
Jeffery Clifford leo pov

I was just listening to Jake who was showing me pictures and biography of some Male and female people who want to apply for the job.

Non suit it.

' I told you Jake, this people can't handle my hot temper.they are like a stick of broom that can easily break" .

I said to Jake.

" but boss, this are the only people who applied" .

" they are not qualified. I need someone, who is ........ someone. just someone" .

I said turning around in my swiveled chair.

Jake sigh and said.

" what about you interviewing them yourself?"

I stop turning and stare at Jake.

" so that you can know who to qualify.

I have brought fifteen people and you haven't found who you want.i think you should please handle it ".

Jake said in a hurry.

' I will handle it. leave my office."

I said Jake sigh loudly, pick up the files he brought and left

' hmmm.

I hummed and pick up my phone and dail my brother number.

" hey big man.what's up with your call?"

my brother said to me the moment he pick up.

" searching for a secretary who will work in an office and travel with me in any business trip.haven't find any" I answered.

" oh , let me see if I can help you then".

that's why I have always count on you bro" .

' hmmm anything for you.i have to go, I have a document to work on.

wish me good luck with the search bro".

x" sure.i know you will give me one?

I answer and hang up.

I pick up my telephone And call Jake

" what Jake cried".

' bring me a file to work on".

I said and drop the call

I pick up my remote, turn on the CCTV camera and watch the workers.

* * * *