
Chapter 37: Battle Training Review

[Third Person's PoV]

Tony and the rest soon appeared in the showroom with everyone else. Tony and Melissa didn't want to be in their suits all day, so they came out of them and sat down on the couch.

"Does someone want to take a guess at what each team did right and wrong?" All Might asked as he looked around.

Momo raised her hand immediately.

"Oh, Young Yaoyorozu, go ahead," All Might said with a nod.

"This might come off as gloating, but I think everyone did their part wonderfully. Each team worked as a team; they got together and worked out a plan of attack. Our team, the Villains, focused on what we were supposed to do: stopping the heroes and securing the nuclear weapon. The Hero team focused on what they were supposed to do: stopping the villains and capturing the weapon.

Though if I had to criticize someone, it would be Melissa. She viewed Tony as the biggest obstacle, so she put Shoji and me as low-priority targets, which cost her 'the lives' of her teammates, even though she planned to end everything quickly and in one fell swoop.

Now, if this was a real scenario, she did focus on the main objective: taking the weapon away from the villains at all costs, even if it ended up in failure due to Tony's planning."

"G-Good job, you've said exactly what I was thinking. I couldn't have said it better myself," All Might stuttered due to Momo's review before turning towards everyone.

"Let this be a lesson, young heroes: never underestimate your opponents. It may end up costing you dearly," All Might said with a serious expression.

They all nodded their heads while Melissa looked down in a bit of shame. Tony just massaged her back to make her feel better.

"Now, onto the next team," All Might said cheerfully as he reached into the slots and took out the letters A and D from the Hero and Villain slots.

The A team consisted of Midoriya and Uraraka, who were the hero team.

The D team consisted of Bakugo and Iida, who were the designated villains.

As they all went and got ready, Melissa bowed towards Todoroki and Aoyama. "I'm sorry, you guys. Because of me, we ended up failing."

"It's alright, mon amie. Even in failure, I still look fabulous," Aoyama said with a flap of his cape while looking into the distance.

Meanwhile, Todoroki just looked towards her before turning to the screen to watch how the next team was doing. There were a few seconds of silence before he said, "We were a team... It is your fault as well as mine…"

"Thank you," Melissa said as she bowed once more.


Tony saw Bakugo rush out as he went flying with his explosions, leaving Iida alone with the nuke.

'Luckily I can read lips…' Tony thought to himself as he watched Bakugo give the order to take care of the nuke by himself while he handled Deku and Gravity Girl.

Even if his usual scowl was gone, his brow knitted in anger as his hands were behind him.

'DEKUUU!!' Tony saw Bakugo shout. Midoriya immediately prepared for the offensive, already anticipating his confrontation.

But instead of going for Midoriya, Bakugo blasted himself over him and drop-kicked Uraraka, who was behind him, taking everyone by surprise.

'He shouted towards Midoriya to make them think he was going for him, but actually, he was going for Uraraka... I have to say, that's pretty smart of him,' Tony inwardly praised.

Bakugo then started fighting both of them with aggression and ferocity. Even when he was affected by Uraraka's quirk, he still moved like he wasn't affected.

Everything flashed with green and dark orange colors as Midoriya and Bakugo duked it out. When Uraraka tried to escape, Bakugo put a hand on her stomach and sent her flying back, crashing hard against a wall, causing the others to wince.

"Isn't he using a little too much force with her?" Asui asked, tilting her head to the side with a finger by her chin.

"Nope… I even dare say he's doing a fine job," Tony said as he leaned his head back on the couch, sitting rather arrogantly with his hands spread out on top, with Melissa leaning into his arms.

Everyone looked at him weirdly. "What do you mean by that?" Mina asked curiously.

"Two things," Tony said as he lifted two fingers. "One, Bakugo's job is to act as the villain. He isn't holding back and is treating her as any old villain would. Villains don't care about gender; they only care about accomplishing their goal and won't hesitate to eliminate anyone in their way, male, female, young or old, crippled or not."

Most of them were surprised by Tony's words, but what he said made sense to them, and they nodded in agreement.

"And two, Bakugo is treating her like a U.A. student. Uraraka has been accepted into U.A. for a reason; she's strong. One doesn't get into U.A. for being weak. Plus, Bakugo has a very high battle IQ. He may look like an out-of-control idiot, but he knows what he has to do."

"How do you know Bakugo has a high battle IQ? This is only our second day here…" Ojiro, the guy with the tail, asked.

"One, someone who can fight two people at once like that has to have a high battle IQ. And two…" Tony took out his phone, swiped a few times, and then flipped it over, revealing Bakugo's entrance exam footage. "I've done my research…" 

Kaminari turned towards Tony and said, "Dude… You're kinda scary, you know that?"

