
I Am the Mentor of Spider-Man

Come with me as I start my adventure in the Spider-Man world. I'm Jonathan Anderson from California, and I'm half Filipino and half American. When I died, I didn't end up where I thought I would. Now, I'm in the Spider-Man universe. But I'm not alone. I'm going to be a Spider-Man with Peter Parker, teaching him along the way. And remember, with great power comes with great responsibility.

THE_V1S1ON · Cómic
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316 Chs

Chapter 4 Cafeteria Showdown

Walking into the cafeteria with my friends, my stomach churned with nerves. The Spider-Man system had given me a mission – to confront Brad Larson and his gang.

Glancing around the crowded room, my spider sense tingled with warning as I spotted Brad and his cronies approaching.

Their menacing presence sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't help but wonder if it was Michael's past experiences that were making my body react with fear. Despite my best efforts to remain calm, the memories of Michael's encounters with Brad flooded my mind, heightening my apprehension. But I knew I had to push through my fear and confront them head-on, for the sake of protecting my friends and maintaining my newfound role as Spider-Man.

"Look who we have here, boys," Brad sneered, his cronies Gall Morson and Dale Dallas leering behind him. "Little Mikey and his gang of losers."

"Stay calm, Michael," I muttered to myself, my voice barely above a whisper. "Focus on Brad, but don't let him see through your facade."

"Don't worry, host, your Spider-Sense is deeply ingrained in your mind, and your agility is also remarkable. I'll make sure you can fully follow your Spider-Sense power," said the system reassuringly.

( I nodded and also reminded myself)

Remember, you are not Michael, a 15-year-old. You are Jonathan Anderson, a 27-year-old man, I reminded myself silently, trying to bolster my confidence with each passing second. It was crucial to maintain my composure, to not let Brad or anyone else see the turmoil beneath the surface. As the tension in the air crackled with anticipation, I took a deep breath, summoning the courage to face whatever came my way.

"I'll never forget what you said to me, you little bitch," Brad spat, his voice dripping with venom. "Now it's payback time."

With a deep breath, I forced myself to remain calm, my mind racing as I assessed the situation. I had to stay focused, relying solely on my spider sense to anticipate Brad's next move and evade danger.

As Brad lunged towards me, Gall and Dale grabbed trays of food, ready to humiliate me. But before they could throw it, my spider sense kicked in, allowing me to evade their assault with ease.

Despite their efforts, I remained calm, determined not to let them get the best of me. With each move, I outmaneuvered them, using my agility to avoid their attacks and counter with precision.

Despite not being a martial artist or athletic, my spider sense allowed me to evade their assaults effortlessly. My Spider-Man-like body enabled me to move swiftly, surprising even myself with my speed and agility.

As Brad, Gall, and Dale's attempts to humiliate me backfired, gasps and whispers rippled through the crowd. The students watched in awe as I effortlessly dodged their attacks, my movements fluid and graceful.

My friends Mark, Emily, and Chris stood nearby, their eyes wide with amazement. They had never seen me move like this before, and I could see the admiration and pride shining in their eyes.

"Is that.... really Michael?" Mark whispered to Emily and Chris, his voice filled with awe. "I've never seen Michael move like that before. It's like he's a completely different person."

Emily nodded in agreement, her eyes glued to the spectacle unfolding before them. "I don't know, but whatever it is, it's incredible. Michael's like a superhero or something."

Chris watched with a mixture of shock and admiration, his jaw hanging open in disbelief. "I don't know how he's doing it, but Michael's holding his own against Brad and his goons. It's like something out of a movie."

As the cafeteria showdown continued, I felt a surge of confidence coursing through me. Despite the odds stacked against me, I was holding my own against Brad and his cronies, thanks to the abilities granted to me by the Spider-Man system.

As Brad and his goons launched their attack, I relied on my spider sense to anticipate their moves, dodging their punches with ease. As Gall swung a tray of food towards me, I ducked under it, feeling a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins.


"Nice try, Gall," I quipped, flashing him a cocky grin. "But I've seen better aim from a blindfolded toddler."


Gall Morson scowled, his face turning red with anger. "You think you're so funny, Wilson? Let's see how you laugh when I knock that smug grin off your face."


As he lunged towards me, I sidestepped his attack, delivering a swift kick to his side that sent him stumbling backwards.


"Oof, looks like someone skipped leg day," I teased, unable to resist the opportunity for a jab.


Meanwhile, Dale Dallas charged at me with a tray raised high, ready to bring it crashing down on my head. With lightning-fast reflexes, I sidestepped his assault, delivering a left hook that sent him reeling.


"Sorry, Dale, but I'm allergic to cafeteria food," I quipped, flashing him a mischievous grin as he rubbed his jaw in pain.


As the dust settled, only Brad remained, his eyes blazing with fury as he charged towards me with a roar. Despite his athletic prowess, I remained calm, knowing that my spider sense would guide me to victory.


With a swift movement, I dodged his attack, feeling the rush of air as his fist sailed past me. Seizing the opportunity, I delivered an uppercut that sent him sprawling to the ground, groaning in pain.


"Nice try, Brad," I said, extending a hand to help him up. "But despite having a jock body, you're still a wimp. Maybe I should call you Little Wimpy."


I chuckled at my own joke, but to my disappointment, Brad and his goons didn't share my sense of humor. They glared at me with hatred burning in their eyes, their defeat evident on their bruised and battered faces.


As they slunk away, nursing their wounds, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over me. Despite the odds stacked against me, I had emerged victorious, proving that even a geek like Michael Wilson could hold his own against the school bullies.

The cafeteria erupted into cheers and applause. The crowd was shocked, their mouths agape in disbelief as they watched the unexpected turn of events.

"Wow! Did you see that?!" someone exclaimed, their voice filled with awe.

"That was amazing!" another person shouted, their words drowned out by the cacophony of voices chanting my name

"Michael! Michael! Michael!" the crowd roared, their voices rising in unison as they cheered for my unexpected triumph.

With a grin, I turned to my friends, Mark, Emily, and Chris, who watched the showdown with a mixture of awe and amusement.

"Well, that was certainly an interesting lunch break," Mark said, shaking his head in disbelief. "I never thought I'd see the day when Michael Wilson took on Brad Larson and his goons and came out on top."

"Tell me about it," Emily agreed, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "You were like a real-life superhero out there, Michael."

Chris nodded in agreement, his expression one of grudging respect. "I have to admit, I didn't think you had it in you, Michael. But you proved me wrong."


I grinned at my friends, feeling a sense of pride swell within me. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, I knew that with their support and the powers granted to me by the Spider-Man system, I could handle whatever came my way.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch, I gathered my belongings and prepared to face the rest of the day with renewed confidence. With the cafeteria showdown behind me, I knew that the real challenges were still to come. But with my Spider-Man system, I was ready to face them head-on.


To be Continued