
I am Morty Sanchez

Inspired by "I am Morty but better." I took some of his chapters and decided to make my own. Credit to him. This is just fun fic and won't be too serious it won't follow the canon, so if you don't like it sue me. ========== Reborn as Morty Smith from Rick and Morty. He will travel through multiverse for a lifetime of adventure while wooing woman along the way. "Yes~ Morty~ Fuck your Mommy harder!" "Hey, don't hog him all to yourself, Mom." ======= BEFORE READING. Incest Time travel clone/Hivemind orgy. Y'all might think it's self-Ntr so if you think so then this fic isn't for you. Alien seggs. Female Yautja and humanoid Xenomorph. I mean it's rick and Morty. Semi-furry( Like fanart of Renamon and Tigress) Porn with plot. MC Chaotic Neutral to Neutral Good. Wish fulfilment. Jerry smith is Cucked. Massive Harem. Planned world: Adventure Time, Ben 10, Invincible, The Boys, Gravity Falls, Star Vs forces of evil, Frozen, Tangled, Kung Fu Panda, etc.

Try_hard · Cómic
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125 Chs

Chapter 107 - Pokémon 5~♥️

Ever thought of writing while hard? Yeah this is not easy but I'm having fun anyway.

That aside, enjoy toodaloo bitches.


Having ended his session with Giratina, who was currently watching the scene unfold from her ethereal realm, the man who had bred her proceeded to pin down the blue-skinned beauty underneath him.

As he gazed down at her, the man couldn't help but marvel at their similarities. Both Arceus and Giratina had busty figures with massive mounds that were irresistible to touch. Their succulent rears were soft and squishy in his hands, adding to the allure of their bodies.

Even with a bit of fat on her belly, she remained sexy beyond measure – if anything, it enhanced her sexiness rather than detracting from it. His eyes traveled upwards from her voluptuous form to meet hers.

As they continued to explore each other's bodies, Dialga couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of attraction and lust towards Morty. It was something she had never experienced before, as entities that embodied time were often detached from such earthly desires. However, in this moment with him, she found herself completely lost in the sensations he evoked within her.

His hands roamed across her stomach and chest while his lips trailed downwards along her neck towards her collarbone. The gentle brushes of his fingers against sensitive areas sent shivers through every fiber of Dialga's being – a feeling she never thought possible for someone like herself to experience.

As Morty's fingers traced downwards towards her quim, Dialga's body quivered in anticipation. The gentle rubbing against her wet pussy sent shockwaves of pleasure through every inch of her being. She had never experienced anything like this before – the intensity and sensitivity were unlike anything she could have imagined.

Her thick juices continued to leak from between her legs, coating Morty's fingers as he explored deeper into her core. With each stroke and caress, Dialga found herself becoming more and more lost in the moment; consumed by the overwhelming desire that was coursing through every fiber of her being.

"You like that, don't you?" As Morty's husky and deep voice echoed through the forest, it seemed to awaken something primal within Dialga. His words were like a siren's call, drawing her deeper into the depths of their passionate encounter. With each breath he took, she could feel herself becoming more and more aroused by his touch.

"Mhmmhaah~♥️ why does this feel good~♥️!" Despite her initial resistance, Dialga found herself unable to deny the pleasure that was coursing through her body. As Morty's fingers slowly inserted into her soaking wet snatch, she let out a soft moan of surrender.

Her body shook with each thrust of his fingers, sending waves of ecstasy throughout every inch of her being. She couldn't believe how good it felt.

"Because I made you perfect for breeding. Your eggs are extremely fertile and result in instantly creating life." As Morty inserted yet another finger into her, Dialga let out a soft gasp of surprise at the sensation. The squelching sound that accompanied his movements only served to heighten her arousal further.

His fingers moved in and out of her wet snatch with ease, each thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure through every inch of her being. She couldn't help but moan softly as she felt herself growing increasingly close to climax – something she never thought possible for someone like herself.

The woman's body trembled as she felt his weight on top of her, her heart racing in fear and anticipation. She could feel his hot breath against her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

As he began to kiss and nibble on her sensitive skin, she couldn't help but moan softly. His hands roamed over every inch of her body, exploring every curve and contour with expert precision. He whispered words of praise into her ear while teasingly nipping at the lobe before moving lower to suckle on one of her perky breasts.

The woman arched herself into him as he continued to lavish attention upon each part of their bodies that came into contact with one another; it was almost too much for either party involved!

"Mhmmmaaah~♥️!! Oooh~♥️♥️" Dialga felt utterly lost in pleasure moaning in the process, grabbing arms that were thrusting into her quim and gripping it tightly trying to stop Morty from pulling away. Morty smirks upon seeing her going over the edge and about squirting her juice when he decides it was time.

"Hehehe~ no worries, I'm about to start the main event." As Morty pulled his fingers away from her cunt, Dialga couldn't help but let out a soft moan of disappointment. However, her disappointment was short-lived as he quickly inserted his three fingers – soaked in her ovulating juices – into his mouth.

The sweet and delicate flavor of her juices on his tongue sent shivers down Dialga's spine. She watched in fascination as he savored every drop, unable to believe the intensity of the emotions coursing through her body at that moment.

Dialga felt something pressed down against her belly and brushing on her cunt looked down at the massive length that throbbing at the same time her inside did wanting to impale her deep inside pouring the seed to create a life. Morty leaned down to kiss her collarbone then to her neck making his way to her face, smooching her masked face while Dialga subconsciously held his pulsating dick.

As Morty moaned at the warmth of her three fingers, Dialga looked at him with a mix of lust and anticipation. She couldn't help but jerk him gently, eager for more of his touch.

