
I am deathless

They say that growing up isn't easy, but growing up with supernatural ghost abilities is a lot harder. Able to see and interact with ghost, Azre is growing up seeing those that were before. having some time to adjust to what most people would consider unatural. now enrolling into his first year of highschool Azre began to notice having strange new abilities. will his highschool life be strange as it was when he was a child. who are you? I am the one who walks among the living and the dead. I am the voice of those who've been wronged. I am the salvation for lost souls. I am the punisher of the damned. I am vengeance from the grave. I am the one who cannot be killed. I am Deathless.

AaronC · Ciudad
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3 Chs

chapter 1 the ghost child

They say that growing up is hard, they didn't say that growing up with seeing ghost is harder. My name is Azre, this started happening when I was part of accident in a household explosion which killed our father. It was an event that changed my life, I was in a gurney hearing radio chatter from my rescuers, the flashing lights of emergency vehicles, the mutters and voices of bystanders, then hearing the cries of my older sister, Serra she was calling my name as they were loading me into the ambulance she came to the back of the ambulance cover in blood, ash, and debris like I was. when I woke up I was in the hospital in a bed wearing a gown. Serra was next to me with her head in her arms sleeping, the nurse walked in with a smile

nurse: it's good to see that you are awake.

Serra raised her head with tears in her eyes she hugged me and started to cry softly.

Serra: I- I thought I lost you too!

Serra: Dad he- He's gone.

Hearing that our dad was gone made me did not want to believe her, when she hugged me I sensed within her that she wasn't lying that she was telling me the truth. Tears began to stream down from my eyes then the crying came after holding my sister we began to mourn.

When we were discharged from the hospital we were taken to an facility for orphans but they said they couldn't take my sister in because she was passed the age of 18, they were going to turn her away, I held on to her not letting her go. my sister pushed them away saying that she is not letting them take me away. The Court settle that if she is able to aquire a fitting home to raise me they'll consider her fit to be my guardian.

Taking upon herself to raise me because she was the only family I had left. I don't remember anything about our mother she died in an car accident when I was a year old. I'm glad Serra started raising me it wouldn't feel comfortable being raised by a family I wouldn't know.

The funeral for our father there was no body that was recovered, only an empty casket was buried.

Serra: I promise I'll take care of you. ok?

Azre: ok.

Serra hugged me as the shovels scraped into the dirt to bury the empty casket for our father next to our mom.

Serra: I'll take care of him mom and dad!

Serra: I promise!

Serra was working part-time jobs while I was in elementary school. we were staying in a motel. In those months I began to see and hear the voices and shadows of those that were what we are now and what we'll be after life. They were frightening I was only able to see their silhouettes and hear they're voices I was unable to understand. I would sleep beside my sister most nights, she comfort me and, sing me to sleep, when she did, I noticed some of the silhouettes would disappear but some would remain as if they wanted to hear her singing. the next couple weeks I would ask Serra to sing to me in my bed, when she did the number of those silhouettes would disappear until they were no longer there. I began to understand that they needed something, something to help them sleep.

Some months passed, my sister and I manage to rent into an apartment in the western part of Los Omni city, it wasn't fancy but it was a place that we called home. Serra bought me a music box which I would play to the silhouettes which would work most of the time. In school I would try to ignore the silhouettes and voices they would be wandering around through the crowds of people some would follow a person. most would be lingering as if not knowing what to do, which would then scatter when a bigger silhouette would appear, I was really scared of those they were shapes that didn't resemble that of a human they were taller and contorted with extra limbs. most of the kids in the school would make fun of me, it's hard trying to make friends when they see you looking at things that aren't there.

it went on like this for a while until I met her....Rei, she just walked up to me and asked

Rei: why are you alone most of the time?

Azre: well it's kinda hard to tell you.

Rayas: well I can be your friend.

When she said those words it felt like I was given a chance to be normal all the silhouettes and the voices faded.

Azre: Yes. I wanna be your friend.

Rei: what's your name?

Azre: Azre. Azre Reahall.

Rei: Rei Miyagi

during the rest of my elementary school years Rei and I played together in a park that was in the western part of Los Omni city. When it was time to graduate to middle school I had to move to the outskirts of the city, on our last day together we went to a shrine where we gave offerings and collected 2 charms that represents our friendship.

