
I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group

I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group Current Members: Mu Xuanyin- Against the Gods Bibi Dong - Douluo Dalu Gu Yuena - Douluo World. Yun Yun - BTTH Ya Fei - BTTH, Yang Xin - ToDaG Xiao Ning'er - ToDaG Extra chapters on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Cómic
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65 Chs

Divine Saintly Formulation Technique!

Mu Xuanyin, who was looking at Xiao Xianzhi, on the screen heard his voice and she turned to the side. She saw Xiao Xianzhi standing in the place, but she couldn't sense him.

"What is this? Am I seeing this?" Mu Xuanyin said as she looked at Xiao Xianzhi, who was also looking at her with a shocked expression. She saw him walking towards her and then touching her cheek.

Both of them felt each other's touch and their expression changed. Xiao Xianzhi hurriedly brought his hand back and said, "It's real. I can't believe System has something like this. Augmented Reality in the world."

Hearing this, Mu Xuanyin looked at him and said, "What do you mean, Disciple?"

"Master, it means that even if my body is at that place, my consciousness is here. I can touch anything, and except for you, no one can see or touch me."

Xiao Xianzhi tried to move, and he felt he couldn't move 10m away from Mu Xuanyin in a radius then he said, "I can only move 10m in a radius around you."

Hearing all this, Mu Xuanyin's expression changed and then she called disappeared from the place and arrived in a place full of people. Just like her, Xiao Xianzhi also flew away, and he heard Mu Xuanyin speak, "See if you can touch them."

Xiao Xianzhi tried but his hands passed through humans. As for items, instead of actually holding an item, Xiao Xianzhi understood that he is only holding a mirage of an item.

"It seems I can only touch you, or anything within an area of a 10m radius in a circle around. It's like the area around you has a separate plane where I can move."

Mu Xuanyin nodded as she heard this and said, "The one who made this must have thought of all things while adding these features. The items you are holding can be touched by me, but if someone else appears in between, they would just pass through them."

"With this, I will be training you in combat too. What about your real body?"

"At the back of my mind, I can sense everything around my body, and if I want, I can cancel this anytime."

Mu Xuanyin nodded at this, and she appeared in a different place where no one could see her. Her expression changed and then she said, "Come and fight me. You can use whatever you want, I won't be attacking."

Xiao Xianzhi looked at her and nodded. His hands got covered in Fire and two chains appeared behind him. Seeing this, Mu Xuanyin didn't say, and she kept on standing in the place.

Looking at her, Xiao Xianzhi rushed at her, while his chains attacked her, but they were blocked by a block of Ice appearing in front of them.

Xiao Xianzhi punched at her, but his fist hit an ice block. Seeing this, he understood how she planned to defend, and then he tried to kick her with his legs covered in fire, but again they only hit an Ice Block.

His Chains tried to bind her, but all they covered was a ring of Ice, and seeing all this, Xiao Xianzhi made a Fireball in his and attacked her.

Despite multiple attempts, Mu Xuanyin successfully blocked all of his attacks. Even with the use of 5 Fire Lotus Petals, a Rasengan, a Fire Shuriken, and a compressed Fire Ball attack, none were successful as they were all blocked by various Ice blocks.

An hour later, Xiao Xianzhi sat on the ground as he tried to catch his breath, while Mu Xuanyin looked at him, while she asked in her mind.

{How many Ice blocks did I use to defend?}


{Amazing, In just thirty minutes, he attacked me 1279 times. With the way he is catching his breath, I am sure that way this works is the same as how he would have fought me in real life. He is just an Earth Profound Realm Cultivation. I am really looking forward to how he would be when he will be in Divine Realms.}

"Master, can you ask her to look for Wind Seed in Central Ruins Realm in Northern Divine Region?"

{You heard him.}

{Yeah, tell him that I have a condition for this.}

{She says she has a condition for this. Just like I expected, you really know about her. That's why you asked me if hated Devils, right?}

Xiao Xianzhi nodded at her, and then asked, "What condition she is talking about?"

{Say that it's about Northern Divine Region's Problem.}

"It's about Northern Divine Region's Problem."

