
I am the God-Emperor of Mankind!

"My lord, the enemy has exhibited stiff resistance against the great army of the Emperor! I suggest we afix the bayonets and charge!" said a random guardsman with a gas mask, wearing a German-esque WW1 uniform to their commissar. "What? They use this so-called "force"? Bullshit! They've clearly fallen to the will of the Chaos gods! Prepare the Exterminatus, we will bathe them with the God-Emperor's holy fire!" growled a random inquisitor aboard an Emperor-class battleship of the Imperium. "Great soldiers of our holy and benevolent God-Emperor! In front of you stands a bastion of heresy! A testament to their wrongdoings! Bring them back to the light of our great God-Emperor! Purge the heretics!" shouted a comissar before ordering the charge of millions of imperial guardsmen to the line of countless clones. "The Emperor protects!" shouted the guardsmen as they furiously charge to the lines of their enemies. ................................. "Ah shit, what's happening? Why am I sitting on this throne? Wait what in the world are those 8ft tall giants made of steel? Hoy hoy, what are they going to do with these people in front of me? Fuck am I the God-Emperor?" ................................. Vol 1- Star Wars(Completed) Vol 2- Mass Effect(Ongoing)

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Cómic
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121 Chs

Chapter 33

The question of the inquisitor made the other two officials look at each other a confusion.

"The virus bombs are armed and ready but we still have millions of men on the planet." said the Lord Admiral as he shook his head, clearly not favor of doing an exterminatus.

"Inquisitor, our men are still on the planet fighting, at most we can do is precision bombing from space. Also, they're almost finished deploying, just a couple more brigades left." also disagreed the comissar. It's not the olden times where they must use exterminatus all the time on the slightest appearance of anything. Now, it must be unanimously agreed upon which made it the only last option and never the first one.

"Do you have those warheads they call, what is it again? Ah yes, nuclear bombs?" asked the inquisitor after some thought to the other two.

"Nuclear warheads? Why did you think we'll have one? That's an old piece of technology." said the commissar shaking his head in annoyance.

"Enough of this, we'll perform surgical strikes in the enemy headquarters and perform the usual charge. Spread the information officer." ordered the Lord Admiral on a random officer nearby which just saluted and immediately relayed the orders to the generals on the ground.

"Also, the Nova Cannon should have cool downed now, ready it. We can perform a firing squad and eliminate these pesky ants or they might deal more damage on our fleet." ordered the Lord Admiral to the officers.

The inquisitor on the other hand just pouted on the side as he failed to press that big red shiny button that has the label "exterminatus" pasted on top of the protective glass. He's been wanting to press that big red button since he became the inquisitor of this ship, he's thinking of that button every time he sleeps and even dreams of a scenario where he pushes it. That kind of dreams makes him climax.

"Damn it, I miss the old time..."


Inside a command room...

The hastily made trenches can on be said as durable on some part as the materials to fortify is not available due to special circumstances.

Artillery fire after artillery fire shook the ground from the position of the Imperium guardsmen. Likewise on the position of the Imperial soldiers.

They exchanged artillery fire but the Imperium barrages clearly has the better effect. Artillery shell after artillery shell was ejected from the Imperium artillery as they pulverized the wall of the enemy headquarters.

"Sir! We have received orders to increase the artillery bombing intensity to prepare for a line charge." said a guardsman in charge of the communication equipments.

The highest officer who was on the planning table discussing plans with his staff has hears the order clearly.

" A line charge? Where is it?" the officer walked to the guarssman on the communication equipment to see for himself the orders.

"Here sir." the guardsman showed the message into the officer which just made a slight frown.

"The battle on space looks like it's turning to be unfavorable to us due to their numerical advantage." pondered the officer as he stroked his chin lightly.

"Very well, tow in the reserve artilleries.Have them flatten the ground! We need to free up a front!"


On space...

The battle has been furiously burning in for hours now. The planetary deployment has finally been completed.

The orbital bombing ships transferred more than 3/4 of the the number of ships to the space battle as reinforcements.

The battle on space has immediately turned the scale towards the Imperium as the lack. of numbers was patched with the sheer firepower of the reinforcements.

The ships came with ferociousness down on the fleet of the Empire. The Empire can't mount a suitable defense due to lack of available firepower. Some of their weapons and shields was disabled a long time ago as they challenge the Imperium on an almost close range salvo which they regretted. Holes on their hulls was visible for everyone to see.

The numerous star destroyers started to become a liability after their engines got destroyed by the kamikaze attacks of the Imperium starfighters.

