
I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group

I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group Current Members: Mu Xuanyin- Against the Gods Bibi Dong - Douluo Dalu Gu Yuena - Douluo World. Yun Yun - BTTH Ya Fei - BTTH, Yang Xin - ToDaG Xiao Ning'er - ToDaG Extra chapters on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Cómic
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65 Chs


'Ancestral, Reincarnation, Body, Legacy, Location, Help, Danger.'

These words appeared in Xiao Xianzhi making him stunned and then he saw a scene in which he looked at two women surrounded by hundreds of men and when as he looked at the two women, their names appeared in his mind.

'Xiao Lingxi, and Cang Yue!'

'What the heck? What does it mean?'

Xiao Xianzhi thought and then he again received some words in his mind.

'Save, Save Them!'

Hearing this, Xiao Xianzhi looked at the Mirror of Samsara in his hand, which was vibrating and then he made up his mind.

'It won't hurt to look for them. From the location it gave, they are somewhere between New Moon City and Blue Wind Imperial City. But why did Mirror of Samsara react? Is it because of all the Origin Energy he absorbed?'

'Wait! Origin Energy? This fucking mirror absorbed all the Origin Energy in my body! Fuck!'

Xiao Xianzhi looked at the Mirror of Samsara and said, "You want me to save them, right?"

The Mirror vibrated at his words and then Xiao Xianzhi said, "You told me this because of origin energy or you would have told me even without origin energy?"

'No Energy, No Future!'

"Hmm!" Xiao Xianzhi understood that the Mirro only showed this to him because of all the Energy he absorbed.

"You seem to identify with Lingxi. Then you must know that she can't be harmed by anyone, why would you want me to save her?"

'Goddess, Harmed, Not Connected!'

"Ugh! I don't understand what you said! Anyways, I will go and save them, but you better have good reasons for this. As I am sure that you only work to make your Master's destiny in favour, right?"

The Mirror vibrated at his words but it didn't say anything. Seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi tried to put it in the Sky Poison Pearl, but he couldn't.

Instead, he saw Mirro starting to float and it hung around his neck like a necklace.

Xiao Xianzhi shrugged as he saw this and he took out a Talisman which showed the map of the area.

"Let's go!" Xiao Xianzhi said and he flew away while leaving a sonic boom.

'Flying while using Fire Wings and flying without them are two different feelings. If I used my Fire Wings now...'

Xiao Xianzhi thought and Fire Wings appeared behind him. With a flap, his speed doubled and Xiao Xianzhi glided in the air while feeling rare excitement.

'Yahoo! One of the good things about being in a supernatural world.'

Xiao Xianzhi kept on flying in the direction of New Moon City while thinking of the reasons why Mirror asked him to save them.

'I think Mirror wants me to have a good relationship with Xiao Lingxi. I can't think of any other reason behind it, or maybe it saw something happening in future and decided to change it. I am sure I don't remember it acting like this in the novel.'

Xiao Xianzhi decided to not think much and he opened his chat group. There he saw hundreds of messages in Group Chat and many messages in Private Chat.

'Ugh! I forgot about Xiao Ning'er and Gu Yuena. I will apologize for now, and then talk with you later. Also, I need to have a long talk with everyone in the chat group and I think it would be better if I told them other things that I am not sure of.'

'I can see that there are many changes in their worlds and later, who knows what would happen in their world if I didn't tell them something, but if it happens earlier, then I don't think I will be able to forgive myself if something happened to them.'

'Tch! What a bad name System has given to me. Seer! This is good and bad at the same time.'

[Xiao Xianzhi to Gu Yuena: I am sorry for not messaging you before. I kind of forgot about it, and then went into seclusion. I will try to contact you as soon as possible.]

[Xiao Xianzhi to Xiao Ning: I am sorry for not messaging you before. I kind of forgot about it, and then went into seclusion. I will try to contact you as soon as possible.]

Sending the messages, Xiao Xianzhi closed the group chat for some time and looked at the city below him. He flew in the direction of New Moon Profound Palace and found the two people he was looking for.

Xiao LingXi and Lan Xuerou, or he should say, Reincarnation of Ancestral Goddess and Princess of Blue Wind Empire.

'I will put my imprint on them so that I will know if something will happen to them. I will follow them for two days and if nothing happens, I will leave.'

