
I am now the prince of influential family in the world of cultivation

Have you ever thought bout Killing the entity who Reincarnated you and ruin You’re life No right? Because that happened with me and now I will do everything to surpass that being using all the advantages and benefits of being the prince of influential family; So watch me grow. Cover is taken from Pinterest if the owner want me to take it down then just Message me in comment section

Yuri_Shigure · Fantasía
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1 Chs

I am dead

So I died huh?

Yes you are indeed dead

So what are you, Some Kind of God or

Shush no need to say, I am not a God nor a devil I'm an entity who is someone powerful enough far beyond your intellect.

So now why I am here

Well Don't think you are someone special just because you are here and now let me tell the reason why are you here.

I was tasked by higher being, well umm you can think of him as my boss so I was tasked by my boss to Reincarnate 20 inviduals.

Huh? Reincarnation could it be, I was summon here so I can get Reincarnated maybe I can use this chance for my advantage.

Hey foolish human don't even think about it I can hear your thoughts clearly and I already told you don't think of yourself as someone important.

Just consider yourself lucky.*

And now where did I left off hmm yeah I was tas*

Stop you already told me that; you're tasked to Reincarnate 20 people, aahh why I'm repeating what you said anyway Just get to the topic.

So I already Reincarnated 19 people but the last soul got Corrupted and because of that, you are here.

How did that explain the situation I'm in.

Well I decided to choose a candidate by spinning the most amazing candidate roulette and you were selected so I had to kil-

You did What? You aren't joking right!

No it's true " Aaaahhhhhh ",

Why did you do that Huh? anyway let get some breath hufffff; so I will also get Reincarnated.

Yess you will get Reincarnated.

Then I need some compensation cause you had me died for your so called candidate reincarnation program.

Fine! What compensation do you need.

I want some of my wishes to,

"Wait before you say anything let me tell you that you're going going to Cultivation World and you will only get to have one wish".

What? Man that's bummer, then let me think what wish I should ask for; hmm ok I have decided what my wish would be .

I want a super body that can absorbed qi faster for various use and you won't question me is that ok.

Fine then enjoy your journey in this new world bye bye and don't die so easily.