

Damn! still need a synopsis after seeing the book cover?! Here you go… The story revolves around a man named Viz an Brokvar; A banished noble from the clan Brokvar of the Skillege Islands. Left with no other choice, he became a Witcher. But will he still remain a Witcher or will return back to Skillege…. will his actions have any effect on the Orignal timeline? ————— PS: first of all, the book covers not mine! PS: second, this novel will be a weekly update! Though wouldn’t mind adding a few more chapters if you guys hype me up! —————

ZED_LOGINTHAN · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
29 Chs

The First Hunt 1

Apologies for the delay!


Without hesitation I said, "Merge!"

The whole word halted; It's as if the time got stopped!

I could see, Deglan's and Reidrich's shocked expressions, and wide-open mouths! However, they weren't moving! They weren't even breathing!

They seem to be frozen!

Not only them, even the drops of liquid that were falling from the flask seem to be frozen!

I couldn't move, only my thinking and vision were free!

I could see Tom's avatar, which was floating in the air, slowly submerging into me.

When it was completely submerged! The world was back to normal!

My strength didn't improve a bit! But what I gained was much more than that!!

From's Tom's avatar, I wasn't expecting much; I thought I would gain the technique to catch the mouse! Well, it might be useful in some quest or something. truly... something's better than nothing… right?

But… Fuck!! I was absolutely wrong!!!

This good for nothing, worthlessly looking cat which almost always fails to cath a mouse, was a fucking talented, smart and more knowledgeable than me!!

I literally fell to my knees, started drawing circles on the ground!

It's depressing!

"Are you alright, kid?" Deglan said.

"Mr. Viz?" Reidrich called.

Without even seeing Deglan's, and Reidrich's, expression, I could tell what they were thinking. It must be. What the hell am you doing?!

Damn, Deglan and Reidrich, I bet if you knew about Tom, even you guys will get depressed.

Deglan… what if you are strong!? can you cut Tom into pieces?! Can you poke holes into his body?! can you burn him into ashes using Igni sign?!

Damn! yes, you definitely can.

But the thing is, that cat wouldn't die! It would recover the next second!

It never even crossed my mind, when I was a kid, that this cat was unkillable! Tom's stupid behaviour fooled me!

I feel like a fool!

And you, Reidrich, How much time did you spend gaining the knowledge you have… your whole life, right? Heh! but what if I told you Tom can gain it in less than an hour?!

Reidrich, how will you feel? Will you think you wasted your whole life? Will you despair!?

And when I think about Jerry, fuck how did he always managed to survive this terrible cat? maybe Jerry you were also as overpowered as tom?

It took time, but I regained my composure!

Why should I feel depressed if I already have Tom's talent, knowledge, and ability!?

"Muhahahahaah…!" My laugh was nothing but evil!

Now I also knew the reason my stomach wasn't full always! Because Tom was hungry!

Precisely, the avatar of Tom that I had in my God's Wheel was of the time when Tom was in a starving state, So, to completely, unlock Tom's avatar I need to satiate his hunger, and with the amount of energy in Elder blood It was enough!

As for how to unlock another Avatar, I knew I need to fulfil its unique wish or a condition!


The next day…

"Fuck you are ruthless Oldman!" I cursed Deglan, but I was grinning from ear to ear!

It was just yesterday that I completed the mutation and absorbed Tom's existence! So, I was itching for a fight and asked Deglan for a spar.

Oldman Deglan refused… gave me the wolf medallion and kicked me out of Kaer Morhen, saying the next trail had already begun, and to finish the trail I had to hunt a griffin! Thus I can directly promote to Witcher from being Witcher apprentice!

when I heard it I was confused, what about trial of dreams and trials of mountain?

Reidrich said, that there was no need for Trail of Dreams, as I have already completed my mutation, and Trail of dreams was performed during the mutation, which usually takes a minimum of a week to complete. He also added he never even had time to perform the Trial of Dreams on me, as my mutation was quick.

As for the Trial of mountains, Deglan said I was too strong for it.

I acknowledge with their reasoning.

That was the reason I was on my way to ARD CARRAIGH, the capital city of KAEDWEN. As Luka informed me, there was a quest for hunting a Griffin available there.

Who was Luka? He was a Witcher alongside Vesemir!


It took me an entire week, and I finally reached Ard Carraigh.

This city was good, it gave me the feeling of Oxenfurt in Witcher 3 game!

"Stop!" The Gate guards at the entrance of the city gate shouted.

"Please state your purpose of visit, Master Witcher!?" the guard on the left asked me.

The guards were respectful towards me. The people were good to Witchers, and it wasn't as bad as they showed it in the game.

Because, before the Siege at Kaer Morhen, they would respect the Witchers at Kaedwen.

"I heard of a contract regarding a griffin; can you help me out?" I passed 3 Ducats to guard.

I know 1 ducat was the entry fee, as for the extra 2 Ducat it was the bribe for the info.

The Guard happily took the Ducats and said, "Master Witcher, if you take left and travel along the city boundary wall, you will find an inn, and contract posted on it."

"But a word of caution, master Witcher, the contract was released by a Noble lord from Temeria, and it was rumored, because no one had taken the contract since it was posted for so many days, the Nobel lord is becoming impatient," The guard whispered, before he looked left and right to see if someone was near.

The 2 extra Ducats were worth it!

Following along the direction I came to the inn, took the contract and entered the inn.

The inn was beaming with people. As I entered, many people turned their gaze toward me. They looked at me with interest.

Though few soon lost their interest, as not that much rare of a sight for a Witcher to be in Ard Carraigh.

I soon found an empty table and sat on it, and shortly a maid of the inn came to me.

She looked charming, and she seems in thirties. If it weren't for the little wrinkles, she would look even more beautiful!

I can understand why the maids of the inn were always beautiful in big cities… because beauty attracts customer!

"What would you like to have, master Witcher?", the maid asked, as she curiously looked at my swords.

Damn, it hurts; the first thing she notices was swords, not my handsome face!

Well, I am wearing a wolf mask, so, can't blame her…

"I am new to this city, beautiful lady. Can you suggest one?" I took off my mask and gave a gentle smile.

"It wo...." the maid was mesmerised by handsome face! She even forgot what she was going to say.

I didn't disturb her, just let her watch my handsome face, and I was feeling smug inside!

*Cough* I feigned a cough, as I can already feel several killer gazes pointed towards me.

"I… i am sorry for the rude behaviour, Master Witcher.", The maid stuttered as she blushed!

She recovered soon,but my Witcher sense can still hear her heart beating louder, "I would recommend Royal serve, master Witcher! I promise it would be the best serve that you would find at Ard Carraigh.

My face twitched as I head the name, and I can say she was an experienced maid. Though she blushed, she recommended me a pricey serve!

Work before passions! She is a good inn maid! But my face failed to seduce her!

See ya all next week!

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