Xiao Xianzhi was about to move away, but he heard what Cang Yue said.

"Junior Sister Lingxi, are you sure you want to follow me?"

"Senior Sister, I am sure. After all, you helped me a lot when I entered the Palace, and if I can help by going to Capital City, I would love to. Also, I would like to see Capital City too."

A smile appeared on Lan Xuerou's face as she heard this and she said, "Then Junior Sister, I will tell you a secret when we will reach the Imperial Capital."

"Eh? What Secret?" Xiao LingXi said with curious eyes and Lan Xuerou smiled and said nothing.

'Hmm! So they will leave tomorrow. In that case, I am sure something will happen to them. I can see those guys looking at them with lustful expressions on their faces.'

'But shouldn't Qin guy guard her after knowing her Identity, or did she not tell him and left secretly? Meh! I will know everything later. What I am curious about is Xiao LingXi. Even though she just shows her cultivation to be at the 9th Level of the Nascent Realm, I can feel that she is much stronger than she looks. I wonder why.'

Xiao Xianzhi gave a last glance to them and left the place. What he didn't know was that after he had left, Xiao Lingxi had looked in his direction and she thought,

'Hmm? Was someone else watching me? I felt like I was getting watched by someone else, other than those dogs who think with their lower half.'

She shook her head and started to talk with Lan Xuerou.


Xiao Xianzhi checked in at the inn and went to his room. He opened the Group Chat and went to the Library section while he cooked food for himself.

'Hmm! I still haven't read Miracle of Life, Rune Books that Master uploaded, and the books from other worlds. These are the times I really want something like Great Sage in my body, or maybe Shadow Clone Technique.'

'Anyways, I will read books related to Rune now, and then I will memorise Miracle of Life later. I don't know if I can use Light Profound Energy, but I think the answer would be no.'

Thinking of this, Xiao Xianzhi lay down in the air, and read books while eating Barbecue. A few hours later, he saw Jasmine appearing beside him and she asked, "What are you doing?"

"Huh?" Xiao Xianzhi asked as he bookmarked the book, and close the group chat.

"What have been doing? All I see is you floating in this place and looking in a direction. If you have time to waste, then it would be better if you start practising Star Gods Broken Shadow Technique. I have never seen you use it."

Hearing her, Xiao Xianzhi's expression changed and even though he understood that from an outsider's perspective, he would have looked like he was wasting time, he looked at her with a smile on his face and asked, "Why would you think I was wasting time? Maybe I was cultivating, or Maybe I was thinking about something."

Jasmine squinted her eyes as she heard this, and then she said, "Hmm! Anyways, why did you come to this backward place? What do you plan to do?"

"It's nothing, I saw something and I wanted to check. Anyway, now that you have come outside of your room, why don't you teach me a thing or two?"

"Hmm? And what do you want me to teach you?"

"Fight me while only using instincts and skills."

Jasmine narrowed her eyes as she heard this and then her eyes lit up and she said, "Sure! But if you are injured, don't blame me for not showing mercy."

Xiao Xianzhi laughed as he heard this and he said, "Sure! If I complained even once, I will rescind the promise, and instead of three years, I will help you in making your body today."

Jasmine's expression changed as she heard this and asked, "Why? Even if you did complain, I don't think you get anything by doing it."

Xiao Xianzhi smiled and he said, "To be honest, I only asked you to promise this because I wanted to get to know you and maybe, change you. I am not worried about any Star God sensing you anything as I am sure that Master will help me kill them."

"What I was worried about was you getting your body, and then leaving this world to get revenge on Qianye Ying'er and Xing Juekong, which would cause you to die. These eyes of mine, they have seen a lot worse things than you have when you inherited Star God's Legacy."

"Also, I am sure that even if you did have revenger on Qianye Ying'er, you won't be able to do anything to Xing Juekong as he will likely use Cai Zhi as a hostage."

Jasmine looked at Xiao Xianzhi with no expression on her face, while inwardly she was feeling turmoil.

"Then why have told me this now?"

Xiao Xianzhi thought of something and he said, "Maybe because I think it is wrong as you have already fulfilled your promise and I didn't. Or maybe because I can see that you have changed and are not as reckless as before? Maybe because I think I shouldn't plan anything for you, and even after warning you, if you want to court death, who am I to stop you?"


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