I hugged her and said my goodbye.

Azre: I'll miss you.

Rei: I hope we can see each other again.

Rei helped me when I was alone now those silhouettes and voices are returning but a voice started telling me clearer that we will meet again, I look back and there was a silhouette standing next to Rei as she waved goodbye. Rei was the one who made me feel normal I'll miss her.

The outskirts of the city were pretty much kind of a dangerous place to live but my sister, Serra wanted to do good with her life. Serra decided to become a law enforcer so she had us move to an apartment that's close to an enforcer academy and a middle school. In the school I was thrown into a fight I was beaten up and was sent home with the bruises, my sister was angry she confronted the parents of the kids who beaten me up. I've never seen such a scary face. After that happened my sister decided to train me to protect myself from bullies, her training was tough but not harsh. I guess it pays to be a delinquent in your highschool years, hard to believe she changed when I was born. during her training I began to hear Serra's voice when she wasn't speaking. When she attacks the voice becomes louder like a small shout. I managed to anticipate her attacks utilizing her voice to avoid or block any of Serra's kicks and punches. She was surprised to see that I avoided all her so called special attacks, they were just fancy kicks and punches.

The last few years of my middle school life a couple of high schoolers were harassing a boy the same age as me. his name was Jahn Brickner, I couldn't just leave him to get torn apart like what happened to me, so I confronted the high schoolers.

Azre: hey! Why don't you leave him alone.

bully 1: Or what?

Azre: I'll tell the enforcers.

bully 2: like hell you are!

the second bully grabbed my arm, it came instinctively I stepped in between his feet and used his momentum against him throwing him to the ground on his back.

The other high schooler threw Jahn to the ground.

bully 1: ok I'm going to kill you!

he grabbed me by my shirt collars I just improvised and kicked him in the groin. while they were down I helped Jahn up.

Jahn: whoa!

Azre: don't mention it.

Azre: why were they harassing you?

Jahn: they just wanted money.

bully 1: I'm going to kill you!

the bully pulls out switchblade.

Serra: like hell you are going to.

Serra came up from behind Jahn and I catches the hand with the switchblade and steps in between his feet flipping him on his back.

Serra: you and I are going to have a talked back to the station to ask a few questions of why you have that weapon along with your friend.

Serra: you ok Azre?

Azre: yeah I'm ok.

She puts the bullies in handcuffs, and requested a patrol vehicle to take the high schoolers into custody never seen a scary smile on my sister's face.

Jahn: who is that your mom?

Azre: My sister Serra.

Jahn: she's sooooo cool!

Azre: yeah she is!

Serra: ok I'll be coming home late there's some leftovers in the refrigerator you can reheat yourself something.

Serra: And who is this?

Jahn: Jahn. Enforcer Serra.

Serra: I'm glad you are making friends.

Azre: you wanna come over?

Jahn: yeah totally!

Jahn: I gotta let my mom know.

Azre: what's your full name?

Jahn: Jahn. Jahn Brickner.

Azre: Azre Reahll!

after that happened Jahn got his mother permission to stay at my place.

Azre: so what do plan to do in the future?

Jahn: well I do have a scholarship to go to a prestigious school but my mom can't make enough money. so I don't know.

Azre: well don't dwell on it too much I'm sure something will happen that will help us.

during that night Jahn and I ate and watch action movies he and I became good friends.

Six months before I graduate middle school I was in a bind because of how knowledge can get you so far. My grades are good enough for me to enroll into a prestigious school within the walls of the city, but the price of attending is enough to only one can dream of enrolling. But fate gave me a chance there was a martial arts tournament for young fighters. the winner would earn a scholarship and prize money for their family, school, or organization.

I decided to participate in the tournament because it was a chance I was going to take. I began to train my ability to become sharper as I trained with Serra. My reflexes were faster thanks to my ability to hear the voice of a person's soul, allowing me to dodge and block quicker. I started going on jogs with Serra being my coach and my mentor.

Jahn tries to go along with us but he runs out of breath after a half a block, most of the time I'm carrying him back.

He's a good guy just needs some motivation.

The tournament is starting today I've got to get ready for what ever they throw at me.

end of the ghost child

This is my first time writing sorry it took so long writing is not easy but I hope this is worth thanks if you're reading it.

AaronCcreators' thoughts