
I Am Really The Best Anti Hero In Another World!-System Of Anti Hero!

I make it clear that I do not intend to continue this novel. So, if you want a story that will come to fruition someday, I recommend that you don't read it. ********* Ji Hoon literally have the worst day of his life, or was it perhaps the best day? He was dropped by his girlfriend who had all her assets in his name. He was fired from his job, where he had an explorer boss. And he was expelled from college, where he was bullied almost every day. He was dropped by his family, with a pair of abusive parents. And he realized that they have no friends to ask for help at these times. After drinking all afternoon, Ji Hoon found himself walking aimlessly through the streets, with nowhere to go or who to return to, he just walked around. This was until he fell to the ground after seeing a floating window in front of him asking. [Would you like to live a new life in another world?] [Yes? Not?]

DarkAngel_ · Oriental
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110 Chs

Chapter 87

A table with two chairs, a window on the side of it and a large bed with a white blanket and two pillows of the same color. From the window on the side of the table, it was possible to see all the movement in the street, where several people came and went from one side to the other all the time.

Noah then started walking slowly towards the bed. 'What's he doing?!' he left Ting sitting there and turned around, heading back to the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to do something…"

"But what about me?"

"I am not a walking crutch. I won't be carrying you around the city."

"But what am I going to be doing in this place?"

"I don't know..." he smiled "Why don't you get some sleep?"

"I do not want…"

"Bye Bye!" he closed the door and left.

"What?! But I do not…"

"I don't want to be stuck in a bed again…"

Ting sighed and let her body slowly fall back. "Will it be long before I can walk?" She closed her eyes. "I hope not…"


In an arid desert, where the sun beats hard and almost burns the skin of some people. Fusu was flying at high speed over this spot. Not feeling the effects of the sun, or even caring what was going on around him, he just kept flying as he thought 'Ting must be okay, right?'

"That boy might say those things, but I don't think he's the kind of person who would abandon her in that place…" He paused for a moment, "Or is he…"

While he was standing in mid-air, three men dressed in black flew by at high speed next to him and headed towards the town where he was. 'These clothes… maybe he has…'

Fusu went quickly to those men and, hovering in the air. As he smiled, he stood motionless in front of those people, thus blocking his way.

The man in the middle said "Could you get out of our way sir? We're in a bit of a hurry…"

The smile on Fusu's face disappeared. And looking them straight in the eye he said "I'd like to...but first you'll have to tell me what royal guards like you are going to do in such a small, godforsaken town."

"Like you…"

The man in the center stopped his partner from acting and, smiling, said, "I don't know what you're trying to say. We're just three mercenaries, so how could we be royal guard?"

"Of course, three mercenaries who carry the Prince's brand around..."

The three looked in surprise at the scarf around their waists "That bastard…"

Just thinking about making an attack, the man on the right saw his own body, as well as those of the others upside down, as his head slowly dropped to the ground next to his body, which was soon after.

"You know who we are, but you still dare attack us?!" The one on the right went all over Fusu "Consider yourself dead old man!"

But before he could even get to touch him. After simply pointing your index finger in your direction. In moments Fusu had his body strangely reduced to crumbs, causing a large amount of blood to fly, everywhere.

Sorry about this tiny chapter. But I was busy today, and now I'm very sleepy and not much in the mood to write. So this chapter was just so that today you wouldn't run out of any.

DarkAngel_creators' thoughts