Tony just smiled proudly. "Thank you."

"That wasn't a compliment," Kaminari muttered.

All Might turned towards Tony. "You know that footage belongs solely to U.A., right?"

Tony shrugged his shoulders. "Then it shouldn't be that damn hackable… I literally got this footage in a matter of seconds."

Tony and the others then focused back on the fight between Midoriya and Bakugo.

Midoriya was jumping from wall to wall, building momentum before kicking towards Bakugo. Bakugo blocked Midoriya's kick with his grenade gauntlets, causing him to grit his teeth due to the strength of Midoriya's kick.

Bakugo grabbed Midoriya's leg and used his explosions to spin around and throw him toward Uraraka. 

But Midoriya managed to recuperate in time and slid to a stop on the floor. 'Uraraka, go up!' Midoriya quickly ordered as his right arm started sparking with electricity.

'NO YOU DON'T, YOU DAMN NERD!' Bakugo shouted as he pulled both pins on his grenade gauntlets and pushed his hands towards the ground while shouting.


"You know what, I take it back… He is simply an out-of-control idiot… brace yourselves," Tony said, causing everyone to look towards him.


Even from their building, they felt the ground shake, followed by an earth-shattering explosion.

They watched as the floor below Midoriya and Uraraka completely crumbled, destroying the floors beneath them and making them all fall. The entire structure then became unstable, causing it to completely collapse with Iida coming down as well.

"And the villain team wins," Tony said in a mocking voice as he got up and walked towards his suit, with Melissa walking towards hers.

"Where are you two going?" Momo asked.

"To dig them out," Tony said as he walked back to his suit, which closed around him and Melissa.

Both Tony and Melissa flew towards the site and started moving the rubble, getting everyone out to safety.

"You guys look like shit…" Tony said as he looked at their dirty and bloody forms. Tony then looked towards Bakugo. "Nice going, dumbass."

Bakugo only scowled towards Tony and tried to get up but groaned in pain.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. You have some broken bones in your arms and ribs from being a suicide bomber."

"Just leave me alone, you metal bastard," Bakugo groaned.

Tony ignored him and flew them all to Recovery Girl to receive their treatment, then flew back to the others.

"Thank you, Young Stark and Melissa, for getting them the help they needed," All Might nodded towards them.

Tony and Melissa just nodded as they exited their suits and sat down.

"Now then, we will give Midoriya and the others their evaluation when they return. Who's next?" All Might said, trying to maintain a positive attitude.

One by one, they went and fought against each other. Some heroes won rather easily, while some of the villains won with careful planning, strategies, and power.

After each battle, Tony, Melissa, Momo, and All Might gave their perspectives on the evaluation.

Then Midoriya and the others returned, covered in bandages.

"Are you guys ready to get criticism after being released from the hospital?" Tony teased.

Midoriya and Uraraka had awkward expressions, while Bakugo didn't show much expression and just scoffed towards Tony. Iida let out a sigh of resignation.

"For the hero team, Midoriya and Uraraka, you two showed great teamwork and strategy. Midoriya, you anticipated Bakugo's moves and tried to use his aggression against him. Uraraka, you provided support and stayed focused despite the intense pressure. However, you both underestimated Bakugo's unpredictability and brute force.

Midoriya, you need to improve your defense against unexpected attacks, and Uraraka, try to keep your distance and utilize your Quirk more creatively to avoid close combat situations, at least for now until you can learn to fight in close quarters.

For the villain team, Bakugo, your aggression and ferocity were effective in keeping your opponents' attention on you and stopping them from focusing on the nuke. You were doing great with your initial feint and kept up relentless pressure, but you got too emotional. You need to be mindful of the collateral damage your attacks can cause. You're strong, but control is key. Your final move, while effective, was excessive and reckless, leading to unnecessary injuries and damage. Only an idiot attacks without thinking things through.

Iida, your only downfall was having Bakugo as a teammate. Even though you guys won, I'm sure you are unsatisfied with that kind of victory."

Everyone just stopped and stared at Tony with their mouths agape, unsure how to react. Even Bakugo was looking at him weirdly, unsure how to insult him properly.

All Might coughed into his fist to break the awkward tension. "That was a great assessment, Young Stark. I don't think I have much else to say that you haven't already said…"

All Might turned towards everyone and gave them a thumbs up. "Good work, everyone. This battle has shown everyone your strengths and weaknesses. All that is left is to keep practicing to overcome those weaknesses and grow as promising heroes. Now then, everyone, class is dismissed. PLUS ULTRA!" All Might said as he skedaddled out with a large smile.