
I am deathless

They say that growing up isn't easy, but growing up with supernatural ghost abilities is a lot harder. Able to see and interact with ghost, Azre is growing up seeing those that were before. having some time to adjust to what most people would consider unatural. now enrolling into his first year of highschool Azre began to notice having strange new abilities. will his highschool life be strange as it was when he was a child. who are you? I am the one who walks among the living and the dead. I am the voice of those who've been wronged. I am the salvation for lost souls. I am the punisher of the damned. I am vengeance from the grave. I am the one who cannot be killed. I am Deathless.

AaronC · Ciudad
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3 Chs

chapter 2 the tournament

The tournament is starting today and I have been training for months. This tournament will decide our future because of the scholarship and the prize money. My sister and Jahn are excited to see me participate in the preliminary rounds sorting out who will fight in the final rounds. The fighters were mostly from the outskirts of Los Omni city most were self taught, but there were some from martial arts training schools from the northern part of the city where some of the wealthiest people live. They're here probably to show that they are better than outskirters. Trained in various forms of martial arts Karate, Boxing, Kickboxing, Wrestling, Wing Chun, Wushu, Tai chi, and many more fighting styles.

The tournament rules are that anyone who is unable to get back up or taps out within 1 minute lose the match. If you are down when the time runs out you also lose the match, and you're given points for the number of hits that connects who landed the most wins the match at the end of the clock. Attacking the face and the head are prohibited in the match to reduce the risk of serious injury. Purposely injuring a participate will result in disqualification.

The preliminary rounds had skilled fighters but it was nothing too hard to handle. It was easy enough to win in the preliminary, when you have a supernatural ability that allows you to hear what a person's soul yells, which I can use to anticipate in order to dodge and block their attacks. I managed to get into the final fights.

The final fights are one on one 2 minute fights with a break at halftime. Same tournament rules, just a bigger arena. My fight is against a Mexican kickboxer. As I stepped in on the mat the crowd started cheering as a I put my foot on the line my opponent approaches with the crowd cheering for him as well.

???: Oye! you're from the same block I am from ain't you ese?

Azre: do I know you?

???: I've seen you run with that chica.

Azre: careful about what you say about my sister.

???: hey hey no disrespect, my name is Carlos Julio Santino.

Azre: Azre Reahll.

Carlos extended his hand for a handshake, I accepted his hand so this will be a respectful fight.

Carlos: you know they're calling you the ghost of fighting ring.

Azre: is that so?

Carlos: none have been able to lay a hit on you.

Carlos: I bet I can hit you.

Azre: we'll just have to see.

The referee got up on the fighting mat and told Carlos and I

Referee: put your foot on the line.

Referee: ok you know the rules I want a clean fight!

Referee: begin!

Carlos had his arms up for defense my arms were relaxed and raised for defense as well. Carlos threw a right jab to my chest, I blocked it with my right deflecting away. Then Santino followed with a left kick to my lower right stomach raised my right knee to block his kick then countered using my knee block to kick Carlos back to give myself space for the next anticipated attack.

Carlos: I see that you are no ordinary street fighter, who taught you?

Azre: my sister.

Carlos threw a double roundhouse kick but I dodged making a opening, using my left hand and his own momentum I grabbed his leg then threw him on the ground on his back.

Carlos: Aagh!

Carlos got back up and used a reverse roundhouse kick, blocking his kick I grabbed his leg and swept his other leg throwing him on the ground.

Carlos: Aagh! Mierda! Again?

I extended my hand to help Carlos up he excepted and I helped him up.

Referee: Halftime 30 second break catch your breath.

Carlos: damn. you're better than I thought ese.

Carlos: I'm not going easy this time.

Azre: alright then.

Referee: begin!

Carlos began throwing a flurry of punches I just blocked deflected and dodged not letting him land a hit.

Carlos: damn!

Carlos started to get frustrated and tired he attacked again starting with a double leg sweep I lift my legs to avoid his sweeps. the attacks he is using are only tiring him out exerting too much energy. Carlos using the last of his energy channeling into a hook kick, anticipating this I countered with a two arm block and quickly catching his leg.

Having the advantage I used my left leg to sweep his supporting leg having him collapse to the ground.

Carlos: coño

Carlos was exhausted and was unable to get back up.

Referee: down! match win goes to Azre.

I kneel down to Carlos and offered my hand to him.

Carlos:heh heh man you're good, too good for me ese.

I helped him up get on his feet.

Carlos: that was a good fight I have a lot to learn. It was an honor to fight you El Fantasma.

Carlos walks off the stage with a proud look.

The referee raised my arm in the air announcing that I am the winner.

I was in the locker room resting a having my slight bruises checked by my sister.

Serra: you're doing very well I was worried you were going to get hurt.

Azre: that's because you taught me well.

Serra: just 2 more fights, win or lose I'm still proud of you.

while my sister and I were talking a couple of paramedics came in with a participate on a backboard.

Serra: what's going on?

Paramedic: he got hit in the head pretty hard.

paramedic: the one who caused the injury is disqualified.

Serra: is he ok?

