
I Am The First Inheritor

From a young age, Nich had a headache, any Doctor world not be able to discern the cause of his headache, and he lost his hope as well. All he wanted was for the uncanny headache to vanish and for him to live a quite life himself. But one day, he woke up from a strange dream after which his world began to turn around. Through an incident he found out that he now had prowess which were not explainable to through common sense, or any sense for the matter. He was the first inheritor, which meant that there would be more people like him who would awaken superhuman abilities making the change inevitable. Now he was faced with two choices, either he continues his life, or explore his newfound prowess to topple over the world But as there is price to pay for everything, Nich had to pay the price for his abilities as well. Will he be able to pay the price? Or will he loose all he had gain and live like a nobody?

i_love_sleep · Fantasía
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16 Chs

10. Reading Helps Alot.

Nich slept peacefully.

By now, he was used to the infinite plain of darkness that existed in a realm he had no knowledge of.

Nich also discovered something, which was peculiar.

The Castle of dream, as he called it was no where to be seen.

He did not know where it went, maybe the castle was at it's location and Nich was the one who actually moved away... No, there is no such thing as an location here.

Location ought to exist in a direction.

There is nothing here.

In the distance, the stars were just as bright as they were before, which slightly hinted that maybe the castle was the moving one here.

But if anything, Nich was delighted not to be swallowed by darkness, falling from unimaginable heights into an endless ocean and almost being swallowed by a giant serpent.

With having nothing to do, he decided to lay on the nothingness.

Nich was sleeping in his dream.

Time passed, then a ray of sunlight greeted the familiar window, and the person taking shelter behind that window as well.

Sunlight fell on Nich's face, he adjusted his blanket sightly, then went back to sleep.

Today was no school day, so his grandiose plan of sleeping till late can come to fruition, without much effort required.

But as luck would have it, his plans were ruined.

The betrayal came from one of his kin.

"Wake up, Nich"

Alice shook him, disturbing his slumber.

Nich, who was as still as a dead log ignored her and continued his slumber.

But after awhile, when he was too awake because of all the shaking, he peeked out his head from the blanket and said.

"What do you want?"

Alice smiled and said.

"Well i have plans, i need to go out, do you mind taking care of the house?"

Nich was annoyed.

But before he could utter a single word, Alice walked towards the door in a hurry, waving her hand.

"Thank you so much, dear brother! I made food for you, eat it before it's cold, Also remember to water the plants."

And she left.


'Well it's not so bad.'

Nich thought, as the water fell onto the plants and slithered down their leaves, reaching it's soil.

"Although Alice should have been more careful."

Nich muttered.

The incident that happened last night was, still a hot topic among the media.

Fortunately, he was a cautious person, and locked the door as soon Alice left, Nich did not want any new visitors, much less news reporters.

'You get what you sow.'

Nich thought, now his mind was shifted towards something else.

What can a person that has secretly gained an mysterious power does usually?

No, he was about to fly around with a cape on his back and beat up criminal on the daily, that would be cool, but he doubted he would have the approval of his parents.

Nich wanted to observe, and experiment with the newfound powers he had gained.

By reading all the novels and comics till this point, he had figured what he should do.


Nich took a deep breath, then held it inside.

He tried to see if there was any changes in his body.

After holding his breath till his face was red, he exhaled.


Nich continued for several more times, before stopping and thinking.

As far as he had read, this should be about the time when his body glows and he gains profound powers, which makes all the beauties fall for him and all the arrogant young master getting their face slapped.

Nich decided to continue after sitting cross legged.



Soon, he lost the flow of time and began habitually relating the said action.

Nich could feel, there was something inside his body that seemed to flow through his veins.

This strange fluid flowed with his blood, as if absorbed by it, but it still maintained a distinctive aura around itself.


Nich exhaled, opening his eyes, then he looked at his hand.

Imagining the strang fluid flowing through his veins to gather in his palm.

Then, he formed a fist.

Soon, ice particals gathered around his fist, forming small clusters of ice.

The temperature of the room seemed to go down, and then Nich tightened his fist, due to which the clusters of ice fell to the floor.

Nich relaxed his hand, which had a cold sensation.

But rather that feeling the cold sweep into his skin, he felt comfortable.

He felt great actually, as if his hands were being massaged by soft hands.

And now, he was hungry.

Nich looked towards the watch that hung on the wall, and seeing that the clock was already pointing at 3 pm, he was startled.

It was past lunch time, but he began his meditation session in the morning, he didn't knew how exactly this much time passed, his thoughts were disrupted by the hunger that boiled in his stomach.

After hungryly devouring anything he could find in the refrigerator, Nich once again decided to meditate.

It was like how when a kid gets a cool new toy they play with it for hours, for Nich being able to do something that he only read about in novels, and sometimes whished to be able to do, was undoubtedly something he can fight tooth and nail to keep.

But this time, something was amiss.

The substance that flowed through his veins, was now quite thin, and even when he tried to muster up his energy, the most he got was a single, small, pea sized ice cluster.

'It seems like my energy depleted '

So it would take some time before it can be restored, he would go read some novels or watch a movie in the meantime.

It was around 5:30 when he heard noise from downstairs, the noise of a door being oppened.

Nich walked down, to see his sister who didn't seem to be in a particularly good mood.

"What happened?"

Nich asked, he was "curious" As to what happened.

As expected, she was swarmed by the reporters.

"You did lock the door right?"

Nich asked, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"Of course, do you take me for a pushover? I strictly told them to not bother me or my brother, fortunately the police department also kept the details of the case secret, so they do not know what exactly happened."

Nich heaved a sigh of relief.

He was saved.


Till there was sound of the door being cracked open.

Nich was vigilant, but when he saw who it was, he froze in shock.

Alice too, froze in shock.

Then, Nich managed to let out a low voice.

"Mom... "