
I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group

I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group Current Members: Mu Xuanyin- Against the Gods Bibi Dong - Douluo Dalu Gu Yuena - Douluo World. Yun Yun - BTTH Ya Fei - BTTH, Yang Xin - ToDaG Xiao Ning'er - ToDaG Extra chapters on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Cómic
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65 Chs

She plans to separate everyone!

Happy Independence Day! An Extra Chapter!


While Xiao Xianzhi was being 'taken care of' by Mu Xuanyin, Xia Qingyue, Xiao Ling and Xia Yuanba had been asking all the questions they could remember.

And because of this, they understood how vast the whole Primal Chaos is and how small they are.

"So, Senior Bingyun, Hearing what you said, Zhi has become the disciple of Senior Mu Xuanyin. But why?"

"I also want to ask the same question. I don't think Senior Mu Xuanyin knows much about Zhi. How did she even come here??"

Hearing this, Mu Bingyun shook her head and said, "These questions, only Sister can answer them. Later, you can ask her these questions."

Xiao Ling and Xia Qingyue looked at each and shook their head.

"No, we are okay. She must have known about Zhi, and that's why she had accepted him."

"Yeah, yeah! There must be some reason for this."

'What a joke, asking her? Just her presence overwhelmed us. How can we ask her anything?'

'Even though I am curious about this, for now, I don't think I have the guts to question her. Still, because of Zhi, I got to know about Mother's condition. I hadn't expected it to be this strange and complex. I also got to know why we were so talented.'

Then, two people appeared in the room and now looking at them, everyone in the room had a shocked expression.

Why? It was because everyone in the room could sense that Xiao Xianzhi now was at the 1st Level of Earth's Profound Realm.


{A little Flashback}

Xiao Xianzhi, who was waiting for Mu Xuanyin saw her appearing in the place with two orbs in her hand. Seeing them, Xiao Xianzhi had an excited expression and then he heard Mu Xuanyin speak, "Here! Eat them, and then tell me where the Darkness Seed is. After today, we will be meeting after some years, so take them as my gifts."

"Later, I will give Ice Phoenix Bloodline too. I hadn't expected one of your sisters to have Fire Phoenix's Inheritor, the other one to have Nine Profound Exquisite Body, and your brother to have Tyrannical Emperor's Divine Veins."

"Maybe you also should have something like this but due to chat, you lost it."

Hearing this, Xiao Xianzhi thought of something and then shrugged.

"Maybe! But I don't need to worry about it anymore. I will eat Lightning Seed first, and then eat the Water Seed. Also, Master, you don't need to worry about Bloodline as I will be taking Primordial Dragon God's Legacy later."

Saying this, he ate the Lightning Seed and as it reached his stomach, sparks appeared to him and his cultivation rose to 1st Level of True Profound Realm.

He then looked at the water Seed and he ate it, while gambling that Ni Xuan won't be able to see his complete memories and the System will help him hide the fact about his reincarnation.

'My Successor, finally after years, someone inherited my legacy. Your fate and destiny are something I can't see, and your memories are locked by someone else. Do you have anything you want to ask me?'

'Nope, I can't remember anything. Still, anything you want to tell your wife, Jie Yuan?'

'Huh? What do you mean??'

'I am a Seer and I have seen some bits of the future. In the future, your wife Jie Yuan will return from Outside of Primal Chaos and try to destroy the whole world. Though it won't be possible due to someone else, if you want, I can pass your words to her.'

Xiao Xianzhi didn't get a reply and wondered if Ni Xuan's energy imprint disappeared or something.

'Tell her to move on and Take care of my daughters. You will get Darkness Seed there too, but don't show it to the world until you are strong enough to defend yourself. At last, have a good journey, and don't make the mistake of not killing your enemy, as I made in the past.'

(Ignore the nonsense I wrote upward.)

Saying this, Ni Xuan's imprint disappeared, and Xiao Xianzhi came to his senses. His body was wet due to water and now his cultivation had risen to 1st Level Spirit Profound Realm.

'Is this what 'skipping cultivation by eating pills' means?'

"Little Zhi, Now are you going to tell me where the Darkness Seed is?"

"Yes, But I will also be coming with you. Take care of me, Master as I am sure you will be shocked seeing the place we are going."


They disappeared from the place, and Xiao Xianzhi asked her to take them to Cloud End's Cliff and then She jumped inside while protecting Xiao Xianzhi.

"The Darkness Energy here is much purer than the one I sensed in another place." Mu Xuanyin said as she sensed around.

"Even the space here is much stronger. What is this place?"

'Suce Pure Darkness Energy, is this the power of Evil God? Just by staying in this place, the Devils will be able to comprehend something and increase their cultivation.'

"The other place? Oh! You meant Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign's Nest. He is sealed there with Evil Infant Wheel." Xiao Xianzhi replied as he looked around. Though he couldn't see anything due to Darkness in the place.

As they walked forward, they heard a roar, and hearing this, Mu Xuanyin's expression changed and she said, "How can these Ancient Devil Beasts exist in the place? Who made this place?"

"Evil God was the one who made this place. Master, try to sense someone in the place. That's the place where we will find the Darkness Seed."

"Disciple, do you mean someone lives in the place? But how is that even possible? Even Devils won't be able to live in the place."

"Master, do you think I am lying?" Xiao Xianzhi asked with a smile on his face and seeing this, Mu Xuanyin said, "We will see this later."

