
I am in konoha, I have ten skill bars

Moonlight Shigure came to the world of Naruto. For the first twelve years, he seemed very mediocre.Average talent, average physique, average everything else except being handsome.I thought I would live a mediocre life in the world of Naruto, but the sudden appearance of the skill bar made Shigure a genius. Any ninjutsu can be put into the skill bar, without control or operation, and it will run automatically.Naruto: “Why are you so good at using the ninjutsu you just learned yesterday? Is there any secret to it?”Sasuke: “You are the real genius, you have been playing me before!”Kakashi: “Geniuses come out every year, but this year is particularly strong. As a teacher, I am under a lot of pressure. I want to retire, third generation!”Third generation: “You want to retire? I still want to retire! That kid is simply not a human being. I am a remnant of the old era. There is no village that can let me stay in the new era!” well this fanfic is not mine just trying to translate and see how its work, well let me know. If you want to read more 20 chapters!! Ahead, go to patreon.com/Akumachikara --------------------------------------------------------------

Akumachikara · Cómic
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18 Chs

CH 4 Enigmatic Charms

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Consequently, there was an increase in his physical and mental energy, so he didn't feel anything while refining Chakra for the first time!

Shi Yu proceeded with a second Chakra refinement.

This time, it took the same half an hour to complete the Chakra refinement.

However, after finishing this round of refinement, the system didn't give any prompts, suggesting that the quality of this Chakra refinement wasn't better than the previous one.

Nonetheless, that wasn't an issue. What mattered was that Shi Yu still didn't feel any consumption.

"It's genuinely non-consuming!"

The first time might have been a fluke, but the same outcome twice in a row? Not a coincidence.

Shi Yu grew even more excited.

Releasing skills without any cost? This might not be significant with Chakra alchemy, but what about other ninjutsu?

Of course, this had to be related to the skill column, and there couldn't be any other explanation.

Shi Yu glanced at his skill bar, installed the Chakra Alchemy Technique, and was able to refine Chakra without expending any.

So what about trying other ninjutsu?

He decided to test it with a Shadow Clone Jutsu.

[Passive Skill 7: Shadow Clone Jutsu].

It retained the passiveness of the previous six Chakra alchemy skills.

Shi Yu jumped out of bed and started to form seals to create a Shadow Clone.

This time, it was different.

A white smoke emerged, and a perfect Shadow Clone appeared.

However, Shi Yu was surprised. This time, it seemed that the Shadow Clone technique did consume Chakra.

"Wasn't it supposed to be non-consuming?"

"Is it only Chakra Alchemy that can be used without consumption?"

If that was the case, then his excitement had been in vain.

Dismissing the Shadow Clone, Shi Yu felt a bit frustrated as he sat on the bed. He sensed that something was off.

All the skills should be the same. Why could Chakra alchemy be used without any cost, while Shadow Clone couldn't?

Could the system recognize the type of skill?

He checked his skill bar.

Six Chakra alchemy skills and one Shadow Clone skill.

The only difference was in the quantity. Was it possible that Shadow Clone wasn't fully equipped?

Shi Yu furrowed his brow. He decided to try again.

[Passive Skill 6: Shadow Clone Jutsu].

[In operation].

[Passive skills 6 and 7 have been activated].

Shi Yu was about to try releasing the Shadow Clone technique again, but he felt something strange this time, although he couldn't quite put it into words.

It was as if there was something more.

But it was hard to describe.

What did it mean for the Shadow Clone to complete a run?

Shi Yu shook his head and proceeded to try the Shadow Clone technique.

This time, when he released it, something was different. His hand seals seemed to be smoother, almost as if his body had developed muscle memory for this technique. The hand seals were faster, too.

With a burst of Chakra's blue light, the Shadow Clone materialized.

Shi Yu was amazed to find that it consumed less Chakra this time.

"So it's really about the number of passive skills equipped!"

Equipping just one Shadow Clone skill didn't make it non-consuming, but equipping two did.

No wonder he could refine Chakra without consumption when he only had Chakra alchemy skills.

"Could this be a hidden feature?"

It didn't feel like it.

It seemed more like a system bug that had accidentally benefited him. The system wasn't supposed to allow repeated installation of the same passive skills, but since it was damaged, he had the freedom to do so. This led to the discovery of passive skills that allowed him to use techniques without Chakra consumption.

Of course, the condition was that one skill had to be loaded into both skill slots. With a total of seven passive skill slots, he could potentially have three non-consuming passive skills at the same time.

Shi Yu's eyes lit up. Who said he could only have three non-consuming skills?

During a real battle, constantly changing skills to exploit this non-consumption state might not be practical. Battle situations demanded quick decisions, and waiting for a minute to change skills was too long. Not even Nagato's five-second cooldown on Shinra Tensei could afford such a delay, let alone himself.

However, for less intense situations, he could pre-load three non-consuming passive skills and leave one slot for Chakra alchemy. This would essentially grant him a passive Chakra regeneration skill, and in five minutes, he could recover over half of his Chakra.

As his Chakra levels increased over time, the potential for recovery grew. Furthermore, if he were to learn Sage Arts, he could replace Chakra alchemy with Sage Arts, allowing him to passively absorb natural energy and continuously refine Sage Chakra. This was akin to realizing the battle technique Naruto had been trying to develop – the ability to refine Sage Chakra on the fly.

Even without an automatic absorption mechanism like the Pains' or Naruto's, he could achieve a similar effect with his passive skill bar.

Shi Yu looked out of the window, his clenched fists gradually relaxing.

"Mediocrity? No, not anymore. I'll shake the entire ninja world with this power."

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