
I Am the Mentor of Spider-Man

Come with me as I start my adventure in the Spider-Man world. I'm Jonathan Anderson from California, and I'm half Filipino and half American. When I died, I didn't end up where I thought I would. Now, I'm in the Spider-Man universe. But I'm not alone. I'm going to be a Spider-Man with Peter Parker, teaching him along the way. And remember, with great power comes with great responsibility.

THE_V1S1ON · Cómic
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206 Chs

Chapter 83- New York War (6)

As Chris Hilton, Mary Fletcher, and Emily Hawkins followed Staff Sergeant Mart Ramirez through the chaotic streets of New York, their hearts pounded with fear and adrenaline.

Suddenly, they stumbled upon Ken Bridget, a familiar face amidst the chaos. Chris wasted no time in breaking the tension as he called out to Ken.

"Chris, you're here?" Ken responded, his expression a mix of relief and concern as he took in the sight of Chris and his companions. His gaze swept over the group, landing on Mary, Emily, and Staff Sergeant Mart Ramirez.

"Sir Mart and Mary, Emily?" Ken inquired, seeking confirmation of their identities.

Corporal Police Officer Eric Morion, accompanying Ken, interjected with a question of his own. "You know these kids?" he asked, his tone sharp as he assessed the situation

"I know them; they're from my class," Ken said, showing he knew the people.


Then Corporal Police Officer Eric Morion approached Staff Sergeant Mart Ramirez with a fast salute, his voice firm as he reported their progress.

"Hello, Sir. We are already evacuating the civilians in that area, sir," Eric announced, his tone conveying both urgency and determination.


Staff Sergeant Mart Ramirez nodded in acknowledgment, a sense of relief evident in his expression. "Good, good," he replied, his voice filled with gratitude for their efforts. "Keep up the good work, Officer Morion. We need to get as many people to safety as possible."


[Meanwhile on chris side]

Ken's curiosity remained piqued as he pressed for more information. "And where is Michael? Mark? Their girlfriend is here," he inquired, his brow furrowed with concern.


Ken's question about Michael and Mark's location made Chris uneasy. He knew he couldn't spill the beans about their secret superhero identities. So, he came up with a quick excuse to throw Ken off the scent.

"Remember how good Michael and Mark were in that fight two years back?" Chris reminded Ken, hoping to distract him. "Michael even totally beat you in that sparring match!"

Ken nodded, recalling the defeat. "Yeah, I remember," he admitted, a touch of respect in his voice. "But what's that got to do with where they are now?"

Chris seized the moment to steer the conversation away from the truth. "Well, you know how they're always helping people in school, right?" he suggested, hoping Ken would buy it."I bet they're out there somewhere, doing their good samaritan thingy. You know, being the good guys."

Ken's surprise at Michael and Mark's involvement in the current crisis was evident in his words. "I didn't know they had it in them," he admitted, sounding both surprised and impressed. "I mean, Sure Michael helped out before, even stood up to that bully. But this... This is on another level. It's a mess out there, with criminals causing havoc."


Chris nodded, understanding Ken's concern. "Yeah, it's a whole new situation," he agreed, his tone serious. "But Michael and Mark, they're tough. They know how to handle themselves."


Ken's worry then turned to Loe. "Where's Loe?" he asked, his brow furrowing with concern.

As Ken expressed his worries, Princess Lysandra abruptly appeared, her otherworldly appearance chilling them to the bone. Her words dripped with malice as she declared her intent for revenge.


As Princess Lysandra hissed, her eyes glowing red with malice as she revealed her sharp teeth in a wicked grin. "This is the perfect opportunity for my revenge against Spider-Man," she sneered, her voice dripping with dark intent.


Suddenly Princess Lysandra revealed her true identity to them. "I'm Princess Lysandra D'Verte, a vampire princess," she declared.


Then Ken's urgent command pierced through the chaos like a knife. His voice, firm and authoritative, left no room for hesitation.


"Chris, run! Take Mary and Emily with you!" Ken's words were clear and urgent, leaving no room for hesitation or debate. He knew the situation was dire, and every second counted.

"But--" Chris started to protest, torn between his desire to stand his ground and the urgent need to flee. He wanted to help Ken, to fight alongside him against the looming threat. But Ken's interruption leaving no room for argument, cutting off Chris's words before he could finish.


"Go now!!!" Ken's voice boomed with urgency, making it clear just how serious the situation was. There was no time to hesitate. Chris understood that he needed to move quickly.

With a nod of understanding, Chris accepted the reality of the situation. He knew Ken was right, that they needed to get to safety as quickly as possible. And so, without another word, he grabbed Mary and Emily's hands and took off running.


Their footsteps thudded loudly on the hard ground as they ran through the chaotic city streets. Chris was in the lead, his main goal to find a safe path amidst all the danger.

Staff Sergeant Mart Ramirez moved quickly, pulling out smoke bombs from his pocket like a pro. He threw them up high, and when they hit the ground, they exploded into thick smoke clouds.


The smoke quickly enveloped Chris, Mary, and Emily, shrouding their movements from view as they sprinted through the haze. It provided cover, allowing them to make their escape without being easily followed or tracked by their enemies.


