
I am Scp O76/Able in Scp the copy cat

So after I was killed I was reborn, so yeah I didn't know getting Reborn was a thing, but here I am as Able from Scp, will that kinda suck, because of all the Scp character to get reborn as i am Able, Life hates me, luckily i got a wish and let's say i got two powerful powers, lets make the most out of this -------- MC is not based on me and will have an actual personality, also he will be different also have no idea to give him a harem or just get with Scp 105, not really sure, anyway this story may wil just fouces on the lighter things then dark

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Otras
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17 Chs

Getting a student

The next day arrived I was training as I was called for by Dr Crow,

I think you know about what I do. Dr Crow said looking at me. you do don't you

Yeah I know. I siad looking at the dog doctor. Your one of the doctor that like to use scp in more effective way like scp 040 evaluation childe, what does this have to do with me

Dr. Crow's canine features twisted into what I could only assume was a thoughtful expression. "Indeed, I do prefer to use SCPs in more effective ways. And I think you could be quite useful in that regard, Able."

I crossed my arms, intrigued. "Go on."

"Your ability to copy and project the powers of other SCPs could be invaluable in certain situations," Dr. Crow continued. "Imagine being able to utilize the unique properties of multiple SCPs without having to physically transport or risk exposure to the originals."

"So, you want me to become a Swiss Army knife of SCP abilities," I said, raising an eyebrow. "Sounds risky. What's in it for me?"

Dr. Crow's eyes gleamed with interest. "Access to SCPs you wouldn't normally be allowed near. And perhaps some... freedom of movement within the facility."

Able's voice echoed in my mind, cautious yet curious. "This could be a trap. But if it's real, we'd gain more power and some leverage."

"I'll consider it," I said aloud, meeting Dr. Crow's gaze. "But I want to choose which SCPs I interact with, and I want your guarantee that I won't be treated like a guinea pig."

Dr. Crow nodded slowly. "Agreed. We'll start with SCP-999. Its harmless nature and beneficial properties make it an ideal candidate for your first official test under my supervision."

But I alreyd copy 999 ability. I siad looking at him. We don't need to do that

Dr. Crow looked at me with a mix of curiosity and approval. "If you've already copied SCP-999's abilities, then let's move on to SCP-239. Her abilities are indeed formidable."

I nodded, thinking about SCP-239, the young girl who could bend reality with her imagination. Her powers were incredibly strong, and having them could give me an unprecedented edge.

"I'll do it," I said, meeting Dr. Crow's gaze. "But what about Dr. Clef? He's always had a special interest in SCP-239."

Dr. Crow's eyes narrowed slightly. "Dr. Clef has his own... methods and motivations. However, his primary concern is containment and safety. If you can prove that you can safely handle SCP-239's powers, it might even alleviate some of his concerns."

Able's voice echoed in my mind, skeptical yet intrigued. "This could be dangerous. SCP-239's abilities are godlike. Are you sure you can control them?"

"I have to try," I thought back to him. "This could be the key to gaining more freedom and control."

"Alright," Dr. Crow said, breaking my reverie. "We'll set up a controlled environment for you to interact with SCP-239. This will be a delicate procedure, so be prepared."

A few hours later, I stood in a secure, observation-filled room designed specifically for interactions with SCP-239. The young girl was already there, sitting quietly and reading a book.

"Hello," I said gently, trying not to startle her.

She looked up, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Hi. Are you here to play with me?"

I smiled. "In a way, yes. I'm here to see if I can learn some of your amazing abilities."

Her eyes lit up. "Really? That sounds fun!"

Able's voice was cautious. "Be careful. Her powers are tied to her emotions and imagination."

I nodded inwardly and focused. "Alright, SCP-239. Can you show me something you can do?"

She giggled and waved her hand, causing a small, floating orb of light to appear. It danced around the room, casting colorful patterns on the walls.

I concentrated, activating my Projection ability. "Trace on," I whispered, feeling the familiar surge of power as I attempted to replicate her ability. The room shimmered, and a similar orb of light appeared next to hers.

"Wow! You did it!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands in delight.

I smiled, feeling a rush of accomplishment. "Thank you, SCP-239. This is amazing."

Dr. Crow's voice came through the intercom. "Well done, Able. You've successfully replicated SCP-239's ability. We'll monitor you closely to ensure stability."

As the session ended, I left the room feeling a strange mix of exhilaration and apprehension. With SCP-239's abilities at my disposal, I was more powerful than ever. But the responsibility and potential dangers of wielding such power were not lost on me.

"We did it," I thought to Able. "But we have to be careful. This is just the beginning."

Hey Dr. I said looking at Dr Crow. I will be training her, and I won't take no for an answer

Dr. Crow raised an eyebrow, looking at me with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "Training her? That's a bold statement, especially considering the potential risks involved. But if you believe you can handle it..."

