
I am forbidden

Odetta is a tribrid child whose parents were killed in front of her as a young child. She is out for vengeance. But having a demon mate was not what she planned for. King Orion is a bastard child of the kingdom. He killed the king and queen who has treated him horribly. Nobody in the kingdom knows he did it except for the king's true mate who cursed him for killing her mate. A seer informed him that only his mate and Tribrid can uplift the curse. ______   Odetta is a tribrid of werewolf, witch and elemental. The council are wicked people who kill anybody too powerful. Odetta's parents were killed when she was just 8years old, she was meant to be killed but her mum helped her escape. Odetta is being hunted by all the kingdoms, both big and small. But she got it all covered.   But meeting her mate was not what she planned for. Not being able to ignore the mate bond, distractions came and Odetta lost all focus and her life became more confusing.  Lying to her mate. Trying to avenge her parents death. Agreeing to a wicked deal of an evil witch. Trying to get a jealous ex concubine off her back. Will Odetta finally get her happy ending? WARNING!! THIS BOOK IS GOING TO CONTAIN RAPE SCENES AND SMUT! AND THERE WON'T BE ANY WARNING AT THE CONTINUATION OF THE BOOK!

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37 Chs

Chapter 28


I jolted awake and look around me. I am back in the dungeon but this time I am not tied. I sat up and rest my back on the wall. I am feeling pains all over my body but I refuse to cry any more, I simply do not have any more tears to shed. He just rob me of my innocence in the most cruel way all because he wants to be the most powerful. What is he even planning to do with the child? The child is going to be the one powerful and not him. I rested on the wall, just thinking about things. Ryker doesn't know what he is getting into, I am currently weak and powerless but one day I will get my powers back and have my revenge on Ryker, the council and Margaret. They will all regret everything they ever did. I don't care how long it will take me but I shall get my revenge and the only thing that will stop me is death it self. The door opened but I didn't bother looking at the door I just looked straight at the wall.

"Hello, I'm back again" the person which is Ryker said. I didn't reply him or even look at him.

"Crazy night isn't it Odetta?" He said.

"Are we playing the silence treatment today Odetta?" He asked. He moved away from his spot and came to my line of view.

"Aren't you going to look at me or talk to me at all?" He asked. I didn't reply him, when he is done he will leave. I don't have the strength for this I am simply tired. He squat in my front amd looked straight at me.

"Odetta you can't just ignore the man you had a wide night with, that is not nice at all" he said. I continue ignoring him.

"Odetta I do not have the patience for this you better reply me right now or you will regret it" he said. I look back at him in the eyes. Stubbornness and defiant shinning in my eyes, let him do his worse. He has done the worse already, what more could he possibly do to me? Kill me? He is going to regret ever touching me. And he thinks by raping me he will break me? Big joke. My parents died and I did not break so this won't break me either, it will only fuel my revenge and I am going to get it even if I die trying.

"No replies?!" Ryker yelled, breaking me out of my thoughts. He sounds angry, not like I care. I thought, shrugging my shoulders subconsciously. But it made him more angry that he hit me right in my face. I fell on the floor hitting my head on the hard floor. I did not make any sound. He hit me in my stomach and slapped my face, I groaned lowly. He really knows how to slap.

"Haven't your mother taught you not to slap women?" I said, breathing heavily.

"No, my mother didn't teach because they killed her," he said, growling.

"No wonder" I said, without a care in the world. But he got more angry, then he carried me up. I was floating in the air. I was very high up the ceiling then he threw me down harshly. A loud crack was the only thing heard in the room. I groan lowly at the pain that passed through my spine, that is going to hurt me for days. The floor has a dent on it and the floor is cracked. I tried to sit up but Ryker carried me again and slammed me in the wall. I coughed because of the dust, all my body was paining me and I could feel the hot liquid on my forehead.

"You just like trying me Odetta. Stop trying to make me angry, you do not have your powers again you are far to weak. Stop trying to anger me it will only end badly for you" he said. I didn't reply I only tried to sit up but my arms was failing me. I am to weak. He came closer to me and bend down again.

"You are to weak Odetta, all I want for you is to cooperate with me and birth me powerful children. We both will be the most powerful couple in all supernaturals, with our children we will lead the supernatural world together with iron fist, we won't have to hide from the people who hate us because of our powers, our parents won't have to die because of us, we would be unstoppable and we will be the King and Queen of all supernaturals, just join me Odetta" he said, outstretching his palm. So this is what he is planning to be the most powerful and for me to birth him a killing machine. I hope I never get pregnant for this useless man. He wants to be eternity, and rule the supernaturals. The supernatural world will be dead if power is giving to him, the council are not doing a better job leading the supernatural world but at least they are not wicked enough to kill any body and enslave people. If they were not hunting tribrids all this would have been avoided, his parents and my parent's would have been alive, the supernatural world would have been better and peaceful, the council were the beginning of all evil. I have no reason to help this wicked tribrid, and I won't help him no matter what he put me through, I just hope I won't get pregnant for this lunatic. I cough and use all my strenght to sit up, I rest my throbbing back on the wall. I spit out the blood in my mouth and look at Ryker in the eye.

"G..go to hell" I said, breathing heavily. He got angry and slam my head harshly on the wall. This time I pass out.

Unknown Pov

A man and two women could be seen sitting in a shining garden with sadness written all over them.

"What should we do? She is suffering" one of the woman said.

"We have to wait, we can't do anything yet. Odetta has to break the chain locking her powers first before we strike. Their is nothing we can do yet until she breaks that chain" the other woman said.

"How long will that take? She and her mate are both going through a lot of things and Odetta doesn't seem ready to break that chain" the woman said worriedly.

"She will break it, we just have to be patient. It might take sometime but she will, I trust her. I just pray she breaks it soon before Margaret cause a big destruction for the demon kingdom" the woman said. They all look at Odetta who was passed out and bleeding from her head.