
I Am Roboute Guilliman! (Warhammer 40K Self-Insert)

In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. An ordinary soul, within the physique of a demi-god. A mortal, yet not. In his hands, he holds a unique system, a collection of advanced and unheard-of inventions and tools, able to reshape the very basis of the Imperium, pushing it beyond its current, crippling standstill. Can he, Roboute Guilliman, wrest the fate of the Imperium from the claws of extinction? (SI reborn as Roboute Guilliman, but with a tech system. He has all the memories of Roboute Guilliman, and acts like Roboute Guilliman, but has the knowledge of the plot of Warhammer 40k) From: https://www.69shu.com/txt/45175.htm

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25 Chs

Chapter 15

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"The Raven Guard stands firmly with you, my lord," Verano replied, "Apart from choking Chaos and exterminating the Xenos, the Raven Guard seeks nothing else."

"Besides what you've mentioned, I ask nothing else of you, Verano. I'm glad you can stand firmly by my side," Guilliman responded with a smile, his eyes filled with expectation as he turned towards the other Chapter leaders.

"The Salamanders have always been mankind's most loyal defenders. Anyone who opposes mankind's enemies is our friend. I am willing to join your forces, as long as you do not find us wanting," said the Salamander warrior, his skin dark, his face stern, donned in green power armor.

"Loyalty is a rare and valuable trait; there's absolutely no reason to be picky," Guilliman said.

"The Space Wolves never miss a battle against Chaos or the Xenos. Regent lord, the Wolf Pack will become your sharpest sword," the Space Wolves' representative, adorned with a wolf's head, said determinedly.

"I look forward to wielding this sword to victory," Guilliman humorously looked at the Space Wolves' representative.

All the Chapter representatives expressed that they would comply with the orders of the Imperium's Regent, assisting him in eliminating the forces of Chaos in Ultramar, and launching attacks from Ultramar to other regions of the Imperium to prevent its destruction.

After confirming the attitudes of these Chapters, Guilliman let them rest, waiting for the day of the fleet's assembly and the commencement of the campaign.

A new war was about to begin, with humanity taking up arms against Chaos and the Xenos.

After bidding farewell to his final group of visitors, Guilliman pondered in the reception hall for a moment, then stepped out.

His Honor Guard, clad in Terminator Armor, followed closely behind.

Calgar, Sicarius, and Felix were waiting for him outside.

These were all top-ranking warriors from the Ultramarines Chapter, heroes of the Imperium with the highest honors, who had quashed countless wars launched against humanity by Chaos and the Xenos.

Calgar saluted Guilliman, "My lord."

"No need for formalities, Calgar," Guilliman shook his head, "Accompany me to see how the reconstruction of Macragge City is progressing. We can also discuss some matters concerning the future."

A hovercraft landed in front of Guilliman shortly, a type of vehicle meant for sightseeing.

Macragge, as the home of the Ultramarines and the capital of the Five Hundred Worlds, naturally held special significance. Every year, many tourists would come to visit the Ultramarines' homeland.

Such sightseeing hovercrafts were abundant in Macragge, classified as civilian equipment.

With the onslaught of the forces of Chaos, these hovercraft underwent military modification. The one in front of Guilliman was no exception; it was quite evident that it had been modified for combat. Thick steel plates were embedded onto the hull, showing some welding marks, and the weapons mounts had not yet been removed.

Guilliman, however, was not critical of the hovercraft. He just wanted to see the current state of Macragge City. The scars of war were still vivid. Under the guidance of the Mechanicus, the survivors of the devastating attack launched by Chaos were rebuilding their homes. Numerous Knight Titans had been refitted with construction tools, assisting the people in returning to their normal lives as quickly as possible.

The Mechanicus servants, with their six mechanical legs, were tirelessly hauling materials and repairing the crumbling buildings. Macragge seemed to be thriving. Yet, behind all this, there were discordant voices.

As Guilliman surveyed Macragge City, an explosion suddenly echoed through the air. Several Thunderhawk gunships roared overhead, heading towards the source of the explosion to deliver a barrage of fire upon the insurgents. According to Calgar, it was the work of residual cultists. The forces of Chaos had been purged, but not all the traitors had surrendered. They hid in the shadows, periodically launching attacks, trying to disrupt the reconstruction of Macragge.

People wore smiles on their faces. Not only had they driven off the forces of Chaos and defended their home, but the awakening of Guilliman gave them hope in the darkness, a possibility of salvation.

Guilliman stood on the hovercraft in silence, not commenting on the unexpected incidents. He just quietly surveyed this ancient, concealed city that had been rebuilt numerous times. His effortless victory over the forces of Chaos was indeed cause for celebration. Yet, his memories of his first battles haunted him, reminding him of the horrors of the war between mankind and Chaos.

Macragge, at the end of the war, was left a scorched and fragile ruin, mired in the remains of the dead. Space was cluttered with floating debris, countless Imperial soldiers had sacrificed themselves for victory. That sight was unforgettable.

After surveying the city, Guilliman turned to Calgar, "You are my most trusted subordinate, Calgar."

"I am honored by your praise," replied Calgar, his face beaming.

"I have a critical task for you, Calgar. I can hardly think of anyone else who could carry out this task besides you," Guilliman added. Sicalrius and Fekris, standing nearby, showed faces of envy.

Receiving such generous praise from the Primarch is indeed a supreme honor. "Soon," Guilliman began, "I will assemble forces to launch a cleansing war across Ultramar, to completely eradicate the enemies of the Five Hundred Worlds. However, I am worried about Macragge. It has just experienced the baptism of war, and another assault from Chaos would be an unimaginable blow to the morale of the Imperium. I need someone I can utterly trust to stay on Macragge, to ensure that this world will not suffer another attack."

