
I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group

I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group Current Members: Mu Xuanyin- Against the Gods Bibi Dong - Douluo Dalu Gu Yuena - Douluo World. Yun Yun - BTTH Ya Fei - BTTH, Yang Xin - ToDaG Xiao Ning'er - ToDaG Extra chapters on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Cómic
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65 Chs

Planning for Flame God Realm! Wood Spirit Race (They were pitiful)

Xiao Xianzhi spoke 'truth' with a regretful look on his face. Hearing his words and seeing his face, Jasmine's mouth twitched as she didn't understand if Xiao Xianzhi is really regretful about his actions, or if he is just acting.

'I have already thought of my actions, and I now understand that I have been wrong before, but...How can 'I' admit this?'

Thinking of this, Jasmine hmphed and didn't say anything. She didn't want to admit her mistake, nor she wanted to acknowledge his words, so she chose to remain silent.

Seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi was more irked than before, and even after he admitted his mistake, she really didn't try to understand, nor she responded to his words.

'I guess she is really a lost cause. That's why I never like Tsundere characters, they are a pain in the ass to deal with. Let's see how long she will remain silent.'

After looking at her for a moment, Xiao Xianzhi disappeared from the place and arrived outside. He had decided to ignore Jasmine, and not bother with her. As he wasn't in the mood to practice his techniques, he called Mu Xuanyin and asked her to fight with him.

Mu Xuanyin, who was cultivating, heard a familiar sound in her mind, and she opened her eyes. Seeing the screen, she accepted the Video Call Request and looking at Xiao Xianzhi, she asked, "Disciple, what happened? Anything you need?"

"Master, Are you free?"

"Hmm? What happened?"

"I wanted to ask you to help me in practice."

Mu Xuanyin thought for a moment and said, "Sure, but this time, I will be using AR."

Saying this, she clicked on the icon that had a Full Body symbol and her virtual body arrived at Xiao Xianzhi's Location.

"You are still in this place? What are you waiting for?" Mu Xuanyin said as she looked around and saw wasteland.

"Yeah, I am waiting to finish the calls with everyone, and then I will go and take Dragon God's Trials. Till then, I will also increase my fighting skills, while training with my elements."

"Good. Now enough talking, you can come at me. This time, I will counterattack too, but every fifty moves. So be careful."

Xiao Xianzhi nodded at her, and they started to fight with Mu Xuanyin attacking once every 50 moves. She didn't use much force, just poked his body, but with just a poke, half of his body was frozen.

But just as his body was frozen, the ice disappeared and he could again move, while he still felt pain because of the attack.

Seeing this, Mu Xuanyin again was amazed at his Elemental Spirit Body with complete Immunity against the elements.

"What are you standing there for? Keep on fighting, or do you think your enemies will be as generous as me?"

'Generous? Generous My Ass? With just a poke, I can feel that your attack was stronger than Tyrant Profound Realm cultivator even if you did your best while controlling your strength.'

Xiao Xianzhi covered his body with Fire armor and again started to fight. He and Mu Xuanyin fought for hours, and only when the sun rose, did they stop, and it was because Mu Xuanyin had a meeting to attend.

"Hmm! Your progress is good. Even if you didn't do anything for three months, you didn't lose your instincts. For the next few days, I will be busy taking care of something."

"Hmm? Where will you be going, Master?"

"I will tell you; I will be going to the Flame God Realm to hunt the Ancient Horned Dragon as I plan to use its Blood and Vitality to cultivate Divine Saintly Formulation Technique."

"Eh? You are going to practice my technique?"

"Yeah, I can feel that it won't be easy to progress by using Profound Energy, so I am going to strength my body now."

Xiao Xianzhi nodded as he heard this, and he said, "Be careful then, there are Two Ancient Horned Dragons in the God Burying Inferno Prison in Flame God Realm. You can take advantage of this information and use it against the Flame God Realm."

Hearing him, Mu Xuanyin's expression changed slightly and then she nodded. With a smile on her face, she said, "Little Guy, you understood my purpose of sending Ling Girl and her clan to Azure Cloud Continent, right?"

"Haha! I also had the same plan for her. But with you here, the plan started at an early rate. I wanted her to take care of Divine Phoenix Empire with our help, but you directly sent her to another continent."

"Just like her, the same is for Yuanba boy, I am sure she must have already set the two up and made him the emperor. It would be good if he learned the real way as emperor in the place."

Both of them smiled at this, and then Xiao Xianzhi looked at her and said, "I just remembered something that might help you regarding the herbs."

"What is it?"

