

"If memory serves me correctly I only killed his parents but only you both share the same filthy mudblood mother." Hearing that I fire off a few spells. "Beautiful and full of fire yes love show me what you can do. Make me sorry I said those words" He laughed the sadistic fuck is enjoying this. "Lilly and James Potter are my parents just as much as they were Harry's. I don't know if James knew and honestly never will. But he treated me as if I was his own. That showed me the kind of man he was. He loved his family and died protecting it." I said venom in every word. "What about your actual father doesn't he mean something to you?" Did this fucker just imply. "I love my father hie is part of me. But to be honest with you Tom, I don't think he would have claimed me as his if Jamed and Lilly didn't die." I said a bit of sadness in my voice because it was the truth. The fight between us continues before his spell sent me into one of the snake statues. I look at Harry before passing out praying to Godric that he will pake it out of this ok.

Harry pov

I watched Iris get flug into the statue. Tom laughed before looking at me. "She will learn to love me and she will be a prize giving birth to strong children. Children worthy of being my own. Don't worry Harry she will be well taken care of I assure you." He said before going on about how Dumbledore was the only one that saw threw him.

"Well, you haven't finished it this time. In a few hours, the mandrake draught will be ready and everyone who was petrified will be all right again." I said with a grin on my face.

Tom looked at me and smirk.

"Haven't I told you? Killing mudbloods doesn't matter to me anymore. For many months now, my new target... has been you. How is it that a baby with no extraordinary magical talent was able to defeat the greatest wizard of all time? How did you escape, with nothing but a scar, while Lord Voldemort's powers were destroyed?" He said annoyed by the thought of it I suppose.

Not understanding how it would matter to him I asked.

"Why do you care how I escaped? Voldemort was after your time." This made him chuckle menissingly.

"Voldemort... is my past, present, and future. [uses Harry's wand to write his full name in midair: TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE. He slashes the wand and the letters rearrange to become I AM LORD VOLDEMORT, before they fade]

I was Stunned by the revelation "You. You're the heir of Slytherin. You're Voldemort." I couldn't believe it this was the one that killed my parents making me live a life of missionary.

"Surely, you didn't think I was going to keep my filthy Muggle father's name? No. I fashioned myself a new name. A name I knew wizards everywhere would one day fear to speak, when I became the greatest sorcerer in the world!" Tom said in a mocking tone.

This angered be who does this arrogant prick think he is.

"Albus Dumbledore is the greatest sorcerer in the world!" I yell standing up. This made him laugh I hate his laugh.

"Dumbledore's been driven out of this castle by the mere memory of me!" He sneered at me but I know he is wrong.

"He'll never be gone! Not as long as those who remain are loyal to him!" I yell

[Fawkes suddenly enters the chamber] "Fawkes?" I said in awe.[Fawkes drops the Sorting Hat to Harry and leaves]

Tom thinking he won laughed.

"So... this is what Dumbledore sends his great defender: a songbird and an old hat. [turns to the statue of Salazar Slytherin and speaks in Parseltongue] Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four. [The statue's mouth begins to open] Let's match the power of Lord Voldemort, Heir of Slytherin, against the famous Harry Potter. [The basilisk's snout emerges from the mouth; Harry turns and runs as the creature fully emerges] [in Parseltongue] Kill him! [to Harry] Parseltongue won't save you now, Potter! It only obeys me!"

The basilisk came after me I really could use Iris right now.

I slip on the slick floor closing my eyes thinking this was it. Fawkes comes and claws out the Basilisk's eyes. This infuriated Tom. "You may have blinded the Basilisk but it can still hear you." He said I flee into the sewer way following the rats into a small nook. It got close to me if I didn't throw the rock it would have got me. I rush out to Ginny's she was still cold. "Yes, Potter, the process is nearly complete. In a few minutes, Ginny Weasley will be dead. And I will cease to be a memory. Lord Voldemort will return... very... much... alive.

Funny, the damage a silly little book can do, especially in the hands of a silly little girl."

Tom spoke as if he Won only have a spell shot at him. "Ok your voice is starting to piss me off." I look over to see a soaked but very angry Iris. "Harry take care of that over grown garden snake I got frat boy over here." She said and I  knew Tom entered fuckvill and Iris was the mayor. I look down at the hat to see the sword of Gryffindor. I grab it and climb the statue of Salazar Slytherin's face. While spells were being exchanged downbelowe. In moments I slay the Basilisk only to have its fang pierce my arm. I managed to get back down the statue my vision falling me. I take the fang out of my arm and stab the book. Just like that it was over. Iris rushed to me looking at my arm. She had fear in her eyes and I could tell what she was thinking. Before  she could say anything Ginny woke up trying to explain herself but I told her to follow Iris and get out. Fawkes came and saved me before carying Ron,Ginny,Iris,and myself out of the chamber and back to the school.

After everything calmed down Iris slapped me. "DON'T YOU EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN HARRY JAMES POTTER!" she yelled before holding me crying. "I can't lose you again not afraid I just got you back." She said "Iris you won't lose me because I'm not going anywhere." I said hugging her knowing that me being alive is a major thing for her. I know how much Iris cares for me. I also know she will humble anyone into the ground if it came to me. She was not the one to piss off. 

Iris pov

I was in the Headmaster office with Dumbledore and my brother. That was until my unfortunate uncle Lucius came in. The whole exchange was not pleasant until he looked at me. He had this apologetic look in his eyes. Its something I have seen a few times before. When he was leaving I follow after him. "Uncle Lucius!" I yell making him turn and look at me. "What's wrong?" I asked but before he could say something Harry comes and gives him the Diary back. That leads to a heated exchange. He left angry and I understood.

In the end everything turned out ok Hagrid was released and all of Tom's victims were saved. The only unsettling thing was the letter I found on my pillow from Lucius Malfoy.

Dear Iris

My sweet niece I am writing to you on something that I have discovered. I know you will not believe me so I would like to talk in person. Please be careful in future indeversyou may find yourself in.

With only good intentions

Your Uncle

Lucius Malfoy.