Paramedic: yes we have an ambulance on the way.

I took a look at the injured participate his breathing was slowing I grabbed his hand to check him his soul was starting to get weak and break from his body and was scared. I checked his head a notice a bruise under his hair.

Azre: he has a fractured skull and his brain is hemorrhaging his breathing is slowing.

Paramedic: shit! get him on a O² tank now! keep him breathing!

Paramedic: Med unit how far are you? we have a code 3. I say again code 3.

Referee: Azre! you're up for the final fight!

Serra: go! I got him he'll be fine.

I looked back as I saw the gurney go into the locker room and leave accompanied by the paramedic's and Serra.

I bumped into a person around the same age as me I ended up hearing his soul

???: guess he did what I paid him to do, now that he's out of the way all that's left is the lowly outskirter.

I looked for the one who thought that only to lose him in the crowd.

He paid the participant to injure the other. Whoever he was he must be the last one in the tournament, what he thought angered me I'll show him that I am more than a lowly outskirter.

The announcer got on the stage with a microphone to let the crowd know what is happening.

Announcer: May I have everyone's attention because of the disqualification of the last participant this is the final fight of this tournament.

Announcer: Who will walk away with the scholarship, prize money and the title of champion?!

Announcer: From the northern side of Los Omni city, from one of the best schools specialized in Wing Chun winner of 3 championships of multiple martial arts tournaments.

Announcer: Luuuu Cheeeen!!

Lu Chen walked in the fighting stage on the mat wearing a black and red Chinese fighting uniform.

Announcer: from the outskirts of los Omni city he was untouchable in previous fights it's as if they were fighting the air itself the ghost of the fighting ring!

Announcer: Azreee! Reeaaaaaahll!

The announcer left the fighting ring switching with the referee.

Lu Chen: don't expect any pleasantries from me.

Azre: then just shut up and try to hit me.

Lu Chen: hmpf

Referee: ok foot on the line.

Referee: Begin!

Lu Chen started attacking by using precise fast and hard punches towards my chest. Even using my ability he's faster than I can block. I was only able to block, deflect, and dodge some of his attacks. I have to get some space or he'll break my defense. on one of Lu's right punches I parried with my right arm Lu grabbed my arm with his left pulled me forward using my arm and throwing me I hit the floor, but I caught myself to prevent having the air knocked out of me. Lu lifted his right leg to stomp my back, I quickly rolled on my back having Lu miss grabbing his leg with my arm, I used my leg to kick him, Lu blocked my first kick with the same leg I kicked him in the chest knocking him back. I got up on my feet holding my chest because of the slight pain caused by his punches.

Lu Chen: heh guess you can get hit and feel the pain.

Azre: well you can't be invincible all the time.

Lu Chen: then I'll have to break something.

Azre: you can try.

Lu Chen started attacking more ferocious than before all I could do was stay on defense but eventually he will break through. Taking more hits to the arms and chest it felt like my upper body was on fire my breathing was starting to get shallow and painful for every breath I took. I won't be able to hold out for long I have to finish this quickly.

Lu Chen: how long do you think you can hold out for?

Azre: as long as it takes.

Lu Chen: you think you're so stubborn like a stone eventually stones will crumble and break.

Azre: then I have a lot of time because stones are patient.

Lu started attacking with precise fast, hard, punches, and kicks to my chest, sides, and legs this is a very tough fight I've been in. I have to find a way to win against him I noticed the timer was low by 10 seconds when the round is over I'll lose.

Lu Chen: guess I win again!

Lu threw a powerful right punch to my chest with all the energy left I parried with my right arm Lu was letting the smell of victory take over expecting to win using that to my advantage he'll relax and become defenseless for only a second. getting around behind I wrapped my left arm around his stomach then quickly wrapping my right arm I raised him up leaning back into a suplex having him land on his back with the air knocked out of him. I got up quickly Lu was on the ground trying to get up but was dazed.

Referee: times up! Azre wins by knockdown!

Lu Chen: What!

Azre:(panting) I guess... I won.

Lu Chen: aaaaaaaaaggggh!

Lu charged at me with a right kick, I caught it with both of my hands holding his ankle I twisted it throwing my right leg over putting my shin into the back of his knee, slamming Lu to the ground leaning back to pin him to the ground until the referee and others deal with him.

After the referees took him off stage everyone in the crowd started to cheering for me. I walked to my sister and Jahn who were both excited to see that I have won.

Serra: Oh my god! I can't believe it you won! You won my little brother.

Serra hugged me tightly even though I was in pain I was proud.

Jahn: hey man! that was awesome I got it all on video!

Azre: yeah. thanks Jahn.

After the Tournament the prize money was split between Serra and I with Jahn and his mother it's enough to move back into the western side of the city. Along with the scholarship I'm now able to go to a prestigious educational school within the city starting in the spring after I graduate middle school.

My life is starting to get back on track now I'm living in a apartment in the western side of Los Omni city I wonder how my highschool life will be?

End of the Tournament

This was a lot tougher to write because of how to describe the fight.

I am doing my best to describe how these fights are.

thank you for reading.

AaronCcreators' thoughts