He grinned widely before pulling back slightly, positioning his massive slab of meat at her entrance. With one swift thrust, he pushed himself inside her – filling her up completely in an instant.

"MHMMMMHAAAAAH~~~~♥️♥️♥️!!" As Morty continued to thrust deeper into her, Dialga cried out in pleasure and pain. The foreign object stretching the inside of her newly made pussy was both exhilarating and overwhelming.

As Dialga arched back and writhed in pleasure, she couldn't comprehend what this new stimulation was – but she knew it felt good. Morty looked at her heaving for air, evilly grinning as he pulled back slightly.

The sudden loss of his presence inside her elicited a gasp from Dialga; it was almost as if she couldn't bear to be without him for even a moment.

Morty grunted with each thrust, feeling the tightness of her walls as they slowly gave way to his relentless onslaught. He couldn't help but marvel at how good she felt wrapped around him. With each thrust that followed, she found herself growing increasingly closer to climax – an orgasm unlike anything she had ever experienced before.

"Aaahh~♥️! Don't stop~♥️ it feels amazing!!! Hhmmmhhaaahn~♥️" The clapping and squelching sound echoed through the forest as Morty moved his hips non-stop, holding onto Dialga's waist. She gripped tightly into the grass, her breasts bouncing all over with every thrust of his hips. Her insides squeezed tightly around his cock, trying to drain him of every last drop of seed within him.

As Morty aggressively plunges deep into her, Dialga squirms in delight, trying to keep herself from losing control. She watches his body move with hers, feeling the intensity of their connection grow stronger with each passing moment.

He leans down and grabs both of her massive buxom breasts, swirling his tongue around her hardened nipples and soaking them with his saliva. The sensation sends shivers down Dialga's spine.


As Dialga couldn't take it anymore, she showered Morty's dick with her juices – a sign of just how intense the stimulation had been for her body. He took a moment to set himself in a new position, eager to continue their passionate encounter.

"W-Wha—Guuughh!!" As Morty rammed his dick directly into Dialga's uterus and ovulating ovaries, she let out a soft moan of pleasure.

The feeling of being fucked in a mating pressed was complete different than the position she was in before where this position made her at the mercy of Morty who looked a thing with ferocity rutting deep into her quim. The sound of their flesh smacking against each other as they moved together in perfect sync.

Dialga's mind was completely lost in euphoric pleasure; she couldn't think straight or focus on anything but the sensations coursing through her body at that moment. With each thrust from Morty, she could feel herself getting closer and closer to climax once again.

As Morty continued to pound Dialga inside, her arms hugged him tightly, locking them together at the same time as her legs. She moaned like a harlot in the streets – uncaring about anything but the pleasure that was coursing through her body.

He focused on breeding the Pokémon before him, determined to leave his mark on this encounter. With each thrust, he could feel himself inches away from exploding his semen into her.

"I'm close…get ready, Dialga." As Morty looked at Dialga, he could see that her mind had turned into smoosh. she could only form incoherent moans and cries of pleasure. However, it was clear that she wanted more; she pulled him for a kiss.

Their lips met in a passionate embrace, their tongues dancing together as they shared the intensity of their connection. With each thrust from his massive slab of meat inside her.

As Dialga's body trembled and convulsed with each powerful thrust, she could feel the intense pleasure building up inside her. The sensation of his thick cock pounding against her walls was overwhelming..

With every thrust, Dialga felt a surge of ecstasy course through her veins. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge, but she didn't want it to end just yet. She wanted this feeling to last forever. As Morty continued to pound into her tight hole, he began speaking in a low growl that sent shivers down Dialga's spine.

"You like that? You want more?" He asked between heavy breaths as he pulled back slightly before plunging back into her again with even more force than before.

Dialga nodded vigorously in response, unable to speak due to the intensity of their passionate encounter. Her eyes were closed tightly as she focused on the sensations coursing through every fiber of her being – from the warmth emanating from Morty's cock deep inside her core all the way up through each nerve ending in every part of her body until it reached its peak at last...and then some!

Suddenly there was an explosion within Dialga; an uncontrollable release so powerful that it seemed as though all other thoughts were drowned out by its intensity - including any notion or concern about whether or not they should have been doing this at all!

With one final thrust from Morty which sent waves upon waves crashing against both their pleasure centers simultaneously and his balls clenching hard enough for him too, they both cried out loudly together.


As Morty's hot cum filled Dialga's womb, she let out a long, low moan of pleasure. It felt so good to be taken so completely by him; it was almost like she had been waiting for this moment all her life. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held on tight as he continued to pound into her with unrelenting force.

With each thrust, more of his seed spilled into her fertile depths, filling every nook and cranny until there was no room left for anything else. Dialga could feel herself growing warmer with each passing second as the heat from their bodies combined to create an intense sensation that made it difficult for either one of them to think straight anymore.

As Morty's cock slipped out of Dialga's pussy, she let out a soft moan of disappointment. But then, she felt something warm and sticky flowing down her thighs – it was his cum! She couldn't believe it; he had actually filled her up with his seed! Dialga was so lost in pleasure that her mind was in jambled until now.

Dialga lay there on the ground for a moment, catching her breath and savoring the feeling of being completely filled by Morty. As she looked down at the evidence of their passionate encounter staining her skin, and if she had a mouth then a smile would spread across her face.

This was one experience that would stay with her forever...and now there was even more reason to cherish it: soon enough, little mortals would be born bearing both their likenesses – proof positive that they were destined to be together in this way. Morty looked satisfied at his accomplishment and turned to his final target.