Xiao Xianzhi became silent as he heard this and then he thought of how Yun Che solved the problem of Devils by cultivating Eternal Calamity of Darkness.

"I know a solution, but I would rather not follow it. Besides, except for me, the only person who could solve Devil's problem isn't in Primal Chaos. As for finding another way to solve the problem, I would have to be in Northern Divine Region, and then experiment on devils, see their problems, and then try to deal with them."

Chi Wuyao had a shocked expression as she heard the answer. She didn't expect he would have a solution regarding their solutions.

"What is the solution that you would not follow?" She asked Mu Xuanyin, who in turn asked Xiao Xianzhi.

Hearing her, Xiao Xianzhi explained about the art, how it worked, and what would be the consequences.

"Even if I did make up my mind to use this art, I will need her help, and considering that she isn't in Primal Chaos, there is no point in thinking about it."

Mu Xuanyin narrowed her eyes and said, "Did you see a vision where you used this art in the future?"

"I don't want to talk about this." Xiao Xianzhi replied as he heard this question. Seeing this, Mu Xuanyin decided to not talk about this and said, "Now that you have rested, start fighting again."

Xiao Xianzhi nodded and then they fought for the whole night and only in the morning did Xiao Xianzhi close the AR function and he came back to his body.

Before opening his eyes, he checked his Profound Energy and found that it has gotten more denser than before.

'So, the energy I use in the AR is mine and that's why I felt tired after fighting for thirty minutes. Though by the morning, it stretched to Forty-Two Minutes.'

'I still have Seven Gates to practice and I can open the first two gates without any worries for the Third Realm, I need to increase my strength. Currently, I feel like I can open the realm for at least 100 breaths.'

He opened his eyes and then he remembered he had forgotten to eat his food yesterday.

Feeling slight hunger, he stood up and then started to look for a beast to roast.

Two Minutes later, he found Two Spirit Profound Realm Wolfs, and after piercing their heart with a Fire Spear. Xiao Xianzhi burned their fur and then their bones, and blood. He also cooked the meat and went to his tent.

Taking out tables and chairs, he cooked their meat and made kebab.

Glancing in Sky Poison Pearl, he found out that both Jasmine, and You'er were awake, and instead of calling them, he directly brought them outside.

"Huh?" Jasmine said as she sensed her surroundings changing and then she smelled a heavenly smell. Remembering the taste of yesterday's Cheese Toast, she gulped and saw Xiao Xianzhi looking at her with a smile.

Seeing this, her expression changed, and she turned her head.

"You'er come and eat. Jasmine doesn't want to eat, so you can eat her part too." Xiao Xianzhi said while looking at You'er, who kept on looking at him.

"Hmm? What happened? Why aren't you coming?" Xiao Xianzhi said and then created a Fire Hand and then pulled You'er to sit on the chair.

Seeing this, You'er looked at the Kebab in front of her, and Xiao Xianzhi taught her the way to eat it.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat it?"

Jasmine turned her side, and even though she is just a spirit body, she felt her stomach grumbling and she sat at the chair and took her plate.

Seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi smiled, and he also ate his food.

After they had eaten food, Jasmine was about to leave, but Xiao Xianzhi said, "Jasmine, can you pass the Great Way of Buddha to me?"

Jasmine stopped and then looked at him. With a sigh, she put her finger on his forehead and passed Art to him.

The formula of the Great Way of Buddha was imprinted in his mind and Xiao Xianzhi sat down and said, "Protect me."

He closed his eyes and started to go through the formula of the Technique.

'Blood, Meridian, Muscle, Skin, and Hair. The Great Way of Buddha focuses on these parts of the body. What about marrow and Viscera? Viscera could be included in Muscles and Blood refining, but what about Marrow? Yun Che had Dragon God' Marrow, and because of that, this art doesn't have Marrow Refining?'

'I guess I will just comprehend how the techniques reform and refine the body using World's Vitality, and then separate the process into seven Realms, that are,

Blood Refining

Viscera Training

Altering Muscle

Bone Forging

Meridian Strengthening

Tempering Marrow

Skin Reforming'

'Each Realm will have Four stages, and that would match every three stages of the Great Way of Buddha. To reach Intermediate Stage, I would have to be in the Initial Stages of all Seven Realms.'

