, making it a relatively straightforward business organization.

As the signal for Sawsbuck's battle was given, the roots controlled by Venusaur began to move. Wherever Sawsbuck went, roots would pave the way for it.

However, these roots became obstacles for Leafeon and Ferrothorn, hindering their movement and attacks. No matter which direction they moved, they would be targeted by the roots.

These roots seemed tireless, constantly wriggling, and soon, the weakest Leafeon was knocked down by Sawsbuck's High Jump Kick and couldn't get back up.

The moment Leafeon lost its ability to battle, Momiji raised her hand in surrender. Facing this Venusaur, there was no need to send out her last Pokémon.

But that was also the reality. Yuga's Venusaur, while not yet reach an Elite level, it was the strongest among his Grass-type Pokémon.

Although its potential was only blue, its skill development and training core were the most complete. If you added Mega Evolution to the equation, it could even compete with the Elite level Pokémon.