

It was a beautiful June morning I had everything packed and ready for manual shipment. Uncle Lucius and Draco were helping me. Author,Fred,and George came by to help as well. All of us working together minus me having to step in to brake up the school yard taunts. It was a rather smooth process getting everything on the truck. Draco looked at his father as Lucius was getting in the unfamiliar form of transport. Draco stayed close to Lucius the entire trip. I road with Author and the boys Dad drove the truck with the Malfoy's. We played muggle car games to pass the time. It was pleasant getting a laugh out of Author and the twins. Three hours later we make it to my new residence. The realtor was waiting for me. The pencil point suited and a nasty attitude. She was certainly someone I wanted off the property. (Picture the meanest person you know.)

"I don't see how a young wet behind the ears runt is so successful. You young lady came into welth to early in my opinion. I hope it goes up in flames and make you humble again." She said before handing me the keys. She left after I opened the door soon all the boxes were placed in their designated room. Uncle Lucius Author and my dad took out their wands. In the matter of minutes my house was unpacked and everything the way I wanted it.

After all was done Uncle Lucius and Draco left, saying that this is more than enough time spent among the Muggle felth. It didn't bother me because I didn't ask them for help. We were sitting in the dining room when a knock came to the door. When I opened the door it was Vernon Dursley and Petunia Dursley. I am guessing they weren't expecting me to answer the door. "Well hello neighbor what can I do for you." I said with a sweet smile. "How dare you move here! You have no business to be next-door to us!" Vernon yelled pointing a finger in my face. "Yes well the mistreatment of my brother is my business. I am sure the muggle authorities will love hearing all about it. I am also certain you don't want anything ruining you precious career. I have friends in high and low places. So please muggle I fucking dare you to do something to me. I guarantee it will be the last thing you will ever fucking do." I said before closing the door in their faces. "Who was that love?" George asked "I never heard you speak like that." Fred said after his brother. "Oh it was no one important." I said before sitting down. "Well I am heading out you be careful. Please lock the doors at night, keep your eye on the fire don't let it rise to high. " My father said taking me in his arms. He doesn't want to let me go. I understand and am grateful for everything he has done for me. "I will be ok dad. I will see you soon I promise " I said before he let go. He looked at me placing his hand on my cheek. A soft but heartbreaking expression graced his face. "I am so proud of you my little flower." He said before leaving Author and the twins soon headed out not long after. It didn't sink in till a little while into the night that I was on my own. It was a wired feeling because I had grown used to my father being in the living room reading by the fire. The jasmin insens burning while soft jazz playing on the radio. The small things that make a huge difference. I was drawn out of my thoughts by an owl comming in threw the chimney. It was the daily profit and a picture of a man that haunts my nightmares. "No how did he do it? Its not possible how could this happen!" I yelled going to my knees clutching my stomach. I thought I was going to be sick. "Them crummy bastards." My eyes widened when I heard that voice. I turned to see the man that ruined Harry's and my life. "They didn't get my good side." It was Sirius Black.  "Hello love how have you been?" He said acting like he didn't do anything wrong. "You killed my family you slime covered Jitt! how do you think I am?!" I yelled grabbing the poker from the wall holding it at him. "Come on you don't want to hurt uncle Puppy do you?" He asked walking up to me slowly. The look on his face and the sadness in his eyes. Something was off if he wanted to take me out he had the perfect opportunity.  "You didn't do it did you?" I said putting the pieces together. I drop the poker and hug him he held me tightly. "I am so sorry I didn't know." I said crying. "It's ok flower I know you didn't." I make tea for us and we did some catching up. "So you have your own business with cosmetics and such. I knew you were a smart one soon as I held you. I looked at your father and said James your going to have a hard time containing this one." He laughed before telling me stories on how I would jump on his back , he would run around in dog form. He said I would squeal and laugh. He said mom would nearly have a heart attack everytime. "Let's get you a shower and possibly some clean clothes." I said leading him upstairs. He looked at the paintings of landscapes and flowers. "I remember you liking Sunflowers you always got sad when they withered." He said thinking. I hand him a towel and wash cloth. "I still do." I said with a smile.  I leave him to shower while I try to save his clothes. When I realized I couldn't I walk over to the chest the boys left. It had clothes in it so at least he will have something. I place them on the toilet. Half hour later he comes out and looks a lot better. "It has been so long since I had a good shower." He said before sitting down. "So tell me what are you interested in I have missed years of your life tell me." He said making me chuckle. "I enjoy the simple thing like getting a hand made gift versus something bought. The smell of a good book, the sound of rain hitting the windowpane in spring. The smell of apple spice in the fall , warm Pumpkin juice in October. I enjoy the look of joy on my customers faces when they buy my products. Seeing my brother laugh with his friends." The read haired girl said as she was knitting. The man watched the expressions on her face as she spoke. "You look so much like your mother. She would be proud of you James too. I don't know if you are aware but he knew you weren't his. He loved you from the moment he held you. You had that man wrapped around you little finger. You were his little princess. He loved you with all his heart just like he loved your mother. He didn't care in his eyes you were his and no one could tell him differently."  He said before telling me stories about how James would put me on his broom and fly with me. I would watch him while he worked. Whenever he called me little princess I would smile. "James said you would take life by the horns and take it down. Low and behold he was right. You are a fantastic student, clever business woman,and if I must say a force to be reckoned with on the battle field. Now I know you have to do some shopping tomorrow. I will accompany you in dog form. You can say you found a poor stray and gave him a home. " He said making me laugh. Some time passed and I thought he was asleep so I head to my room and rest.

*Time skip*

The next morning I woke to frantic knocking at my front door. "Who the bloody hell is at my door this early?" I asked greeting up only to see uncle Sirius on the floor in dog form sleeping. I slip out the room and open the door to see Fred and George. "Sorry to bother you love but we won't be here for your birthday. Dad won a contest and we are heading off to Egypt. We wanted to stop by and see you before we left." They said before giving me a hug and a gentle kiss. Uncle Sirius in dog form growled getting between us. "Sorry he is new this is Grimm. Grimm these are good people." I said patting him on the head. They left after Uncle Sirius barked at them. I closed the door before glaring at him. "Really what was that all about?" I asked before walking into the kitchen. "It is my job to protect you young lady. Who were those boys by the way?" He asked sitting down at my table. "They are Fred and George Weasley. They are my boyfriends if that puts your mind at ease." I said making breakfast. "Hmmm Poly huh now that is a shock." He said in a thinking tone. "What's wrong with me being in a poly relationships? It's not illegal by any means It's just uncommon. " I said looking at him crossing my arms. "Well nothing wrong with it It's just you know shocking." I sigh "Its to early for this I need coffee." I said pinching the bridge of my nose. "Have you guys you know dipped wands in the cauldron?" I drop my coffee mug blushing looking at him with horror. 'why would he ask me that?' I thought sure the three of us have come close a few times but we stop before we got to far. "N-no w-w-we haven't." I struggled to get out. He just laughed at me and my struggles. Honestly I had to laugh to it was kinda funny.