Guilliman looked at Calgar, his eyes filled with expectation and hope.

A hint of surprise appeared on Calgar's face. He had assumed that Guilliman would grant him the role of vanguard in this upcoming war, making him a formidable weapon in the Primarch's hand. To his surprise, he was asked to stay in Macragge to guard against Chaos.

"My lord, I hope I can..." Calgar started, but Guilliman cut him off.

"In this chaotic universe, I do not deny the strength of Celestine and Amalrich. They have led the armies of the human Imperium in multiple strikes against Chaos and the xenos, achieving victory time after time. These heroes of the Imperium all have their unique merits, but they lack sufficient strategic awareness, Calgar. I am not comfortable entrusting Macragge, this important world, to them. I must leave it to someone who possesses cunning, power, and who can assure victory."

"Macragge is not simply the capital; it is crucial for the salvation of mankind's future. The Mechanicus possesses several key technologies. Under my authorization, they are attempting to popularize them, which could tip the balance on future battlefields, Calgar. If any issues occur, all efforts would be in vain."

Guilliman knew what Calgar wanted to say. War is what every Space Marine desires the most. But now, Guilliman needed to ensure that his rear would not be taken by Chaos. The technologies in Cawl's possession are essential and could effectively enhance the military strength of the Imperium, sweeping away its previous decay and equipping it with the power to confront the daemons and traitors.

Leaving Calgar to defend Macragge is the best choice.

"I shall not fail your expectations," Calgar responded, nodding in obedience. However, he felt somewhat disappointed. He had fought bloody battles for the Imperium, won countless glories for the Ultramarines, but now he was being excluded from the indomitable war led by the Primarch.

Guilliman seemed to see through his inner thoughts and continued, "You can also use this time to prepare an appropriate army. Once the entirety of Ultramar has been purged, and Macragge faces no more threats, you will lead this army as the vanguard. You will participate in the Indomitable Crusade and pave the way for the subsequent forces, going to all parts of the Imperium to eradicate Chaos and Xenos. You wouldn't want to see a Primarch without a personal guard, forced to rely on other forces, would you?"

"My lord, are you suggesting that I can raise an army?"

"Yes, Calgar, a brand new army. New warriors, new ships, and a fresh mindset. This crusade is not only about driving out Chaos and clearing our enemies, but also about curing the chronic diseases of the Imperium. Reformists from the Council will depart with you, spreading new Imperial thoughts and systems everywhere, pushing local reforms. When necessary, stubborn conservatives can be treated as enemies."

Guilliman spoke gravely, "I can't entrust this to anyone else, Calgar. Only you are someone I can trust."

"I will do my best, my lord." Calgar's tone brightened, and he seemed delighted by Guilliman's trust.

"Do not disappoint me, Calgar," Guilliman intoned seriously. "What you're defending isn't just Macragge, it's the future of mankind. Any mistake would be the greatest betrayal and harm to humanity."

"I understand, my lord. You won't be disappointed."

In the days that followed, Guilliman received various visitors, listened to their thoughts and suggestions, and made his own decisions.

A week later, a force composed of elements from the Imperial Navy, the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Sisters of Battle, Knight Houses, Titan Legions, and the Inquisition was assembled by Guilliman.

The issue of Ultramar needed to be resolved as soon as possible. After that, they could turn to other parts of the galaxy, eliminating Chaos forces, quelling rebellions, and rebuilding the Imperium.

Standing on the bridge of the Gloriana-class Battleship - Macragge's Honour, Guilliman opened the communications channel for the entire fleet.

His voice echoed through each battleship, resounding in every ear.

"I am honored to fight alongside all of you, my brothers and sisters, my flesh and blood. The Gods of Chaos believed that we, humanity, would become their playthings, forever entrapped. They destroyed our homes, hunted our brothers and sisters, and still expected us to submit to their dark and terrifying rule, but that's nothing but a fantasy. From today onward, humanity will launch a full counterattack against those damned Chaos entities and Xenos. We will show them with our swords in hand that humanity will never surrender."

Guilliman raised his voice, rumbling like thunder, resonating in every heart and echoing in every corner.

"Humanity will never surrender! Long live humanity! Long live the Emperor!"

Following Guilliman's roar, the crews, soldiers, knights, Space Marines, Inquisitors, and devotees aboard the ships all let out deafening cheers. They responded to Guilliman in a fervent manner.

"Humanity will never surrender! Long live humanity! Long live the Emperor!"

"Humanity will never surrender! Long live humanity! Long live the Emperor!"

"Humanity will never surrender! Long live humanity! Long live the Emperor!"

Every individual was possessed by a wild fervor, their faces reddened, shouting the mantra with insanity.

Even from the surface of Macragge, similar cheers could be heard, everyone screaming the same slogan.

Their collective emotional surge formed a powerful psychic stream in the sub-space surrounding Macragge, striking fiercely at the raging warp storm, scattering it and drawing the attention of the gods.

Amalrich and Celestine, among others, felt all of this, their hearts tumultuous as a stormy sea, unable to maintain calm.

With such a leader, how could the Imperium ever fail?

Calgar stood on the surface looking up at the sky. All around him, countless people joined in shouting with their gene-father. It was an awe-inspiring display of charisma and influence.

"Let us set sail, let us sound the death knell for the enemies of the Imperium. This time, we fight for the Imperium, we fight for humanity, we fight for the sacred Emperor."

Guilliman's roar grew more passionate, stirring everyone, inspiring within them an infinite strength.

Accompanied by cheers, one warship after another set sail, tearing through the veil of reality, entering the warp.

The fire of war was reignited. Humanity shall never submit to the terrible darkness of fate.

Even if it means drawing swords against the gods, the heroes of the Imperium know no fear.