Mu Xuanyin closed her eyes and said, "Ice Phoenix Domain."

Ice appeared in the place and covered the whole into Ice and Mu Xuanyin started to walk while Xiao Xianzhi floated behind her.

A while later, they appeared in a place full of Netherworld Udumbara Flowers, making Mu Xuanyin stunned as she looked at a girl sleeping in between the flowers.

"She is Half Soul of Ni Jie, The Evil God's Daughter." Xiao Xianzhi said as he appeared at the side.

You'er, who was in the middle of flowers, opened her eyes and saw two people looking at her. Her eyes fell on the man as she felt some familiarity with him, and she started to walk towards him.

"Girl, can you get me some Flowers?" Xiao Xianzhi said while pointing at Netherworld Udumbara Flowers hearing this, she nodded and took out three flowers and gave them to Xiao Xianzhi.

He put them in Sky Poison Pearl and then he sat down and asked, "Do you want to leave this place and come with me?"

You'er looked at Xiao Xianzhi and then at Mu Xuanyin. She then went back into the flowers and came back with a Dark Seed in her hand. Seeing this, Mu Xuanyin didn't know what to say, and she also ignored her, who was asking to take the girl back with her and give the girl to her.

Taking the seed, Xiao Xianzhi put it in Sky Poison Pearl and asked, "Do you want to go outside with us?"

She kept on looking at Xiao Xianzhi, and finally, she held his hand. Seeing this, a smile appeared on Xiao Xianzhi's face, and he let her drink his blood and sent her to Sky Poison Pearl.

Appearing in Sky Poison Pearl, he looked at Jasmine, who was reading his book without his permission, and he ignored her, and went to You'er.

"Stay here for some time, I will take you out later."

You'er didn't say anything and only when she nodded, Xiao Xianzhi left the world after asking Jasmine to not bother her.

Appearing outside, he took out the Darkness Seed and he ate it. As he did, Darkness Profound Energy started to gather around him, and his cultivation rose to 1st Level of Earth Profound Realm.

"You must be the only guy who reached Earth Profound Realm in half a day."

"Eh? Half a day already passed?" Xiao Xianzhi said with a strange expression. Before, he felt bad, but now, he felt comfortable in Darkness.

"Anything else to do here?" Mu Xuanyin asked, and Xiao Xianzhi shook his head. She nodded at it and they arrived in Xia Manor.

{Flashback End}


"Brother! You can cultivate now!" Xia Yuanba shouted first as he looked at Xiao Xianzhi.

"It's all thanks to Master, she helped and now I can cultivate." Xiao Xianzhi said while giving all credit to Mu Xuanyin. Seeing this, Mu Xuanyin looked at Xiao Xianzhi for a moment and then she decided to accept the credit.

Xiao Xianzhi appeared at Mu Bingyun's side and said, "Martial Aunt, let me cure you the remaining Poison in your body."

Mu Bingyun nodded at him, and then Xiao Xianzhi cured all the Poison in her body.

"Sky Poison Pearl." Xia Qingyue said as she looked at Xiao Xianzhi, who smiled at her and showed his hand.

"Where did you get this?"

"An Old Man who was running away gave it to me." Xiao Xianzhi said this, and everyone's mouth twitched.

"He is right. He did get this Pearl from an Old Man." Mu Xuanyin said with a serious expression, making everyone believe her while she inwardly laughed as she saw their dumbfounded faces.

"Now, let's talk about other things. Master will be leaving in a few hours. What have you planned about this, Master?" Xiao Xianzhi said and hearing this, her expression became serious, and she said, "I will give you 5 years to stay in this world. Five years later, you all will be coming to Snow Song Realm with Bingyun."

"Eh?" Mu Bingyun said as she heard this.

"What do you mean, Sister?" Mu Bingyun asked, while everyone also looked at her with curious expressions. Xiao Xianzhi had opened the Sky Poison Pearl so that Jasmine could see everything.

"I meant what I said. I have checked the situation of the whole world and now I will tell you I have thought."

"Qingyue and Xiaolan will be with Bingyun in the sect Bingyun made."

"Yuanba, you will be going to another continent, and you will conquer the continent and take the Golden Crow Legacy."

"Little Zhi, you will be taking over this whole continent in 5 years and this will be without her help."

"What about me?" Xiao Ling asked, making Mu Xuanyin look at her. Her eyes flickered and she said, "You and the whole Feng Clan will be sent to the third continent, and you will rule that continent."

"I will be giving 3 Imprints to you all, that will only activate when you are about to die. What do you think of this?"

Even though she asked what everyone thought about her plan, from her tone, it could be concluded that she had already decided that her plan will be final.

Xia Qingyue looked at Mu Xuanyin and asked, "Why are you separating us??"

"Oh? You understood my intention, and here I thought Disciple would be the first one to ask this." She said while looking at Xiao Xianzhi, who smiled and shook his head.

"Master, read this and you will know why I didn't answer."

Mu Xuanyin took the book and started to read this. The more she read, the brighter her eyes became and then she sighed and said, "A pity! Now you have been spoon-fed by me. If it happened like what you had written, the development would have been a lot better."

'What a boy! He had already planned everything. But it is good that this happened. Now he should understand that not everything will go according to his plans.'

"Now you must have understood that not everything would go by your plans." Mu Xuanyin said while repeating her line.


"Yes Master, I understand this now." Xiao Xianzhi said while everyone looked at the two with weird expressions as if they didn't understand what they talked about.


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