"I am sure that you remember that with a chat group, we can exchange pills, herbs, and other things. Because of this, what if we have a way to grow all types of herbs? You should have already known about alchemy with Yang Xin, and I am sure that at higher levels, we can use Pills to break through to Divine Extinction Realm."

"Maybe. But didn't you say that Primal Chaos can't handle anyone at Tru God Realms strength?"

"Yeah, you are right, and to increase the level for this, we have to find a way to increase the energy of Universe, and stop Abyss from absorbing..."

Before Xiao Xianzhi could finish his words, Mu Xuanyin stopped him and said, "Stop! Stop! I don't want to hear your long lecture and plans. Just tell me what you want me to do?"

Xiao Xianzhi shook his head at this and said, "You will have to listen to a long lecture if you want to know the whole situation of Primal Chaos. The Idiots known as God Emperors don't even understand the current situation and the position, they are in. Anyways, what you have to do is save the Wood Spirit Race from Darkya Realm and look for a place for them to live. They will be of good help and just imagine the Wood Spirit Race members being able to learn the way to control herbs, and then become alchemists."

"They could just control the plants and then separated the impurities and mix the herbs and other things. They could be considered as one of the best alchemists if I helped them in creating a new branch of alchemy in the universe."

The more Xiao Xianzhi spoke, the more excited he became. He knew the benefits of having personal alchemists and with this, they could even find other ways to break through.

Seeing his excitement, Mu Xuanyin didn't say anything, but she decided to look for all the members of the Wood Spirit Race and bring them under her for him.

"Darkya Realm, is it? I will see the situation and then proceed. Before that, I will be going to the Flame God Realm, so I won't be available for some days. Till then, you can ask others to practice with you, or you can ask Heavenly Slaughter Star God for it."

"Jasmine? Let's not talk about her. She is being bratty as I spoke the truth regarding the situation."

"Huh? What happened?" Mu Xuanyin asked with narrowed eyes. Hearing this, Xiao Xianzhi told her everything that happened, word by word, and at the end, Mu Xuanyin started to laugh, and she said, "Hahahah! Little Guy, I never expected you to say the truth in such a way, you really never fail to make me laugh. Haha! Don't worry about her, if you have nothing to do, start practicing Ice techniques, As My disciple, even if you are going to be proficient in all Elements, you should be best in Ice."

"Haha! I will be leaving now, see you in a few days."

Mu Xuanyin closed the AR and the video call. As she did, she again started to laugh, and feeling her emotions, Chi Wuyao asked, "What happened? Why are laughing so much?"

"Haha! I never expected Zhi'er to be like this." Saying this, Mu Xuanyin told her everything and Chi Wuyao also laughed as she heard this.

A moment later, Mu Xuanyin called a few elders into the room and said, "Go to Darkya Realm and look for Wood Spirit Race. If you meet them, and they are getting attacked by anyone. Keep them safe, but priorities your life."

"And if you meet them, just ask them that this King wants to talk with their Leader."

"Yes, Realm King."

Saying this, Mu Xuanyin disappeared from the place while the Elders also decided to go to Darkya Realm.


Seeing Mu Xuanyin leaving, Xiao Xianzhi didn't say anything, and he opened the chat group.

[Private Chat:]

[Gu Yuena: "Hmm!"]

[Xiao Ning: "Brother Xiao, I want to ask if you know Nie Li?"]

[Bibi Dong: "I found the garden in Sunset Forest, and I must say that I never expected it to be full of Immortal Herbs. If you need any, you can contact me. Again, thanks for this."]

[Yunyun: "Brother Xiao, do you know about Xiao Yan?"]

[Ya Fei: "Brother Xiao, do you know about Xiao Yan?"]

Looking at the private messages, Xiao Xianzhi first replied to Bibi Dong, and then he focused on Xiao Ning, Ya Fei, and Yunyun's messages.

'Xiao Ning is asking for Nie Li, does this mean that he time-travelled back? Or it might be because of the chat group's help, that she got to know something that she didn't before?'

'As for Xiao Yan, I wonder what timeline they are in. If they are in Timeline before Xiao Yan got 'crippled' then I would understand their messages, but if it is after the marriage disagreement, Ya Fei meeting Xiao Yan as a hidden alchemist, and Yunyun asking because of three years bet, I don't know what to tell.'

'I just hope that it is the former one.'

Xiao Xianzhi decided to contact Ya Fei, and Yunyun at the same time in a group video call.

[Xiao Xianzhi to Yunyun: "Are you free? Both you and Miss Ya Fei asked the same thing, so I thought of contacting both of you at the same time."]

[Xiao Xianzhi to Ya Fei: "Are you free? Both you and Miss Yunyun asked the same things, so I thought of contacting both of you at the same time."]


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