
I am the God-Emperor of Mankind!

"My lord, the enemy has exhibited stiff resistance against the great army of the Emperor! I suggest we afix the bayonets and charge!" said a random guardsman with a gas mask, wearing a German-esque WW1 uniform to their commissar. "What? They use this so-called "force"? Bullshit! They've clearly fallen to the will of the Chaos gods! Prepare the Exterminatus, we will bathe them with the God-Emperor's holy fire!" growled a random inquisitor aboard an Emperor-class battleship of the Imperium. "Great soldiers of our holy and benevolent God-Emperor! In front of you stands a bastion of heresy! A testament to their wrongdoings! Bring them back to the light of our great God-Emperor! Purge the heretics!" shouted a comissar before ordering the charge of millions of imperial guardsmen to the line of countless clones. "The Emperor protects!" shouted the guardsmen as they furiously charge to the lines of their enemies. ................................. "Ah shit, what's happening? Why am I sitting on this throne? Wait what in the world are those 8ft tall giants made of steel? Hoy hoy, what are they going to do with these people in front of me? Fuck am I the God-Emperor?" ................................. Vol 1- Star Wars(Completed) Vol 2- Mass Effect(Ongoing)

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Cómic
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121 Chs

Chapter 35

Emperor's Laboratory on Holy Terra, Hall of Leng...

The Emperor was currently on his laboratory near the Hall of Leng, experimenting with ways on accessing the space once more. He tried plotting a course where he would cycle his psychic energy and have it transferred on a container.

His whole laboratory was guarded by a combination of the Sisters of Silence and the Adeptus Custodes. They guard this laboratory day in day out as some secrets are hidden on this laboratory.

Time slowly passed by and his sons, Roboute and Vulkan has finally arrived and took a chair from the nearby table and sat there as they looked at their father who was also sitting on a golden throne writing and looking at the monitors.

"Father, you called for us?" asked Roboute with a comfortable tone to his father. He's been hanging out with his father whenever he had free time from all those demanding administrative works.

He came to an understanding that their father wasn't really a bad daddy. He's just too focused on his goals before that he completely set them aside so there wouldn't be any problems.

Holy Terra, around 34 bby...

Roboute was currently walking in the almost endless halls of the Imperial Palace in search for his father. He and his father has been having the usual father and son conversation.

His Ultramarines are following him as guards all over the palace. They didn't left his side, even if he were to take a fresh breath outside they'll always be there with him. Frankly, he didn't found it weird or anything a she interpreted it to be them showing love to their primarch.

But he has this, interesting Ultramarine, this Ultramarine goes by the name Cato Sicarius. This man named Cato has a weird annoying and irritating way of speaking. He always has this narcissistic way of speaking always introducing himself on every statement.

Anyway, as Roboute was walking he encountered a custodian standing guard on a nearby door as Roboute and his company approached the custodian to inquire the location of the Emperor.

"Where's my father the emperor?" asked Roboute as he walked up to the custodian. The custodian just looked at the primarch and stepped aside as he opened the door revealing the figure of the Emperor sitting on the edge of the railings of the balcony.

The primarch walked up leaving his guards as he neared his father and sat beside him. The scene of 2 men with height no less than 10ft can be seen with their legs dangling out of the edge of the balcony as they're relaxing and enjoying the breeze of the wind on their faces.

Roboute, even after all the years he's been talking to his father can't and won't start the conversation no matter what. He has this shy personality when it came to his father. But today, he has steeled himself to asked the very question that bothered him.

"Father...tell me, do you really see us as tools?" the question of Roboute made the Emperor form a sad smile as he looked at him for moment before looking back at the horizon.

"Yes but not in the way you'll think" said the Emperor with a straight out flat tone which made Roboute's emotions flood him. His understanding before of their father seems to be true, this is something he had concluded long ago before they even come to this galaxy.

Roboute had his tears threaten to fall from his eyes as he stood up to go. As Roboute stood up, he felt a hand ckuthcing his arm as he looked at his father who's still looking at the horizon had his hands clutching his arm.

The Emperor slowly turned his head to look at Roboute and speak. He sae that his son has red eyes and was slowly crying. He looked at him with no emotion.

"Sit down, it's time for you to know everything." said the Emperor which convinced Roboute to sit down once more as he wiped the tears that has fallen from his eyes.

