
i am the god of systems

i am reincarnated in the world of naruto with a golden finger that creates a system for others, and i can get their rewards 10 times jiraya: "write a book that naruto son of fate likes and receive nine tail chakra" naruto:" steal the scroll of seals and receive Flying Thunder God Technique" sasuke: Itachi do you think you're good at genjutsu? this is my zampakuto kyoka suigetsu {ding!!! congratulations host jiraya completed the mission receive ten tail chakra} {ding!!! naruto completed the mission receive unlimited teleportation} (english is not my native language hehe...)

CWN1223 · Cómic
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17 Chs

Chapter 4: Sasuke system and first mission

"What! who's there?"asks Sasuke scared as he heard a voice but there was no one in his room

'I think I'm hearing things, well it doesn't matter I... I'm going to kill that man' thought Sasuke as he clenched his fists in anger

{Ding!!!! Main mission was created:

*The Truth: Discover Uchiha Itachi's hidden truth before it's too late.

And receive: ???}

Sasuke looked in disbelief at the translucent panel that was in front of him thinking he was crazy, he tries to grab it but without success because the system is in his mind and it's not a tangible object.

"What the hell are you? or this?" he said with a little fear. And then a voice came inside your mind

{I am a tool that spans infinite worlds created by a superior being to assist you in your life}

"But why me?" asks sasuke suspiciously, after all how an existence that is above infinite worlds can look at him

{because you are favored by the world} Said a monotone voice

"hahaha... Favored by the world? Are you kidding me?" shouted sasuke completely irate, biting his lip with an annoyed expression he said sadly

"All my family is dead, my clan is dead.... the only one alive is the one I want to kill" after calming down he takes a deep breath and continues

"It doesn't matter, you said you would help me, how can you do that?"

{I have three functions that can help you in your cultivation to become stronger, they are:




Which would you like me to explain first?}

"before, you said a mission was created start there, then explain the roulette" snorted sasuke

{there are two types of missions, the main ones that are created by me and the rewards are chosen by the creator, and the secondary ones that are created from your wish

Roulette is a sweepstakes where you can win any item (not limited to objects) from your world or others, but you need to either buy it from the dimensional shop or earn it in a quest reward. And the profile is your stats}

"I see, hmmm so show me the profile"

Name: Sasuke Uchiha

Faction: Hidden Leaf Village

* body : level 0 (normal)

Physical: level 0 (normal)

Chakra: level 1 (genin)

mental: level 0 (normal)

(physical represents: strength, endurance, speed, agility. Chakra: the quantity and quality of chakra in your body. Mental: chakra control and mental strength)

* techniques: beginner

[taijutsu]: beginner

[ninjutsu]: beginner

[genjutsu]: beginner

[fuinjutsu]: elementary

[medical ninjutsu]: elementary

[kinjutsu]: elementary

(levels are: Elementary, Beginner, Proficient, Master, Grandmaster, Perfect, God)

[chakra nature]





Uchiha 80%

otsutsuki 20%

"hey system you're wrong I don't have otsutsuki lineage, I'm one hundred percent uchiha"

{host I scanned your body, it seems you have the otsutsuki lineage}

"What! so... So my dad was green?"

{You got it wrong, your lineage comes from the reincarnation of indra otsutsuki, the son of the sage of the six paths}

" ahh so it was from the son of the six paths it's explained phew..... wait!!! sons of the six paths wasn't that a legend?"

{host, according to the history of this world, indra founded the uchiha clan, and after his death, because he was very strong, his soul was reincarnated in uchiha madara. And after the death of madara his soul was reincarnated in you}

"And that's bad?" he asks with fear

{No, it's actually very good, you inherit the talent of indra and madara, and if you integrate Ashura's chakra of reincarnation you can in the future open the rinegan the last evolution of the sharingan}

'Madara's talent? Sharingan's latest evolution?with that I should be able to kill that man' thought sasuke expectantly

{no doubt host, but before killing itachi you must finish the main quest, otherwise you will lose a lot}

"what the hell!!! can you read my mind???" sasuke asked in disbelief

{of course! After all, the system is connected with your soul}

"I see, wait! Main mission? find out itachi's secret? what do you mean? what secret does he keep! system?"

{Host find out for yourself}

"it's good but i need to get stronger anyway"

{Ding!!!! three secondary missions were created}

"what! system goes to missions"


Main Quests:

The Truth: Discover the hidden truth of Uchiha Itachi before it's too late.

receive: ???

Minor Quests:

Uchiha Legacy: Your clan has been exterminated don't let your legacy disappear! Learn all uchiha fire style ninjutsu

receive: 1000 DS Coints

Rinegan Opening: Integrate Ashura Chakra into Your Body

Receive: Power of Absolute Obedience (Having eye contact can plant commands into a person's mind. These commands cannot be undone or denied.)

Chakra Control: Good chakra control is essential. Climb a tree walking, walk on the water surface of a lake and from a hot spring

receive: Master Level Chakra Control, 100DS Coints