
I Am Doom (Marvel)

Upon his death a comic book fan finds himself reborn as one of his favorite characters, who he thought could have achieved so much more if he simply faced some harsh truths and changed his ways slightly. Victor Von Doom/Dr. Doom Now having become Doom the man will strive to become what he considers the best possible version of, in his opinion, one of Marvel's greatest characters. Turning the world on its head and crushing anyone who stands in his way. For nothing will hinder the path of Doom.

ArifuretaForever · Cómic
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109 Chs

Chapter 18: World Reactions

[January 4th, 2007]

[New York City]

(3rd Person: POV)

Making herself some breakfast Susan Storm let her mind drift.

Mainly on her current station in life.

Here she is, almost two years after gaining fantastic powers, a superhero.

Alongside her ex-boyfriend, her younger brother, and her ex-boyfriend best friend.

Who is now dating her own, one Alicia Masters.

Since his fiance dumped him after Ben and the others came out to the world about their powers and became the Fantastic Four.

Which was great.

Though Susan could do a little less without all the crazy adventures they end up on.

Mostly thanks to Reed.

But she takes the good work the bad.

Especially since she is now a world wide celebrity. Whose fame has allowed her to bring issue to cause she always thought were important.

Not to mention becoming a role model for woman of all changes to look upon.

Susan loved it.

Yet there was one thing she couldn't let go off.

The kiss Victor gave her when he and Lucia left for their home country Latveria.

Which had taken place close to a year ago.

And there had been no contact from either of them since.

Which worried Susan to no end.

So much so she has tried to use her new connections as a member of the Fantastic Four to get information on the current state of Latveria.

Unfortunately that didn't pan out either.

Since the country was under a total information blackout.

Which only increased Susan worry.

She had half a mind to simply go to Latveria herself.

But held back.

For she knew her actions would cause trouble no only for herself but for the rest of her team.

And Susan couldn't and wouldn't do that to them.

Not without a very good reason.

So all she was left with was waiting.

'Dammit Victor. Please be okay.' Susan thought.

Her mind instantly going to the kiss on the night Victor left.

Getting a light blush on her face Susan shook her head.

'No brain. Don't go there.' Susan thought.

After all that kiss likely meant nothing.

Since it was obvious to her Victor was with Lucia, and she wouldn't get in between them.

No matter how much her body ached for another kiss from Victor.

Deciding to get her mind off things before she full went down the rabbit hole Susan focused all her attention back on cooking.

"Holy shit!"

That is until she heard Johnny screaming from the living room.

Once she did Susan headed in there. An annoyed expression on her face. "Johnny it's too early for all that yelling." She told her brother.

"Actually Susie matchstick has a reason to shout this time." Ben spoke.

Pointing a rocky finger at the television.

When Ben did Susan looked at it.

Reeed walking in and joining them. Doing the same thing a moment later.

Thus all the Fantastic Four focused their attention on what was playing on the television.

Which was breaking news and a special report.

All focused on the nation of Latveria.

A country which was being reported had been in a revolutionary war for the past year.

To do away with their monarch, royal family, and top government officials who had been war crimes against their people for decades.

But now all of that was over.

Since the revolutionary had at last triumphed over their corrupt regime and had put together a new government.

They had even named a new king to lead their people.

One Susan and the others recognized immediately.


Upon learning all this everyone became utterly shocked.

Susan especially.

At least her mind wasn't focused on her kiss with Victor any longer.


[Triskelion, Washington D.C.]

Sitting behind the desk in his office, a bald African American man with an eyepatch watched the special new report being done on Latveria on the flat screen television in front of him.

The man in question being one Nicholas J. Fury.

The current director of the Strategic Homeland Intervention and Espionage Logistics Division or SHIELD for short.

[Insert Image of MCU Nick Fury Here]

A world-sanctioned peacekeeping force that deals with all manner of threats.

As Fury silently watched the report his mind was racing.

Going over all the information he had on Latveria.

Since the World Security Council and the United Nations had tasked Fury and SHIELD to do a threat assessment on the country. Now that their regime had changed.

It was nothing SHIELD or Fury hadn't done before.

But what made this different for Fury was one single thing.

Victor Von Doom.

After learning about him Fury couldn't help but raise the threat level of Latveria.

Because in his long career as an intelligence operative Fury had seen several men like Doom.

Which is why he knew just how dangerous they truly were of capable of becoming.

Like in Victor's case already Fury had managed to learn he not only created the robots that had helped the revolutionaries overthrow the countries former regime, but he did it all under the radar.

Without anyone learning of his actions until after the fact.

Just from this one action Fury knew he needed to tread lightly when it came Latveria new king.

Lest he caused the man to send the world into chaos.


[Symkaria, Aniana]

Sitting in his private office the current king of Symkaria, Stefan, watched the special news report about Latveria playing on his television screen.

Finding it intriguing.

Especially given that Symkaria and Latveria have been allies for decades.

Yet seeing the contents of the special news report Stefan now understood why that alliance had diminished in recent times.

'But now with this Victor Von Doom in charge maybe our relationship can be repaired.' Stefan thought.

After doing so he turned his gaze to the only other person in his office.

A female with silver hair and eyes.

Her name, Silvija Sablinova. Otherwise known by her codename Silver Sable.

[Insert Image of Silvija Sablinova/Silver Sable Here]

A special agent for the Symkarian government and a close confidant and friend of Stefan's

"Sable, what do you think of Latveria and this man they now call their king, Doom?" Stefan asked.

"Unsure my king. I would need to go their and assess not only Latveria itself but this man Doom with my own eyes to give you an accurate assessment." Sable easily replied.

"Understood." Stefan said. "So then, let us get you into a position to do just that."

Thus Symkaria and Silver Sable set their sights on Latveria and Victor.


[Undisclosed Location]

Sitting alone in a room a figure cloaked by shadows stared at the television in front of them.

Playing the special news report about Latveria.

"I see." The person mused. Revealing their voice, which was male. "Seems I need to strange strategies." He mused. "For the glory of Hydra." He finished.

Continuing to silently watch the special news report after that.


If you want more go to my paetron, where there are up to five advanced chapters of this story.

Here is the link: patreon.com/ArifuretaForever