"Fuck it! They're lunatics! Fuck!" shouted the Supreme Commander in anger as he slammed his fist on the screen. He didn't expect them to be this sort of lunatic. Yes, he heard of all the stories regarding the battle on the space of Naboo and Coruscant and about them crashing their ships. It's even confirmed by Emperor Sheev Palpatine himself, but he didn't even think they can do something to him especially with to his star destroyer. He's that confident on the capabilities of his flagship. He has a blind confidence on his flagship that he considered this ship on par with the star destroyer of Palpatine.

But now, reality slapped him hard in the face as his pride of a ship was sitting in space, it lost its capabilities to move or engage hyperdrive due to kamikaze attacks. He can only throw curses and shout in anger. His weapons was also silenced and the shields was long gone. His pride, his flagship was a sitting floating metal on space, can't defend nor do anything.

On the deck of the star destroyer he saw that the biggest ship of the enemy fired what he thinks is her main weapon as a flash and billows of smoke appeared, he only saw a glimpse of the weaponry as it moved so fast that when he saw it, it's already came in contact with the hull of the star destroyer. At this point he can only resign his fate and accept it.

A series of gigantic explosion happened, wiping out the whole flagship of the Empire and the fleet it has as another supernova was seen on the sky.


On the planetary headquarters...

The guardsmen leaned on the trenches and checked their equipment one last time. The sounds of the bonber engines whistled pass through them as explosions shortly followed. The comissar was observing the enemy lines as they also had some sort of a ditch that surrounded their headquarters, sadly it's built too poorly and offers little to no protection.

As he was observing, he received a transmission on his earpiece about the start of the charge as he gently nodded.

He looked at the guardsmen surrounding him and shouted.

"Affix bayonets! I repeat affix bayonets!"

The guardsmen hearing this, immediately unsheathed their bayonets and attached it to their lasrifles. They still have fear as a charge against the enemy will surely cost them their lives, but at least they have chances of survival. But if they'll be disobedient, they'll be immediately shot down by the comissar.

The commissar pulled out a whistle from his breast pocket and prepared to blow it.

The tension was high on all parts of the trench as everyone clutched their weapons lightly and looked at the enemy position.

The commissar of this part of the trench decided to boost the morale of the guardsmen with a simple heartwarming speech.

"I know you're having doubts before, why are we fighting them? Why?" said the commissar as he slowly strolled while looking at the guardsmen from their back.

"Ask not why we fight them, ask why they existed in the first place. We're not in the wrong, as it's their fault for having the wrong emperor! Now! Charge!" The commissar pulled out his pistol and power sword as he turned on his power sword and blew the whistle.

A piercing irritating sound of the whistle was heard on everyone's ears as they climbed up their trenches and charged at the enemy.

"Haaaaaaaa!" shouted the guardsmen as they charged furiously on the enemy lines. Their comrades fell on their sides. Dirt exploded near them as it covered their armor and whole body but they still persisted and charged.

The Imperial officer who's in charge of the makeshift trenches of the headquarters looked at the enemy charging at them with fear.

"Fuck fuck! Where's the laser machine guns! Fuck fire!" shouted the officer as he also desperately fired at the enemy.

He saw was not humans nor fleshy beings. What he saw was demons from hell. Their comrades fall in thousands beside them but they didn't flinched nor looked back but continuously charged at their position as every second, they're getting nearer and nearer at them.

The crust shook at the thundering guardsmen as the Imperial soldiers started to lose morale and waver. The headquarters is about to fall.



The starship of the custodian named Constantin Valdor safely landed on the planet as he's welcomed by the Chapter Master of the Blood Angels.

He slowly walked towards the Chapter Master and immediately asked without hesitation.

"Where's the body of Sanguinius? Bring me to it."


Reports of the seemingly evaporation of the fleet directly under the control of the Supreme Commander was received by Palpatine as the Empire high ups was in turmoil. Palpatine had an angry look as even the supposed best ships of his Empire is seemingly outmatched by the smallest of the enemy ships.

"What's the news on Naboo? It better be good!" asked Palpatine, his chilling voice was heard by everyone.

"Your majesty, it's still on a stalemate. Darth Vader can't deal a decisive blow against the enemy." answered an Imperial General with respect.

When Palpatine hears this his anger immediately skyrocketed as he stomped the armrest of his throne.

"Draft as many soldiers as needed,build as many ships as possible,do anything and everything. Turn the whole economy to that of war time! I won't face that humiliation again, no, I will never experience that again! Instead, I'll let him experience what I felt!" the eyes of Palpatine turned bloodshot in anger as the armrest of his throne slowly decayed due to his touch.

Quick question, do you guys want to have our mc regain memories to some extent?

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