
I am owner of Liverpool

Asad a Liverpool fan watching 2023 season ended and the Liverpool which was in contention for quadruple the previous season fall apart and didn't even make it to champion league football next season. The day season ended Asad drew his last breath and died. But ............................ God give him a chance. To reborn in past I will do whatever it takes to make things write. He is going to write his own legend in football world. and will change it forever ps. I am Liverpool fan and this is just for fun guys so please no extra hate. also any mistake please forgive it

AKG_1436 · Deportes
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Chapter 7 : Month of August or Devil schedule!!!!

After Liverpool win over arsenal.

Arsenal Manger A.Wanger was full of prise for Liverpool players and Coach. He also highlighted that it's only start of the season so They will get better but we also will get better next time we will win when we face each other again later down the season.

He also said his players played well according to plan but Reus and bale give them huge surprise. They would study them again so we can defend them in next match but this is just one match we need to prepare for next week fixture.

On the other klopp was also full of prise for arsenal player's said: They made a lot of trouble for our back line but luckily we escaped them Also said: Liverpool players delivered according to plan I am very happy with them.

When asked about Hummel's mistake klopp smiled at reporters and said: That it was his mistake he didn't realize Hummel's was a young kid because he so mature so this was his fault. And said Hummel's is gonna be a World class defender but he needs some time. Also He would be Using Hummel's again and again to build his confidence. Also why he sub him of after mistake was to protect his confidence and next time he would not make mistake like this because he knows Hummel's is a warrior.

Then come the Question Klopp had known these guys will ask him.

why star midfielder Javier Mascherano was not in the starting lineup?.He was not on the bench? is he leaving? We heard that Barcelona wants to sign him?. What are you thought on these News From Spain?.

Klopp replied: First of all Javier is Liverpool player. So any news for his transfer should come to me first but Javier didn't tell me anything so that's most likely be just False rumors. As for starting XI Javier Said to me he was not feeling ill so he took day off.

But klopp replay didn't receive any attention from Media because Half Hour later Javier agent Comes to Asad office and said That His player want to leave Liverpool.

Asad smiled and said: okay you go and tell the team to offer us there price so we will sell him who bid highest.

After his agent left Asad sneered because he knows that Javier want to go to Barcelona laporta already fixed massive agent fee for his agent as long he come to Barcelona.

So in coming Days when News about Javier leaving was leaked many team bid to take him in which Barcelona was second highest bidder.

Highest bidder was Man city but Asad didn't want to send him to premier league team so he Set the meeting with 3rd highest bidder Real Madrid.

Asad him self held the meeting with Real president perez and said I am willing to sell Javier plus will give you 20 million in exchange for 2 players 1 Xavi Alonso and Youth Academy players Dani Carvajal. When perez Accepted his offer .Asad said to perez: You can convince him to join you because he already has his heart fixed on going to Barcelona and I will meet Xavi Alonso to Convince him.

Both sides said Good-byes and Asad held meeting with Xavi Alonso and His agent to return to Liverpool because he left the previous year.

In Meeting with agent Asad said to Them he willing to Give Xavi Alonso a 7 year contract with 290k per week plus 25 million signing bonus. Hearing the offer both were impressed by Asad offer after discussing it about half and hour Xavi Alonso accepted the offer .

After that Asad also talk with Dani parents who was his agent to convince them to come to England and Liverpool After Asad promise them jobs at the club and Next season promise to Next season Dani upgrade to First team they Also accepted Asad offer.

On the other hand Perez had difficult time with Javier agent but after Long discussion Javier and his agent got convinced when Perez also Let money talk.

After the transfer was completed. The news quickly spread across Europe and Liverpool fans were happy because a hero is returning home.

When Asad comes to Liverpool with Alonso and Dani many people were waiting for Alonso returning they held post card saying welcome back to there hero..

There were some fans also saying thanks to Asad for resigning Liverpool legend.

That whole operation took 2 days.

On the Thursday that followed, Trabzonspor travelled to Anfield for the playoff round of the UEFA Europa League. A less-than-convincing first half-display from Liverpool turned into a sudden success, When lewandowski suddenly scored twice from Milner and Ross crosse's in extra time another new signing Antoine Griezmann scored from left when lewandowski passed him a ball behind there defense to make it 3;0.

On 23 August, Liverpool travelled to Eastlands to face Manchester City.

In this match Liverpool struggled against Manchester City, who won 3–1, a score that could have been even higher. The goals were scored by Gareth Barry and Carlos Tevez, and from Liverpool side Suarez scored the only goal of the match. In this match Liverpool really looked like new team that needs time to play well. But fans were not much disappointed. Because they know they had to be patient.

last match poor performance start looked to go from bad to worse as Trabzonspor scored twice the return leg thanks to Teófilo Gutiérrez, but thanks to a late own goal and a Xavi Alonso free kick, Liverpool managed to just scrape through to the group stage.

On the Sunday, Liverpool capped the week off with a second win, narrowly defeating West Bromwich Albion, who surprisingly dominated the possession in the first half. Liverpool got out of jail thanks to a moment of genius from Reus and Bale, Bale playing in a nice cross which Reus rifled into the corner for the winning goal. In spite of the victory, the performance was not great but fans were happy they at least get results because in previous years these were the game's in which Liverpool droops points.

So it's comes end of August but Liverpool wins were more than they should get because the performance was not great but they still scrapped the win.

Different fans and experts had different opinions some saying that Liverpool need time some said Liverpool players are great but klopp isn't great coach he didn't realize This isn't Germany it's england and our football is different. Some out right said that klopp is bad manger and Liverpool should sack him before he makes Liverpool worse.

But Asad in Interview with echo said that he fully trust klopp and Klopp will be Liverpool Coach at least of contract years we offered him. He will never be sacked that final answer. Many people don't understand his play style but I think in 2 or 3 season later Liverpool fans will be thanking me for bringing him to Liverpool because for me he is the best coach in the world. And he will prove it .

After Asad interview Many people start to criticize Asad as spoiled child and Saying he didn't know anything. He will destroy Liverpool...

Because They contract which Asad offered to klopp was leaked to Media by someone inside .

And both Asad and Klopp were under huge pressure from fans and media because this first time some signs this long contract plus the salary is already first in the world.

What will be Asad and Klopp response??????.