
I am Gaara

Have you ever asked the question, What if Gaara was developed on?. This a story of a man who finds himself in the body of a young Gaara. Faced with a hostile world and an even more hostile family. Join to see how he navigates through this world full of danger. No... join him prove to the world that he is not one to be trifled with. .... For all who wish to support me, you can do so on my patreon. @patreon.com/Tonye43 You also get access to advanced chapters ahead of the webnovel .... All rights belong to The Original owners of the Naruto series

Tonye43 · Cómic
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37 Chs

Assassination Attempt

Looking around the room Gaara could not spot anybody, the room was large enough to fit a small bed and little assets, barely enough space for anyone to hide in.

Worse of all there was only one entrance and exit.

Without much action, another dart was fired from a corner of the room, in which Gaara failed to react quickly enough and a shallow sand barrier was made but he was hit in the shoulder.

That was when panic set in and all hell broke loose, despite having a strong mental fortitude all Gaara could think of was to run.


He crashed into a makeshift table which ended up getting broken as he ran for the door, the poison was already taking effect in him as he was already feeling dizzy and getting numb.

Running out of the door led to the main living room of the siblings but kankuro and Temari were already wide awake and were surprised to see Gaara in a scared state and running towards the exit door of their house.

Kankuro and Temari were immediately alerted and were on guard but before they could move, they were knocked out.

Gaara kept running unaware to himself, in a short span he had already run a distance from his home.

He kept peeking to see who was chasing him but found no one when he had calmed himself down a little, and wanted to consider his next move because obviously poison spreads faster the more movement a person makes.


Another dart flew past his neck, sand was kicked up from the running he had down and seemed to act like a sword parry.

'It would have been better if I ran towards the castle, where am I?'

Gaara questioned himself as he kept running and tried accessing his situation, but the poison had kicked in and he was immediately running on reflex.

Soon enough he stumbled on his feet and collapsed on the ground with his face first.

And after a second an inconspicuous person covered in dark cloak from up to down walked over.

' I am sure he passed through here, where is he? The poison Is supposed to have kicked in though'

The person thought

"Did you see where he went?"

"He's right below you"

Another voice was heard in the atmosphere but no one was seen

'I see, he shouldn't be strong enough to this extent from the information we got but it seems like we need an update'

The inconspicuous person in black cloak thought as he looked back from the direction of the house Gaara had come from and was surprised

"He ran all the way from almost the centre of the village to the edge in such short time"

He said

"Indeed, Regroup, the commotion caused has attracted some unwanted attention"


The person immediately vanished only leaving dust behind

Meanwhile in the Castle, soldiers who had seen Gaara run past had alerted the Lord kazekage, and he had sent out some scouts to check and see what's happening

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