
I Am The Annihilation Maker In Marvel

During WW3, legendary Assasin Samuel Corvin was killed by his girlfriend. It was not of her own will as she and all other Assasins like Samuel were sleeper agents of the state. When she saw what she did, she took her own life, but that led Samuel to be sent on the path of Reincarnation. Not only did he receive the Sacred Gear Annihilation Maker he also was turned into a World Sage. A deadly combination in Marvel 616.

A_Real_Werewolf234 · Cómic
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7 Chs

A Temporal Anomoly

As his Dragons and Griffin flew toward Europe, he didn't fly high above the clouds to hide. He didn't feel he had anything to hide from so his giant flying monsters were visible to the people down bellow.

He didn't even give them a second glance as his Dragons could really cover ground. Just Balerion had wings so wide they could bloat out the sun with a wing span of 105 Meters(344 feet).

His Fatalis was even larger than him and the original Fatalis with a wing spawn of 150 Meters(492 feet) which meant their wasn't anyone who wasn't seeing his creatures as they flew across Alaska.

He smiled as his name as The Father Of Monsters was well earned. Even if he had given it to himself. When he had arrived in this world nine years ago, it had taken hours for Cannibal to make the flight to Alaska.

That would no longer be the case as his much stronger and higher quality creatures wouldn't need that long. Mana began to flow through Balerion, Alatreon, Cannibal, Fatalis, Nergigante, and his Griffin. 

Each and every one began to crackle with neon blue lightning so he braced himself. Each one seemed to transform into lightning as they blasted off into the distance as streaks of ionizing light.

In this form, his creatures managed to travel at extreme speeds allowing them to shorten their trip from hours to some minutes. As they cut through the sky, they left massive neon blue lightning storms which covered a large part of the Northern Hemisphere.

What that meant for the history books, Samuel didn't care since he was here and he wasn't going to pretend he didn't exist. A few minutes later his pets rematerialized over the German-Polish border.

Down bellow, he could see tanks, armored troop transport, artillery, men, and even planes flying into Poland. His Dragons were far too high up to be targeted even by the German Stukas.

Howeve that did not mean they could not see them so the entire invasion was halted in terror. Many were even retreating, but they had no where to go. He stood up and he walked forward until he was standing on the nose of Fatalis. The Dragon looked at him as he gazed down at the Germans like they were insects. 

"Who is in the mood for roasted Germans?"

He could see it in the eyes of his beasts they wanted nothing more than to be set loose. Each and everyone had extreme levels of inteligence and that inteligence led to crulty. The smarter a creature was, the more potential it had for evil.

"Well then, don't let me stop you."

With bellowing roars, his creatures tucked their wings and began to free fall. He crossed his arms as despite having turned into living giant rockets, the preasure couldn't effect him.

His face was split by a grin as Fatalis, Alatreon, Balerion, Nergigante, Cannibal, and his Griffin slammed down in front of the German lines. When they did that, it was obvious the Germans did not have an answer for gigantic monsters. 

Everyone was frozen in place as Samuel increased the sound of his voice through wind magic. . He even spoke in German to add to the shock factor.

"Attention invading Nazi Germans, you have exactly five seconds to pray to your God because you are about to meet him in the most painful of ways. SIEG HEIL(HAIL VICTORY) YOU CUNTS."

The moment he stopped speaking he smiled as his monsters opened their mouths, and took deep breaths before they released each released tidal waves of fire so gigantic it seemed a tsunami from Hell had been released.

Samuel started to madly cackle as he watched as the fire devestated the German Lines. Their tanks were melted to slag, and their men were reduced to ashes. The fire wave traveled for miles leaving nothing but a scorched Earth.

"Take that Hitler you one Balled Freak."

Seeing as he had just single-handedly halted WW2 he felt quite good about himself.

"Move on boys, we are going to reduce Berlin to smoldering ash. Of course, after letting the innocent out, we are not monsters after all."

He laughed at his own joke, but from the look of it none of his pets felt it was funny. He shook his head as he waved his hand. 

"Just fly damn it."

With a few bellowing snorts and huffs his pets took off into the sky. This time he was going to take his time because you didn't just end a World War and save millions every day.

While Samuel and his Monsters flew toward Berlin he had no idea the scale of Time Anomoly he had just created. He had not just stopped a massive pivotol moment in history such as WW2, he had killed nearly a million men in a single blast. Many of those men would have survived to have children, and grandchildren which caused a massive Temporal Anomoly. 

Samuel not even knowing where he was had caused that trouble in the present day for those that could identify it. In the modern-day New York in 2010 at Avengers Tower home of the Avengers, Tony Stark was currently working on a new model for his Arc Reactor which was interupted by massive earthquakes. 

Even his computers which had been designed to detect Temporal Anomolies were blaring. He looked up with a scowl as he was almost sure of what was going on. 

"Jarvis, what is going on?"

<Sir, I am detecting a massive time anomaly that is changing the course of history. This one far large than previous we had to resolve.> 

"Why don't people understand Time Travel is never a good idea. Jarvis, communicate with Strange. We will need his magic to fix this bullshit. God, I hate Time Travel."

Every time some mad Scientist or Wizard did it, everything went to shit. Tony sat up as he could work on his new Arc Reactor later.

"Jarvis, what is the origin of the Time Paradox. What is the period in history?"

Jarvis began to look through the rapidly changing course of history.

