
I am just a clone (An Honkai Fanfiction)

An avid honkai enjoyer went out his way to the market to buy food, Nothing could possibly go wrong right? Well, for him it turned out everything could... Now inside the very game he loved, how would he thrive in the world of honkai ? He,now a she, how will she make her ways through this cruel and merciless world of hers...? Will she, like many others succumb to defeat? Or will she defy the god of her world aswell as many others, and come out victorious? This extra variable, unanticipated by every being, how will it thrive in this large game of chess...? --------------------------------------- I am very well aware that as a relatively new author I will make many plot holes and mistakes in the story, so please do forgive that for me... And Adios my readers! We shall meet again in the story!

Eminence_01 · Cómic
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14 Chs

Meeting the main cast

Kate was currently walking down the streets of Soukai with her hair tied to a ponytail and wearing a cap.

"Phew...I am thirsty and want to drink some ice coffee..."

She walked through a street and looked at a corner for seer curiousity.

But what she saw caused a tick to appear in her forehead.

She saw a girl getting harassed by two thugs.

That was enough to activate her Kaslana genes.

She ran towards them a kicked one of the thugs with her knee.


The unsuspected thug took the full brunt of the kick which didn't even contain Kate's 10% strength and fell down unconscious.

The other thug who saw this was about to say something before he was knocked out by Kate aswell.

Kate then looked at the lady infront of her and said,

"What are you waiting for? Run away from here."

The lady nodded and thanked her before running away from there.

"Now..." She looked at the thugs with a smile and licked her lips...and took their money.( What were you thinking huh?!!!?)

She than ran away from there like nothing happened.

"phew...It's time for some ice coffee!"

She walked to a random good looking cafe and sitting down.

A waiter came to her service and she told him everything she needed.

While waiting for her food to arrive she thought of few things,

'How funny it would be if I find one of the main characters here in this store.'

She thought giggling a little bit.

'I shouldn't jinx myself.'

She shook her head and saw that her food arrived.

Finishing her food and while drinking ice

coffee and red hair came near her without her realising.

Kate, feeling someone near her turned her head towards that direction and saw Murata Himeko staring at her at her head level.

"Kiana what are you doing here?"

Kate seeing Himeko face to face spit her coffee all over her.

*Froooffffff* *cough* *cough*

Himeko who was the victim twitched her eyes and ticks appeared in her head.


(We now see a chibi Himeko and a chibi Kate who's head had a lump.)

"Ou~" Kate held her head.

"Kiana don't do things like this again."

Himeko began scolding her.

"Who is Kiana?!" Kate snapped.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Did I hit your head to hard?"

Himeko asked jokingly thinking it was another one of Kiana's antics.

But seeing Kate's serious face she begun rethinking.

"Are you serious?"

"Dead serious!"

Kate angrily said again,


Kate and Himeko heard a familiar voice followed by a familiar face.

"Theresa?" Himeko said

"What's the problem?" Theresa asked.

Himeko sighed and moved aside showing Kate.

Theresa widened her eyes slightly seeing Kate and said what Himeko expected her to,

"Kiana? What are you doing here?"

Himeko sighed,

"Apparently she is saying she is not Kiana."

"Huh?" Theresa looked at 'Kiana'.

"Kiana, you shouldn't joke with your Aunt like this..." Theresa shook her head.

But that earned a "hey!" from Himeko.

"Like I am saying....Who is Kiana!" Kate's acting was indeed very good.

Theresa who heard her voice noticed that it sounded a little deeper than that of Kiana.

"So you are not Kiana?"

Himeko asked a Kate nodded.

"Hah..." Theresa sighed thinking of an absurd possibility.

"May I know your name?" Theresa still thought it was a joke.

"It's...Kate." Kate answered after a short while.

"I see Kate..." Theresa smirked.

"You know Mei senpai cooked your favourite food today~" Theresa smiled playfully but it only earned a black look from Kate and a muffled laugh from Himeko.

"Now, who is Mei?" Kate raised a brow.

Theresa's and Himeko's eyes widened as Kiana would never joke about something regarding Mei.

Theresa turned on her principal mode and Himeko her captain.

"Kate can you please come with us?" Theresa requested.

"uh...Sure?" Kate nodded.

The three of them walked out of the cafe after Kate paid and went to St. Freya.


"So you are saying you don't know your family name and your parents?" Theresa asked.

Kate nodded tired.

For the last 30 minutes Theresa was asking her series of questions.

"Now for the last question..." Theresa spoke seriously.

"What was your name before you named yourself?"

At that question Kate jumped a little which went 'unnoticed' by Theresa and Himeko according to her.

'She really behaves like a Kaslana ...' Himeko and Theresa thought at the same time.

"Why do you want to know?" Kate voice was now a little desperate.

Theresa squinted her eyes a little.

"We can help you , you Sayed Valkyries were chasing you and if you tell us your name before we can try to help you."

Theresa said as she approached Kate as she backed away step by step.

Before Theresa could come near her more Kate pulled her gun which was hidden in her hip.

"Dont come any closer..."

She pointed it on Theresa as Himeko went on guard.

But Theresa continued walking towards her.

Kate gritted her teeth as tears formed at the corner of her eyes.

"I warned you..."

She pressed the trigger and Himeko was about to pin her down but,


The gun was unloaded and Himeko sighed in relief as Kate slumped down.

"Why...Why did you didn't move ?"

Kate asked , her eyes downcast.

"Because I believed in you...You don't look like the kind of person who would do such things."

Theresa smiled warmly.

Kate who saw this couldn't help but tear up a little.

"So can you tell us your name before Kate?" Theresa asked softly.

"K-342..." Kate said softly which wasn't heard by both Theresa and Himeko.

"I didn't hear it , can you repeat it again?" Theresa said.

Kate looked into Theresa's eyes with her eyes which were red thanks to crying.

"K-342...That was my name before I named myself."

Kate said with determination as Theresa's eyes widened while Himeko had a confused look on her face.

"K-342? What type of name is that?" Himeko asked with confusion but Theresa's eyes only widened.

'I though Kiana was the only surviving clone who had lived?'