

Damn! still need a synopsis after seeing the book cover?! Here you go… The story revolves around a man named Viz an Brokvar; A banished noble from the clan Brokvar of the Skillege Islands. Left with no other choice, he became a Witcher. But will he still remain a Witcher or will return back to Skillege…. will his actions have any effect on the Orignal timeline? ————— PS: first of all, the book covers not mine! PS: second, this novel will be a weekly update! Though wouldn’t mind adding a few more chapters if you guys hype me up! —————

ZED_LOGINTHAN · Derivados de juegos
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29 Chs

Kaer Morhen 3

I was in the underground laboratory, immobilized on the table as my limbs were cuffed!

Mage Reidrich was standing with a big syringe in his hands. His eyes were burning with fire!

Like him, Deglan, too, was snooping at me like I was some sweet candy!

Thus I knew what was going to happen, The Trial Of Grasses!

Before coming here, it surprised me when Deglan told me, I was ready for The Trial of Grasses! Thus I requested him a low potent potion and chunked it down.

I was trying to know whether I would be fine taking the Witcher's potion and.... I was fine! My body felt nothing! So, I requested for another potion, but the Damn old man kicked me out of the office!

Back to the present…

Even I was feeling excited now! I had a feeling that my avatar would be completely unlocked today!

"Let me take your blood sample first," Reidrich spoke as he injected the needle into my vein!

He was trying to be professional; as much as he could, he would have been successful if he could hide that greedy grin of his face!

He stored my blood samples in the golden chest, like it was some rare treasure, and locked it!

Though I cared little about my blood! He can collect as much as he wants!

Because, I, Viz, believed my blood wasn't any special! It's my golden finger that's special!

"Now brace yourself, Viz." Reidrich spoke as he insert the syringe which was connected to 3 different flasks containing fluid of 3 different colour.

I nodded my head.

First, a dark liquid entered my veins. I waited for the response… I waited for a minute… but I felt nothing! My body wasn't reacting at all!

"I feel nothing?!" I voiced my confusion to Deglan and Mage Reidrich, who were waiting for the result.

"How is that even possible?!" Mage Reidrich bewildered. He shook his head, "I altered the dose!! large ample enough even for the ice giant to mutate!!"

Fuck! Reidrich! are you trying to kill me!!

"Calm down, Reidrich. This kid was unusual to begin with." Deglan patted Reidrich's back.

"Yes, you are right!" Reidrich calmed himself down.

"What now?" Deglan asked, though I could feel disappointment in his voice, "can this kid mutate?"

"I don't know… need to run few tests before I could tell." Reidrich said.

I interrupted their conversion, "Can I drink the potion?", I pointed towards the three flasks.

The flasks were only half empty, and from the start, when Reidrich injected the potion into my vein, I got this urge to drink these potions!

"Kid, everything not edibl..." Deglan's face twitched.

Reidrich interrupted him, "Go on, kid."

"Are you out of your mind, Reidrich?! That thing is poisonous. Even a Witcher would die consuming it!" Deglan narrowed his eyes.

I was startled, but I still believe in my urge! and was there any difference in eating it or injecting it into my body?

"To begin with, this kid's strange, and my longe years' experience tells me this kid would be fine!" Reidrich said, "go on kid, drink it."

I picked up the flask and drank. As the liquid slides pass through my tongue, it felt.....

Tasty! It's like I am gushing down my favourite drink! Even my face blushed!

It felt heavenly!

As soon as I finished the last flask.

My body started burning up! It felt like I was having a high grade fever! My body started aching, though the pain was bearable!

This entire process lasted only for a few seconds! Then the next thing… I was back to normal!

However, what I didn't know was, some changes were taking place in my body!

The muscles of my body were becoming strong. My organs were getting reinforced! My body was getting into shape.

Both Reidrich and Deglan noticed these changes; though surprised, they nodded their heads in agreement, because this was the mutation they were expecting me to have.

"How are you, kid?" Declan asked, as even Reidrich was also looking at me.

"I feel….. ok" I replied plainly, as I was concentrated on other thing.

The Avatar was clear! Though it was still transparent, but I knew who this avatar was, and it shocked me when I see this face, I never thought I could see this face in this world of The Witcher!

The iconic figure known for his never ending pursuit, the blue skin, the blue tail, the pointed ears!


It was Tom!! Yep, that fucking cat from tom and jerry cartoon!!

Seriously, I think my golden finger is broken! Oh, sweet lord help me!!

It took me some time to come out of denial state, then after some more time I came out of an angry state, and finally I accepted it!

There were still other avatars left!

However, since I can get Tom, as an avatar! Does it also mean the other several blurry Avatar were from other worlds?

But what do these avatars do? Well, no point in thinking that now, I will find it eventually.

"Unbelievable….. what in the name of Melitele!...… his body seems to be improved tremendously! Even he became muscular... he wasn't even in the pain during the entire process… and all this took just a minute!" Reidrich seems to be shocked, as normally this entire process of mutation should have taken weeks to complete!

"The time was too short….!" Declan seem be numb at this point!

"He is the Ideal Witcher!" Reidrich murmured, "Master Alzur notes were right!… A perfect Witcher is the one who dosen't suffer side effects, and I created one!"

I ignored their babbling, and it felt I was stronger than before.

"Mr. Viz, please describe me how are you felling now?" Reidrich became respectful towards me and started making notes, as my situation was a new field to be explored!

At this point anyone could tell I differed from the regular Witcher!

"Hmmm….. I feel energetic….. strong, but I still fell something strange…. I feel incomplete. I think I still need few more potions of Grasses." Well, the last part I lied.

I just want to have another drink to unlock the avatar!

"Lets go outside kid, let's see how much strong you became!" Deglan eagerly opened the cuffs and pulled me to outside.

Next chapter will be in 5 min. Enjoy reading!

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