As Xiao Xianzhi was pondering over the new cultivation he planned to make, he heard a voice in his mind.

"Youngster, do you really have the ability to comprehend the 'Great Way of the Buddha'?"

"Yes, But I don't plan on cultivating this technique."

"Then why are you pondering over the Great Way??"

"I am not pondering over the Great Way. But I want to ask a question, what is the Great Way?"

No reply came to Xiao Xianzhi's question and seeing this, he grinned and said, "Only an idiot wouldn't know what Great Way is. I mean you are calling it Great Way, not Greater Way or Greatest Way, and shouldn't it give the idea to the person what Great Way means? The path I walk is my Great Way, the path you walk is your great way. There are infinite paths one can follow, but the path a person believes and walks on is their Great Way."

"Youngster, I can't see your memories, so I don't know the path you have walked, but if this is what you believe, then you must follow it till the end."

"Your way isn't suitable to the Great Way of Buddha, and because of this, you shouldn't cultivate it."

"Hmm! I know, I also don't plan on cultivating it. I just wanted to know how you refine your body by using World's Vitality. If I knew this method, I wouldn't have disturbed you."

"Hahahahah! It's been a long time since I got this answer. Even if you can't cultivate the technique, it doesn't mean you won't get anything. Here, I will share with you the insights of every person who cultivated the Great Way. Don't get lost in it."

Xiao Xianzhi heard this, and he felt countless words appearing in his mind.

'Protect' 'Attack' Kill' 'Slaughter' 'Hegemony' 'Emperor' 'King' 'Ruler' 'Defend' 'Speed' 'Evil' 'Demon' 'God' 'Devil' 'Buddha' 'Asura'

'Fuck You, Old man! I really hate it when information is shoved in my mind.'

Looking at countless words around him, Xiao Xianzhi touched the world 'Protect' and a line appeared in his mind.

'Protect your body, Protect your Soul, Protect Your Life, Protect Your Family, Protect Your Lover, Protect Your Kingdom, Protect Your World'!

Hearing this, Xiao Xianzhi's mouth twitched.

'These all are Daos. In this world, Old Man called it Great Way, Man! I should have already expected this. I am not even going to touch a single one of them as I don't want to get influenced by them. I guess I should use Long Chen's Dao and leave the place.'

"King Dao: "To directly smash pompous people."

"Hegemon Doa: "To smash those who aren't pompous together with them."

"Humane Dao: "To smash those who aren't pompous together with them."

Saying this, Xiao Xianzhi thought, and a Warhammer appeared in his hand. He smashed the words in front of him and half an hour later, he saw no words in the place.

"Hahahaha! Youngster, you really are different, and because of this, how can I let you leave without giving you a gift? You said before that you are looking for a way to refine your body using World's Vitality, right? Now tell me your technique and how you plan to do this."

Xiao Xianzhi thought for a moment and then he said, "The Technique will have Seven Realms and Four Stages."

"The Seven Realms are, Blood Refining, Viscera Training, Altering Muscle, Bone Forging, Meridian Strengthening, Tempering Marrow, Skin Reforming."

"The Four Stages of the Seven Realms will be Initial Stage, Intermediate Stage, Advance Stage, and Master Stage."

"To breakthrough from one stage to another, the person who is cultivating should be in the previous stage in all Realms, i.e. To reach the Intermediate Stage of any Realm, the person needs to be in the Initial Stage of all Realms."

"Hmm! The Technique is the same as the Great Way of Buddha but with a few changes."

Xiao Xianzhi heard this and saw a Golden Pagoda appearing in front of him, The Pagoda had Five Floors and the first four Floors had Seven Doors.

"What does Fifth Floor mean?"

"You will know when you will reach that Floor."

Then, Xiao Xianzhi felt new information appearing in his mind and then he lost his consciousness.

"Marrow, and Viscera, I really died because of these two. Who would have expected a youngster to find this flaw and use a Primordial Technique to create a new one? Maybe he can cross the barrier no one had crossed."


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