<Sir, it appears that a Mage or Wizard of some sort appeared in the past and set loose on army Dragons Monsters Axis Powers at begining WW2. From what I can see, he destroyed invading German Invasion Poland with his monsters.>

"A wizard? Good thing we have the Sorceror Supreme on our side."

Tony double-tapped his Arc Reactor in his chest before calling his armor to himself. Once he was suited up he began to communicate with the Avengers.

"Cap, you usually say this, but Avengers Assemble."


Back in 1939, Samuel still on the back of Fatalis had reached Berlin. He had set loose his pet Wolf Fenrir which he modeled after DxD Fenrir. The God Slaying Wolf was huge and was currently circiling the city releasing a icy aura from his aura.

Along with him was an equally massive crimson-furred bear with horns emerging from its head. From the bear, molten lava seemed to course through it's body which clashed with the chill of Fenrir.

Running along these two was a hoard of smaller bears and wolves ravaging any German soldiers soldiers they found. From the sky a pack of Rathalos destroyed any planes that took off into the sky.

The common German people were spared as he was not trying to slaughter people who did not deserve it. Now, at Berlin, he surrounded it by having his Dragons surround it in a wall of fire with only a single exit.

Once Berlin was surrounded by a massive magically fueled wave of fire, Samuel stepped forward to the city flanked by Balerion and Fatalis. Both titanic monsters licked their lips just itching to burn it down with everyone inside.

He looked at the city like he was Genghis Kahn only he wasn't going to go around raping people.

"What should I make now?"

He thought about it before smiling to himself. He clasped his hands together as his Shadow began to spread out. From his shadow emerged one of the best killers from the 40k universe. 

A Harliquin Solitar who appeared next to him in the usual outfit of the Harlequins. The female Solitar, looked down which was saying something because he was a big guy as he was 6'10 and she was looking down at him. 

"I have a job for you. Go into that city and kill the leader, he goes by Hitler. Make his death slow, make it beutiful as your kind so loves to do. Make it an Art and make sure all know." 

The Solitaire didn't speak, she merely began to make exagerated theatric poses which he understood. She was basically asking if she could bring him back the head as proof of her success. 

"You may." 

With a bow, she was off in a dazzling burst of purple as she ran faster than the eye could see and lept over the wall of fire with a flip. He chuckled as Solitaires were some of the most powerful beings in 40k even comparable to Primarchs supposedly. 

How true that was, he wasn't sure, but a single one could slay a whole squad of Chaos Space Marines without them knowing what killed them. While his Solitaire killed and tortured Hitler, he turned around. 

He began to walk toward Fatalis which he was going to remount. He had some more Dictators to put out of buisness, but just as he was going to do that he shot up to alertness.

His magical senses were warning him that some powerful people had just popped up. He could feel what he could only call Time Ripples that made him scowl. He closed his eyes and he claspped his hands together as he began to form several Magic Circles he had created through his nine years of isolation. 

"What the fuck is that? Everyone gather around."

He watched as his small hoard gathered around him with him in the middle. He turned to Fatalis and held his hand out to the Dragon. 

"Fatalis, I need you." 

Fatalis nodded and he placed his head against Samuel's extended hand. In a blinding flash of light and Fatalis was gone, but now Samuel had fused with Fatalis. He was the Fatalis armor and through that he now gained all of the powers of Fatalis. 

He clenched armored fists as he looked off into the distance as he could sense some truly powerful foes. 

'Who is it? Did the mages come after me?' 

He bent his legs as he began to gather his mana which began to surge like a flood through his body. A firey aura began to radiate from his body causing the armor to expand as it seemed to turn into Crimson Fatalis armor. 

As he prepared for a confrontation he didn't have to wait long as the sky began to thunder. 


He braced for impact as a bolt of lightning was launched toward him. Alatreon walked forward and switched from the fire element to the thunder element which began to thunder out from his body. 

The massive bolt of thunder struck Alatreon with extreme force only for the Elder Dragon to tank it and absorb it into it's body. When that happened, Altreon seemed to smile so Samuel walked forward while flanked by his Monsters.

Smashed his fists together and by condencing his mana and Fatalis' fire, he released a super heated blast of fire through the surroundings. 

"Damn Wizards." 

He shook his head as he thought that was the end of it, but he watched as his attack was countered by an equally large wave of fire which clashed against his flames. He paused as he slammed his foot against the sand. 

'I might need something bigger dependig on how strong these mages are.' 

He extended his fists as he was ready to fight and create the Titan he had in mind. Though, his thoughts were snapped out of him when from the sky he saw a bolt of lightning slam down several hundred yards away. 

When he saw who it was he had to take a double take. 


If that wasn't the most shocking, the rest of the Avengers began to gather. Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, and Ant Man. He didn't see Hawkeye, or Blackwidow, but that was probibly so they were not killed in one go. 

Even worse was Doctor Steven Strange who he very much was nowhere near as good of a mage. 

"I'm in Marvel? That is not good." 

Balerion, Alatreon, Cannibal, Fenrir, and his other Monsters gathered around him and began roaring and preparing to battle. A battle that depending on which version of the Characters, he would loose worse than Goku would loose to Saitama. 

'That is it, I just need to make Cosmic Fear Mode Garou, safer than making a CelestialSapience. Let's leave Alien X for a extreme dangerous event. Let's try diplomacy, that usually works.' 

He cleared his voice and he carefully stepped out from his monsters, not too far though. 

"Can we talk about this? It appears this is a big misunderstanding." 

Now it was the Avengers turn to be shocked as Time Travelers were never this cooperative. Then again, they weren't the ones surrounded by Mythical Monsters.