
Dante's "Origins"

Harold was actually much smaller than the other two, being around the size of a child. He also had child-like features that were extremely cute and endearing to any onlooker, with his bright red skin and now stubby little horns.

However, the others could tell his sin affiliation at a glance.

"Envy? I expected better from you, Harold," Lucian stated with disdain.

Harold's sweet expression became ugly and full of malice. "Of course you would, Lucian, born into a rich family that is a mid-sized clan. As for a pauper like me who is at the bottom rung of pure human society, you cannot understand how it feels!"

"I never knew you were this whiny, or I would have never associated with you!" Lucian stated without a hint of sympathy, a look of utter disdain on his face.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. At least I don't envy you," Harold stated with a bored wave of his hand.