As they rushed through the streets, Chris desperately scanned the area for a place to hide. Finally, they stumbled upon a new store, now turned into a mess amidst the chaos. its rundown appearance offering a potential refuge from this situation. Chris hurriedly led Mary and Emily inside, feeling a wave of relief wash over him as they found temporary safety within its walls.


Then Chris's voice quivered with a mix of fear and urgency as he spoke, He said, "That woman is dangerous, I feel it," he admitted, his hands trembling slightly as he thought about how scary she was. "She's just like that man from the school incident."


Mary got really scared and held Chris's hand tightly. Her hands were shaking because she was so worried. "Chris, what do you mean? Who is she?" she asked, looking at him with fear in her eyes, hoping he could explain.


Chris tried to calm himself down by taking a deep breath. He was finding it hard to explain how scary the woman was. "I mean she's powerful, dangerous, and you never know what she might do," he said, sounding really scared. "And if she's anything like that man from the school incident, then we need to be extremely careful."

Emily was really scared, holding onto Chris's arm tightly. She asked, "But what should we do?" Her voice was barely a whisper because she was so scared.


"We have to call Michael," Chris insisted, knowing they needed his help. He believed that if Michael were here, they could win this fight.



The fight between Atlas and me got more intense. Every time we hit each other, it sounded loud in the busy New York streets. I had to think fast, figuring out how to deal with his strong powers. I could feel the weight of his centuries-old grudge bearing down on me, driving him to unleash his full fury upon me.

But I didn't give up. I used all my strength and speed to dodge Atlas's magical attacks. My reflexes helped me dodge his spells just in time. Each time I dodged, I looked for a chance to attack him while his guard was down.


But just as I was fully engaged in the confrontation, a notification from the system interrupted my focus. "System, connect to the incoming call," I commanded, recognizing the urgency of the situation.


"Chris, what's happening?" I asked mentally as I dodged another blast of fire from Atlas's magic.


Chris's voice echoed in my mind, filled with urgency and fear as he described a dangerous situation unfolding. The police and Ken were facing off against a powerful opponent, identified as a princess vampire. His words painted a dire picture of chaos and desperation.


"Stay calm, Chris," I reassured him, as I landed a decisive blow on one of Atlas's summoned wolves, knocking it out cold, I said. "I'II be there soon. But why is Ken involved?"


As Chris explained the gravity of the situation, I assured him of my plan to join them once I dealt with Atlas. "I'm facing the leader right now," I explained, frustration creeping into my voice. "I'll be there as soon as I can. Meanwhile, get Mark and Loe for backup."


But before I could say more Atlas's interruption snapped my attention back to the battle "What are you blubbering about, Spider-Man?" Atlas's voice cut through the chaos as he conjured another powerful spell, aiming it straight at me. Reacting fast, I swung to the other side with my web, easily dodging the attack.


Then i said to chris "Just hide a little longer," With determination burning within me. "Stay safe, and I'll see you soon."


With that, Chris ended the call, leaving me to focus on defeating Atlas and ensuring everyone's safety. As the battle raged on, I steeled myself for the challenges ahead, knowing that the fate of New York rested on my shoulders.


[Meanwhile Lysandra Side]


Princess Lysandra showed no mercy as she brutally injured Ken Bridget, Mart Ramirez, and Eric Morions, leaving them unconscious on the ground. Standing over them, she addressed the trio, her voice cold and calculated. "Consider yourselves lucky," she sneered, her gaze sweeping over their unconsious forms. "My attention is not on you three. It's the girl with blue eyes and green hair who interests me. She reminds me of someone." With a dismissive wave of her hand, she added, "And I know where they're headed."


With a disdainful laugh, Princess Lysandra turned and sprinted in the direction she believed Emily had fled. Her confidence radiated as she approached the store where she sensed Emily's presence. "Found you," she hissed, her smirk growing more wicked as she prepared to confront her prey.


[Meanwhile Chris side]

While Chris talked to Mark using the McCall device, Princess Lysandra suddenly appeared before them. Before anyone could react, she trying to grabbed Emily and trying to pulled her away from Chris and Mary. Chris yelled out in shock, "No, Emily!!!" and quickly ended the call, realizing the danger they were in.

Suddenly Princess Lysandra kicked Chris forcefully, sending him flying across the store.

Then Mary tried to stop Princess Lysandra from hurting Emily, but Lysandra was too quick and strong.

"Get away from here!" Mary cried out, her voice filled with defiance as she tried to shield Emily from harm.

But Lysandra's response was heartless and cruel. "Annoying girl," she sneered, her voice filled with disdain as she effortlessly stabbed Mary's chest with her sharp claws, tearing through skin and bone without hesitation.

Chris watched in horror as Mary's body jerked in agony, her screams echoing through the store. "No no no no Mary!!!" he shouted, his voice full of pain and sadness.

Emily's world shattered before her eyes as she witnessed the horrifying scene unfold. Tears streamed down her face as she sobbed uncontrollably, her mind unable to process the devastation before her. "No no no Mary," she whimpered, her voice weak as she sank to the floor, overcome by sadness and fear.

In the wake of Lysandra's brutal attack, Mary lay motionless on the ground, a gaping hole in her chest where her heart once beat. Her lifeless eyes stared blankly into the distance, a silent testament to the senseless cruelty of the world they found themselves in.

To be continued

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