
I am the beginning of civilization

Five hundred million years ago. Insight_Williams descended on the most ancient barbaric lands and primeval seas. By accident, Insight nudged the trilobites into intelligent life. It slowly guided the Triloman(trilobite people) to develop an entire civilization, and likewise, the trilobites worshiped the protagonist as a god... But with the passage of time, history becomes legend, legend becomes myth, and eventually myth is buried in the years. Only the new God is eternal. ---------- With permission of the creator, only for exchange and learning. Discord: https://discord.gg/T3jGwuh97W PayPal: https://paypal.me/QAQ14?country.x=C2&locale.x=zh_XC (If you are willing to support $1 for the first time, I will be happy to post a bonus chapter and give you my private discord account number to commemorate the "first gold") :)

DaoistGy5WgI · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
52 Chs

Is it reincarnation or destiny?

The second generation of Wisdom King Knight died, but the fighting has not stopped.

More criminals were driven back to this magic abyss from afar, and one after another, silhouettes dived under the water.

The soldiers who belonged to the Kingdom of Hailince did not know that their king was dead, and they were still struggling to fight with these monsters, chasing down the sinners who were punished by God.

In the name of God.

Only the hundreds of guards in the nearby waters saw the death of Knight. They stopped all their movements for an instant and looked at the water at the same time.

Neatly and uniformly

A corpse without a head was floating on the surface of the sea, on which a bright and weird golden flower grew.

"The king... is dead?" The king's court guards couldn't believe what they saw before them.

"The king is dead!" Someone put down the bone spear in his hand, and the criminals rushing from behind penetrated his chest, as if he didn't feel it, and stared blankly at Knight's corpse.

"How is this possible?"

"This is impossible!"

Everyone is crazy, as if the pillar of faith in their hearts has collapsed.

After a short period of stagnation, everyone started moving frantically.

Even if Knight was dead, they still rushed over desperately, trying to take back Knight's body.


The cup of the sun made a sharp neighing sound, and a mythological power belonging to the high-level sacrificial swept across, directly causing all the soldiers and criminals of the Hailince Kingdom within a radius of tens of meters to stop all their actions.

On the tall corpse without a head, the weird flower with its fangs and teeth twisted its stem.

The cup of the sun failed to swallow the head and the crown of wisdom, and furiously crushed the criminals who had killed him.

And its root system, attached to the Knight's body, pierced into flesh and blood to smash the bones and armor, eating the whole body of the Knight and the blood of mythology.

The cup of the sun at this moment has completely changed into another species.


came alive completely.

  At the same time, the sun cups in the bodies of the other high priests of the Sky Temple in the scattered other sea areas also began to resist in an instant.

For daring to incorporate this weirdness between animals and plants into their bodies and gaining power that is not their own, they are destined to pay the price at this moment.

The first to bear the brunt was Schroeder, the priest of the Sky Temple.

At this moment, he is driving a fusion monster into the sea in the distance to launch an encirclement and suppression against hundreds of criminals. He has repeatedly proposed that he is the one who performs divine punishment on the criminals, and it is him who is intoxicated with killing at this moment.

He laughed wildly and raised his hand: "Humble and ugly monster! You shouldn't exist in this world! "

"God has mercy on the world and promises you the land of the Demon Abyss."

"How dare you crawl out of the abyss against the will of God?"

The demon-like fusion monster under his feet opened his blood basin and swallowed more than a dozen criminals into his abdomen in one bite.

He was ready to start his performance again, preaching his noble status as a man of enlightenment in front of everyone.

But the cup of the sun in his body began to agitate, and the roots of his whiskers broke through the breastplate and broke out.

"The cup of the sun, do you dare to resist me?"

Schroeder was taken aback for a moment, and then he vigorously reprimanded him.

He used his wisdom and power to communicate and control the cup of the sun.

"God gave you to me, and I am your master." In the first sentence, he is superior.

"God gave you to me; you can't resist me." This sentence is full of panic and horror.

The sun cup in his body is not as strong as the one in Knight's. He can barely move but can't display any magic or mythological power.

The roots of the flower of the sun continue to devour his flesh and blood, bursting out of his bones.

He strongly grasped the flower stem of the sunflower with his hands: "No!"


"I am a man of enlightenment!"

"God will not abandon me!"

"God won't abandon me!"

in the sharp screams.

The cup of the sun split into several petals and swallowed his head in one bite.

But the mutant sun cup didn't end well. After seeing the situation, the god priest on the side immediately controlled the fusion monster to tear it to pieces.

But it is impossible for the chief priest, Schroeder, to be rescued.

He followed in the king's footsteps and died in this war that is written down in history.

Everywhere, one by one, the high priests of the Sky Temple fell into desperation.

"Oh, no!"The screams kept screaming, and they couldn't figure out why the Sun Cup would suddenly bite themselves back.

"Oh my God!"Is this your punishment for us? "

In the chaos, a large number of monsters rushed out and escaped to the bottom of the sea.

The fighting gradually ended.

The criminals only left more than a thousand people and fled back to the Demon Abyss.

The guard of the royal court snatched the head of the second-generation Wisdom King Knight from the hands of several criminals, but could not find other parts of his body.

What is even more frightening is that they did not find the crown of wisdom.

"His Royal Highness Jarry!"

"This... this is..."

The guard who knelt on the ground did not dare to finish saying this, so he committed suicide in shame on the spot in front of Yasser's grandson.

Jarry stood on the body of the fusion monster Nini, holding up the head of the Knight and holding it tightly in his arms.

Looking up to the sky and roaring, tears can't stop flowing down.


There is no winner in this war.

The criminals were slaughtered and driven back to the Demon Abyss again.

And the Kingdom of Hailince lost the King of Wisdom.


The power of wisdom and kingship that God bestows on them

"Hailince Epic"

Because mortals who are addicted to killing, tyranny, and desire use the power bestowed by God to kill and act arbitrarily, God has taken back the supreme authority he has bestowed on King Redlichia.

Mortals who have original sin do not deserve to wear the crown of wisdom.

From then on, there is no longer a king of wisdom on the earth and sea, only the king of Hailince.


The SunSun Cup feeam different frbefore.ore The sun shines on it, and it feels very comfortable.

It even understands what joy and happiness are, and it also knows what danger is.

When the other cups of the sun were fluttering and swaying flowers, and then torn apart one by one by the priests and fusion monsters of the Kingdom of Hailince, it was the only one that hid and floated into the distance with the waves.

   The shadow of an island appeared in the distance, and an idea emerged in its mind.

It may be able to take root there.

The island is getting closer and closer.

Getting closer

It was delighted to discover that there were similar people here.

The sea of golden flowers stretching from the coast to the distance is swaying, as if welcoming them.

It wants to live here.

   It floated up to the shore, and climbed up as if the roots were entangled into feet.

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

In the sea of flowers, something seems to be walking through.

Before he could react, he grabbed it with one hand.

The green eyes froze its consciousness, and the terrifying aura like the devil evoked the memory in the depths of its blood.

It was so terrified that it dared not move.

Long, long ago, its ancestor was caught in the hands of an opponent like this.


They left the god-given land and wandered by the sea.

From one end of the Kingdom of Hailince to the other, and then back again from the other end, turning around the known world.

At that moment, they returned to Sally's hands.


It is like a reincarnation.