Upon his death a comic book fan finds himself reborn as one of his favorite characters, who he thought could have achieved so much more if he simply faced some harsh truths and changed his ways slightly. Victor Von Doom/Dr. Doom Now having become Doom the man will strive to become what he considers the best possible version of, in his opinion, one of Marvel's greatest characters. Turning the world on its head and crushing anyone who stands in his way. For nothing will hinder the path of Doom.
A/N: Yesterday winner was OverlordBGs.
Now today insert an image of Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic Here.
[Georgia, United States of America]
(3rd Person: POV)
Sitting lazily on the couch Jessica Drew watched the news report on the television in front of her.
One currently detailing the events of the attack that took place at the Grand Prix in Monaco.
Specifically how Victor stopped the attacker singlehandedly.
"As always Victor never fails to impress." Jessica mused. "Don't you think so Dr. Burstein?" She asked her companion seated on to her on the couch.
One Dr. Noah Burstein.
[Insert Image of MCU Noah Burstein]
The man responsible for the process that gave Luke Cage his powers.
A man currently paralyzed, due to Jessica hitting him with several of her venom blasts.
Able to do nothing.
Not speak, blink, or even stop the Spartans that were currently moving all around him and Jessica inside of his home.
Looking for and collecting every single bit of his research.
All under orders from Victor mind you.
Since he felt it was time to remove Dr. Burstein from the board.
In just a few more minutes the Spartans had finished their search of Burstein residence and entire property.
Once they did they informed Jessica of this.
"Well Dr. Burstein. It looks like that's that. I could say I enjoyed the time we spent together. But then I would be lying." Jessica said.
She then got up off the couch and left Burstein house.
Once she did the Spartans went to work.
First dousing the entire property in gasoline, then they lit on fire.
Jessica and all of them looking on as everything went up in flames.
[Monte Carlo, Monaco]
(3rd Person: POV)
Sitting in the cell they had placed him in Ivan Vanko found himself even angrier than he had been earlier when he launched his attack against Tony.
The target of his anger now directed at two people instead of just one.
Tony and Victor.
"Why, why did that damn man have to interfere?!" Ivan shouted.
Figuring that if Doom hadn't interfered he would've easily been able to take down Stark, and get his revenge.
But now that has been lost to him.
For the moment anyway.
Because Ivan he would not stop until Stark was destroyed.
And now he would make Doom pay as well.
As Ivan began planning how to make both men suffer greatly he suddenly felt a phantom pain on the left side of his neck.
When he did Ivan slapped at it.
Only to find nothing there.
Making him wonder what the hell just happened.
Only to stop that train a thought a moment later when he suddenly felt his chest hurt.
The pain inside of it growing rapidly by the second.
Then before Ivan could even truly understand what was happening to him he keeled over, the light fading from his eyes.
For the man was dead.
(Future Emperor of Earth Doom: POV)
"It is done." Natasha spoke to me. Over the phone I was holding up to my ear. "Vanko is dead." She said.
"Excellent." I replied.
I then hung up.
Glad to have removed that annoying gnat.
Well actually I contacted Natasha and had her dispatch one of her subordinates to assassinate Vanko, but since they are all under my command technically speaking I did remove him.
For I didn't want to deal with any Stark Expo bullshit.
There are too many other important matters to handle.
Besides, I saw no reason to allow Tony to waste the brain power on that half baked Russian wash up.
Especially given some of the things he has planned for this years Stark Expo.
As well as some of the things I have planned for it.
So you see Ivan had to die.
For the greater good.
After I ended my phone call with Natasha I suddenly got a text.
Taking a look at it I saw it was from Jessica. Relating to me we had acquired all of Dr. Noah Burstein research and equipment and the man himself has been taken care of.
Especially in regards to Burstein research.
Which I plan to use exclusively to augment the imperial guard I am creating to protect myself and members of the royal family.
A dedicated force that will stand as an impenetrable shield between the family of Doom and all those that would seek to do us harm. While in regards to those foolish enough to attack the family of Doom they will become an unstoppable spear.
I mean after all what's an emperor and or empress without an Imperial Guard?
The Shi'ar have one.
Oh and speaking of the Shi'ar I really wish Deathbird would just stop speaking so difficult.
I mean I know I'm wearing her down, but her arrogant/tsundere personality isn't making things easy. Damn, I wish there was something I could do to speed our relationship along.
Hm, maybe release her and take her out to engage in some good blood thirsty violence?
Yeah, that might work.
Ah violence. It's truly great for many things. Even making your relationship with a woman better.
Now the only question is just what sort of violence should I take Deathbird out to engage in that would have the best chance of making our relationship better?
As I pondered this thought the door to the room I was opened up.
Revealing the Monaco Chief of Police on the other side.
Since I was currently at their headquarters.
Having so graciously agreed to come in and give them my statement in regards to that whole Vanko incident on the Grand Prix course.
"Chief." I said. Standing to my feet.
"King Doom." He replied. "I would just like to say again how much I appreciate what you did. Not only in stopping that madman on the Grand Prix course but agreeing to come in and give us a statement." He spoke.
"Of course. Anything to assist law enforcement. You all have enough trouble already in trying to properly do your jobs and I don't wish to cause you all anymore uhdo stress." I said.
I then walked up to the chief and shook his hand.
Once I did he guided me out of police headquarters.
The officers I passed giving me congratulations.
Some even snapping pictures.
Which I didn't mind.
Since being a friend to law enforcement will go a long way in the time comes for all of Earth to come under my rule.
Not to mention my father in my previous life was a police officer so I have a soft spot for law enforcement.
Especially since most of them are simply people who want to do their jobs and protect others.
As I stepped outside of the headquarters I saw a swarm of reporters waiting for me.
All of them being kept at bay by my Doombots and Spartan security detail of course.
Giving me clear path to the limosoune waiting for me.
Which I walked to and climbed in.
Then after I shut the door we were off.
It not taking the limousine any time to arrive at the hotel where Susan and I had chosen to stay during our time here in Monaco.
But when I arrived I saw John waiting outside the front entrance for me. A serious and slightly worried expression on his face.
Getting out of the limosoune I walked right up to him. "Report." I spoke.
"Sir, currently there are three individuals on the list you distributed in relation to individuals of high importance sitting in the hotel lobby." He explained to me. "Currently I have Doombots watching them." John spoke.
"The civilians?" I asked.
"One of the individuals apart of the group cleared them out. Since they are a telepath." John informed me.
"I see. And my wife?" I asked.
"Currently out shopping and enjoying herself. She having left before this group arrived." John explained to me. "I've already alerted her security detail and I've informed the home front of our situation. They are on standby should we need any assistance."
"Good. Excellent work John." I said.
"Thank you my liege." John replied.
"Well then, let's not keep our guests waiting any longer." I spoke.
John nodded at my words.
Once we did we entered through the hotels front doors.
Immediately after we did I turned my attention to the right, where a group of three people were seated.
The people in question being Sebastian Shaw, Emma Frost, and Selene Gallio.
So, it seems the Hellfire Club has finally coming knocking at my door.
Well what sort of man would I be if I didn't greet them?
That in mind I started heading towards them.