"I can," I said firmly, meeting his gaze. "SCP-239 needs proper guidance to control her powers, not just containment. We both know the Foundation has made mistakes before by not nurturing the abilities of certain SCPs."

SCP-239's eyes sparkled with excitement. "You know spells? Can you teach me? Please?"

I chuckled, recalling the countless spells and abilities from fictional worlds I had memorized thanks to my meta-knowledge. "Sure, I'll teach you. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. You need to learn to control your abilities, not let them control you."

Dr. Crow sighed, rubbing his temples. "This is highly unorthodox, but given your unique abilities and knowledge, I suppose it's worth a try. Just remember, we're monitoring everything. One mistake, and we pull the plug."

"Understood," I replied. "I'll make sure nothing goes wrong."


Over the next few days, I began working with SCP-239, teaching her basic spells and helping her understand the nature of her powers. She was a quick learner, eager and enthusiastic, which made the training sessions both productive and enjoyable.

"Let's start with something simple," I said during one of our sessions. "This is a basic light spell. Just focus on creating a small ball of light in your hand."

She closed her eyes, concentrating hard. Within moments, a glowing orb appeared in her palm, illuminating the room with a soft, warm light.

"Great job!" I said, genuinely impressed. "Now, let's try to change its color. Imagine the light turning blue."

With a look of intense concentration, the orb shifted from yellow to a brilliant blue. SCP-239 giggled, clearly delighted by her success.

"See? You're doing amazing," I encouraged. "But remember, always stay calm and focused. Your emotions can affect your powers."

As days turned into weeks, SCP-239's control over her abilities improved significantly. She was no longer the frightened child who could accidentally unleash chaos. Instead, she was becoming more confident and in control.

During one of our breaks, she looked at me curiously. "Able, why are you helping me? Most people here are scared of my powers."

I sighed, thinking about how to best explain my motivations. "Because I believe you deserve a chance to understand and control your abilities, just like anyone else. The Foundation's goal is to secure, contain, and protect. Sometimes, that means helping SCPs like you realize your full potential safely."

SCP-239 smiled, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Able. I promise I'll do my best."

As I continued to train SCP-239, I couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility and hope. Perhaps, through this unconventional method, I could help her become a powerful ally rather than a potential threat.

"Let's get back to it," I said, standing up. "We have a lot more to learn, and I believe in you."

With renewed determination, we dove back into our training, each session bringing us closer to mastering her incredible abilities.

But I wanna show you something. Scp 239 said makinga spinning orb. You though me this what did you call it the Rasengan

I watched in amazement as SCP-239 formed a spinning orb of energy in her hand. "You actually did it," I said, genuinely impressed. "That's the Rasengan, a technique from a fictional world called Naruto. I didn't think you'd pick it up so quickly."

She smiled proudly. "It's really fun! Can you show me more like this?"

I laughed, shaking my head. "I've got plenty more where that came from. But remember, the Rasengan is powerful. You need to be careful when using it."

Dr. Crow, who had been observing our session from a distance, approached us. His expression was a mix of surprise and approval. "Able, it seems you were right about her potential. She's learning much faster than we anticipated."

"She's a natural," I agreed. "With proper guidance, she can control her abilities and maybe even help the Foundation."

SCP-239 looked between us, her excitement palpable. "What's next? Can you teach me more cool spells?"

I nodded, considering what would be both safe and beneficial for her to learn. "Alright, how about we start with the basics of chakra control? It's a fundamental skill that will help you with more advanced techniques."

Over the next few hours, we worked on focusing her energy and channeling it more efficiently. SCP-239 was a quick study, and her enthusiasm made the sessions enjoyable. As she practiced, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her progress.

"You're doing great," I said as she successfully completed another exercise. "Just remember, it's important to stay calm and focused. Your power is incredible, but it needs to be handled with care."

She nodded, determination shining in her eyes. "I understand, Able. Thank you for teaching me."

As the training continued, I realized that this was just the beginning. SCP-239 had the potential to become a powerful ally, and with proper guidance, she could learn to control her abilities and maybe even help the Foundation in ways we hadn't yet imagined.

Dr. Crow approached us once more, his expression thoughtful. "Able, your unconventional methods seem to be yielding results. Continue with this training. Perhaps SCP-239 can indeed become a valuable asset to the Foundation."

I nodded, feeling a sense of responsibility and hope. "I'll do my best to guide her. Together, we can achieve great things."

With that, we resumed our training, each session bringing SCP-239 closer to mastering her incredible abilities and proving that even the most powerful SCPs could be taught to control their powers for the greater good.

