
I am the God-Emperor of Mankind!

"My lord, the enemy has exhibited stiff resistance against the great army of the Emperor! I suggest we afix the bayonets and charge!" said a random guardsman with a gas mask, wearing a German-esque WW1 uniform to their commissar. "What? They use this so-called "force"? Bullshit! They've clearly fallen to the will of the Chaos gods! Prepare the Exterminatus, we will bathe them with the God-Emperor's holy fire!" growled a random inquisitor aboard an Emperor-class battleship of the Imperium. "Great soldiers of our holy and benevolent God-Emperor! In front of you stands a bastion of heresy! A testament to their wrongdoings! Bring them back to the light of our great God-Emperor! Purge the heretics!" shouted a comissar before ordering the charge of millions of imperial guardsmen to the line of countless clones. "The Emperor protects!" shouted the guardsmen as they furiously charge to the lines of their enemies. ................................. "Ah shit, what's happening? Why am I sitting on this throne? Wait what in the world are those 8ft tall giants made of steel? Hoy hoy, what are they going to do with these people in front of me? Fuck am I the God-Emperor?" ................................. Vol 1- Star Wars(Completed) Vol 2- Mass Effect(Ongoing)

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Anime y Cómics
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121 Chs

Chapter 44

The two delegations settled on a big table as they started the talks about matters. The atmosphere was clearly tense as the previous excited envoys from the Rebel Alliance had a gloomy face right now.

"No, I'm sorry the Imperium can't agree on these terms." 01 shook his head as he carefully read the terms presented by the other party. The Imperium higher ups didn't gave any specific detail on what terms he should agree on. He nd his group was picked as it's a direct order from the Emperor. They however, considered this as a test of their use to the Imperium.

They know they allegedly carry his blood and together with this the responsibility of protecting humanity. They can't possibly sully or fail such a simole mission of becoming an envoy, no, that would be shameful. Something they won't pick. If given the choice of either dying or shaming the Imperium and the Emperor to an extent, they'll gladly pick death anyday.

"But great envoy, this is really what our Rebel Alliance needed. We're weak but with your support we'll be able to fight the Empire and help you on your goals of freeing the galaxy from the clutches of the evil Palpatine." said the chief envoy with a passionate voice behind her speech which ignited the spirit of the gloomy faced Rebel Alliance delegates.

"I see, so that's how it is. Chief envoy, you might have misunderstood us, greatly misunderstood us." said 01 as he shook his head lightly. The remaining members of the Imperium delegation also had an awkward atmosphere when they understood the other side's clear misinterpretation of their purpose on the fight with Palpatine.

"What do you mean by your words Mr. 01? Did we interpreted your actions wrong?" asked the chief envoy as she caught up with change of posture and atmosphere behind the Imperium's envoys. She's getting irritated each second passes, she originally thought that this will be a pretty easy meeting as they're fighting for the same ideology here. That is to dispose Palpatine.

"The Imperium is, a rather special kind of existence you see..." spoke 01 with a more serious tone to the chief envoy.

"A special kind of existence? Mind enlightening us Mr. 01?" cut off the chief envoy which arose the annoyance from the other members of the Imperium's delegation.

"Certainly, but chief envoy please refrain from interrupting me as this would be the last and only warning you'll have." said 01 as the tension suddenly rose to the extreme. Everyone was walking on the knife's edge as a standoff occurred between the two.

"Then I'm sincerely sorry for my disrespectful act earlier. Now, would you mind telling us?" said the chief envoy with a smirk plastered on her face which showed her overbearing confidence on her ability which made the Imperium's envoys amused.

"Well you see chief envoy, we, the Imperium isn't like what you think. Yes, we're fighting against the Empire and Sheev Palpatine himself but that's not just so we can restore the Republic whatsoever. In reality, it's because there can only be one emperor, and that will be our emperor." said 01 with patience in his voice. Like a teacher educating children on the right ways of life.

The words of 01 made the Rebel Alliance delegation turned their expressions to that of worst. The man in front of them us telling them some of the words of the Rebel Alliance said to them as false. They're not fighting to restore peace in the same way as them. Instead their fighting because someone dared to claim to be an emperor.

"T-that sounds illogical, starting a war just because someone claimed to be an emperor? Is this emperor of yours a narcissist?" an envoy with the appearance of a squid voiced out his complains which made the companions of 01 look at him with detesting eyes.

"It may sound illogical to you as you're an abomination, but to us humans, such an act of someone trying to become an emperor is the worst of the worst thing you can do. You may become a king but that's where yiur journey stops as becoming en emperor only warrants your death! " 01 spitted the words full of disgust which made the squid like envoy gulp subconsciously. The chief envoy had a frown on her face as she's almost pushed off the edge due to the events that transpired.

"You will have to revise this te-" the words of 01 was once again cut off by a loud bang on the table as the chief envoy looked at him angry.

"It doesn't matter if what you're fighting for was the same as us. We need your help, I need your help as we're the same species am I right?" questioned the chief envoy as she uses this gaslighting technique to gain the emotional and moral high ground. She decided to believe the rumour that the Imperium was for the humans which they described was like them in appearance. Coincidentally, the chief envoy also had a human like appearance though not so much but still can be considered a human so she used this fact.

"Hmmm, nice try chief envoy. You may have been a human in appearance but do you serve the Emperor? If not, then you're not human at all. Added to the fact that you're possibly an abhuman due to those weird pointy ears you have and some other visible factors." rebutted 01 as he shook his head while chuckling. This act made anger seep through the scalps of the chief envoy as her anger was slowly overflowing.

"So you're not fighters for peace? We've thought wrong! You're just like the Empire except the Empire is a little bit worse than you!" exclaimed the chief envoy as she stood up in anger. The other envoys tried to calm her down but the damage was already done.

The companions of 01 ignited their own lightsabers which frightened the group as they walked back instinctively.

"This meeting will go nowhere, the Imperium has no time for rebels like you. You should be thankful that you're still alive as the Emperor wills it. But don't rest on your loins, you'll meet us in the battlefield one day."

The Imperium envoys silently left without doing anything as they boarded their starship and flew to the battleship before leaving the star system.

The chief envoy on the other hand was frightened on what she brought upon the Rebel Alliance. She basically spelled out the inevitable doom for the rebellion.

Yavin 4, somewhere on the string dimension...

"Heads up everyone, these are orders from the Supreme War Commander himself, disable the Death Star, destroy it amd capture a certain Darth Vader. It's probably because he doesn't want the enemy to have some good looking weapon, I don't know. We're soldiers not journalists, we don't need to know everything. " a noble was fixing his clothes as he briefed his team of aristocrats of the mission.

"We would be supported by space marines deployed directly through the thunderhawk transports. Just the usual things, disable then let the fleet takeover. A simple plan." added the noble as he took the stairs and slowly walked towards it to reach the cockpit.

"For the Emperor!"