"The webway project, a way for humans to safely traverse the immaterium. Everything that happened from the very first day was all part of the grand plan. Freeing humanity from the warp." the Emperor started a narrative from his perspective which made Roboute listen attentively. This plan was at most only known to the Emperor and his closest confidants that not even them know what's up.

The Emperor slowly narrated everything as Roboute got enlightened after every word of spoke by the Emperor. He managed to connect the dots from day 1 up to the time of the heresy.

Hours slowly passes by and the Emperor is already wrapping his story up as he explained and divulged everything to Roboute.

"... I planned to use more stable and more protective form of Soul-binding to bind each and every human to me. This way, I'll be able to protect humanity and bear all the hardships, pain, everything. You don't have to feel fear from the horrors of the warp. I'll be your shield, I'll always protect you even if it means using myself as a natural barrier against the warp." the Emperor had a smile on his face as he stood up and stretched his joints.

"When that time comes, humanity will forever be free from the warp, the Imperial truth will finally be completely instilled in each and every one of humans. Humans with the webway and being soul-binded to me opens up roads of endless possibilities." the Emperor kept the smile as he was mesmerized by the wind.

"In truth, not once I treated you as tools not in a way you'll think. I treated you as my helpers who'll help me achieve my dreams and goals. Deep inside me, I've always treated you as my sons, my own flesh, so when I fought Horus, it pained me that I must eliminate my own flesh and blood in exchange of humanity. You thought you're my tools which pained me, I can't do anything to that as I have already chosen humanity over you my sons, that's already set the moment I was born or rather, created. But remember, I may have chosen humanity but you my sons will always be close to me and not one bit on that throne that I forgot to look upon you and check your wellbeing.Even if I'm in great pain, I've always watched over you so when I see you and your brothers killing each other it dawned upon me that I failed as a parent. " the Emperor casted a single tear from his eyes as it slowly dropped down on his cheek.

"I created you and your brothers so I can have people by my side when all of this was done. But in the end, it appears that I'm not suitable to become a father." Roboute stood up and hugged his father who warped his form to that of the sake height as his so it won't look weird as two giants on ginormous armor was hugging each other.

"Right now my son, I'm ready to become your father, I'll balance the affairs of humanity to that of your fatherly needs. But, still, humanity shall come first." said the Emperor as he chuckled dryly as he hugged his son Roboute tightly.

"I understand father, I understand..." Roboute finally had his mind cleared of everything he hsd doubts regarding the whole character of his father.

At this moment a solemn and sad emotion filled the air as what looked like an open forum between the father and son made a good subject for painting.

Custodians, Silent Sisters, and Ultramarines was all present at this moment as the custodians took out painting canvasses and painted the father and son hugging out of the order from their Captain General.

The Ultramarines didn't know what to do as they turned to Cato Sicarius for instructions.

"I Cato Sicarius, the great Ultramarine shan't be underestimated when it comes to painting!" shouted the Ultramarine which also took a painting canvas and painted his primarch and the Emperor hugging.

The Silent Sisters on the other hand was silent...


Back at the Laboratory, the Emperor was still experimenting as he managed to breakthrough as he accessed a space similar to the library.

The Emperor wanted to complete and find the way to access the library as to ascertain and investigate on who and how did someone or something destroyed his memories.

The Emperor thought for a moment on how can he access it once more. He then realized where the memories are stored on the brain. Hippocampus! He smirked as he leaned back on his throne and performed the circulation of the psychic energy and releasing it on the Hippocampus.

The Emperor cycled the energy and finally released it on the Hippocampus as his vision changed and was replaced by the familiar shrine and stone slab.

"Ha! I'm the best!" shouted the Emperor as he touched the stone slab and the environment changed to that of the library. He ran forcefully to find the dark hall and check if those books are still there.

He stopped and made himself glow in light to see the surroundings. He observed this dark hall, he didn't left a single part unobserved as he soon found out that this hall was decaying and the floor has collected dust and was extremely brittle.

He just nodded and checked upon the books with dull color of gold to see if anything changed. He saw that it's still somehow intact except that the cover has decayed or was burned even further.

He just nodded when he quickly skimmed through the books and tried to find a way to exit. He willed his psychic energy to once again cycle through his body and exit the Hippocampus. Funnily enough, it worked and he's back on reality.

The Emperor slowly blinked and stood up from his seat as he walked to his sons.

"Do you want titans?"

Chapter was late yesterday as I overslept sorry. :)

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