As after a few days in Dr Crow lab, hand laded as he saw it was Dr Clef

Dr. Crow looked up from his work as Dr. Clef stormed into the lab, his face twisted in anger. "Why the hell is that child allowed out of containment?" Dr. Clef demanded, his voice echoing through the sterile room. "You had something to do with it, didn't you? The Foundation won't agree for me to kill her, but they will agree with this?"

Dr. Crow met Dr. Clef's gaze calmly, his demeanor unruffled. "The decision was made based on SCP-239's progress under Able's guidance. Her abilities are being controlled and honed in a constructive manner."

Dr. Clef scoffed, his expression incredulous. "Controlled? She's a reality bender with the power to reshape the world on a whim. This is a risk we can't afford to take."

I stepped forward, feeling the need to defend both SCP-239 and our efforts. "Dr. Clef, with all due respect, SCP-239 is learning to manage her powers. She's not a threat if she's taught properly. Fear and containment won't help her control her abilities."

Dr. Clef's eyes narrowed as he turned his attention to me. "And you think you're qualified to make that call? She's a ticking time bomb, Able."

"I believe in her potential," I replied firmly. "She's shown remarkable progress in a short amount of time. Her powers can be an asset if we approach this the right way."

Dr. Clef shook his head, clearly unconvinced. "I've seen what happens when reality benders lose control. The GOC had protocols for a reason."

Dr. Crow intervened, his voice measured. "Dr. Clef, your concerns are valid, but we've taken every precaution. SCP-239 is monitored closely, and her training is conducted under strict supervision. Able has proven to be an effective mentor."

Dr. Clef seemed to struggle with his frustration, his hands clenching at his sides. "I hope you know what you're doing. If this goes wrong, the consequences will be on your heads."

With that, he turned and left the lab, leaving a tense silence in his wake. Dr. Crow sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Dr. Clef's concerns are understandable, but we can't let fear dictate our actions. SCP-239 has the potential to be more than a danger."

I nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "We'll keep working with her. She deserves a chance to prove herself."

Dr. Crow gave a small, approving smile. "Then let's continue. We've made significant progress, and there's more work to be done."

As we resumed our efforts with SCP-239, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of hope and responsibility. Training her was a daunting task, but I believed in her potential. Together, we would show the Foundation that even the most powerful SCPs could be guided and controlled, not through fear, but through understanding and support.

Plush. I siad as lighting moved in my hand. I have a copy of her power if she loses control I can keep her in control, if Clef learned about this he would probably lose his mind

Dr. Crow looked at the lightning dancing in my hand, his eyes widening slightly. "That... is a considerable advantage," he said, a hint of amazement in his voice. "If you can truly control her powers, then we might be able to mitigate the risks significantly."

I nodded, feeling the crackle of energy between my fingers. "If SCP-239 loses control, I can counteract her abilities. Dr. Clef might not trust this approach, but it gives us an edge he doesn't know about."

Just then, SCP-239 entered the room, her eyes wide with excitement. "Look what I made!" she exclaimed, holding up a small, glowing orb. "Able taught me this! It's like magic!"

Dr. Crow smiled warmly at her. "That's wonderful, SCP-239. You're making great progress."

The child beamed, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. She was learning quickly, adapting to her powers in ways that were both impressive and promising.

Dr. Crow turned to me, his expression serious once more. "We need to ensure that this training continues smoothly. Dr. Clef's skepticism won't disappear overnight, and we have to prove that this approach is effective and safe."

"I understand," I replied. "We'll keep working hard. SCP-239 has potential, and with the right guidance, she can be an asset rather than a threat."

As we continued our training, I noticed SCP-239 watching me closely, her eyes full of curiosity. "Able, can you show me more spells?" she asked eagerly.

I chuckled, nodding. "Of course. There's a lot you can learn. Just remember to practice control and focus. Your power is a gift, but it requires responsibility."

We spent the next few hours practicing different abilities, each session reinforcing her control and understanding. SCP-239's enthusiasm was infectious, and it was clear she was enjoying the process.

Later that day, as I was leaving the lab, Dr. Clef approached me, his expression still skeptical. "You're playing a dangerous game, Able," he said quietly. "I hope you know what you're doing."

I met his gaze steadily. "I believe in SCP-239. And I believe that with proper guidance, she can learn to control her powers. We all started as novices once, didn't we?"

Dr. Clef sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Just be careful. If anything goes wrong, it won't just be your head on the line."

"I understand," I said. "But I won't let her down. Or the Foundation."

With that, I turned and walked away, feeling the weight of the responsibility on my shoulders. But as I glanced back at SCP-239, who was happily practicing her spells, I knew that this was the right path. We were making progress, and with continued effort, we could turn potential danger into an incredible asset for the Foundation.

To be continued

So yeah Able got a student yeah, and give me power stones