

After getting over the initial shock of falling threw time landing on our butts, we walked around the grounds finding our tent. When we found it the boys rushed in. Leaving Iris and I outside. "Harry if things go south promise me you will run. I have a bad feeling about today." She said scanning the area. "The place is protected we will be fine, if it will put you at ease yes I will run to safety." I said she nods before walking in. I know she means well but I have done well for myself even before she came into my life. I will admit it's slightly better with her in it. When I entered the tent Author was shouting orders at everyone. The twins miming what Author said. Iris wacked both on the back of the head. 

Iris pov

After a few hours of messing around we got ready for the tournament. I had a green and white female pirate costume. The twins were shocked I cheer for the Irish. We were climbing the steps when we saw Draco. "Well if it isn't my favorite daughter inlaw. As for how far up you are going. If it rains you will be the firstto know." Lucius said Draco started to glote and he got reprimanded. Harry was then grabbed by Lucius's cain. "Do enjoy the show won't you. Iris you will be married to Draco because someday soon, you will need our help." He said before leaving with Draco. "I don't see his fixation with you and Draco. Your a half bood he shouldn't want you anywhere near his son. Not to mention your mother was muggle born." Shadow said annoyed.

"Some say muggle borns are pure bloods because the parents are muggle and they magic born." Harmonie said. "Love I'm just saying that he is acting wired. Iris is happy with the twins and more than likely to marry them." This gose on for a while giving me a headache. "Just stop ok he knows my position on this. He is just hoping I change my mind. Now enough of this let's watch the match." I said annoyed Fred and George glares at the two. "I mean it enough." I said standing between them waiting for the match to start. The kiss my cheeks saying yes dear or yes love. These two are goofballs but know how to make you laugh. The match was entertaining and at long last the Irish beat the Bulgaria's. The twins sat me on their shoulders cheering as the Irish took a victory lap. 

We made it back to the tent celebrating and joking with Ron. We hear what sounded like celebrating when Author rushed in. Befor I knew what was happening, we were running. I tried keeping track of Harry but lost him. At the port key I see Shadow carrying Ginny followed by Harmonie Ron. "Where's Harry?" I asked looking around. "We thought he was with you lot." Ron said. "Stay here I'm going to find him." I start to run but was grabbed by Fred and George. "Sorry love can't let you go back down there. He will find his way to us we have to wait." Waiting was the problem. Time went by slowly as I waited for Harry to rush up the hill. The fires were extinguished but still no Harry. Ron, Harmonie,Shadow, and myself rush back to find Harry. 

Harry pov

I felt groggy slight twinge of pain. I spot a man casting a spell to the sky and a skull with a snake in his mouth appears. The guy was coming twords me, when I heard Iris yell for me. Her arms were soon pulling me in a hug. " You stupid boy I told you to run." She said sounding relieved to find me. She pulled away looking at me then I felp pain in my scar. "Harry are you ok?" Iris asked but before I could answer, ministry officials pop out and was about to stupafie us. Author uped telling them to stop. "Mr.Crouch please we only ran back to find Harry. He got separated from us as we were running away." My sister said defending me. "There was a man over there he ran that way before Iris and the others arrived. I didn't get a good look of him, was still coming too." I said holding my head. "Very well come on this way." The man I know as Mr.Crouch yelled and everyone followed him.

Iris stayed close to me scanning the surondings with her eyes.