
I am Constellation

In the world full of mystic and unique creature born to rule and conquer others , those who have been given the authority shall thrive and become the supreme one . Welcome to this world and this is your authority ...

TheWallowingMANGO · Fantasía
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6 Chs


"Did you really don't know or you just confuse?" ask Marina while confuse with the statement of the consciousness.

"Are you sure you don't hit your head or something ? ask Jay jokingly.

The consciousness's thinks for a while and answer " I never got the chance to know my name before I arrive here. "

Hearing this , Marina and Jay whisper with each others on how to solve this problem.

"Can you really believe the word of this man ?" said Jay.

" I don't know if I can , because who doesn't remember their own name ? " said Marina.

" Exactly. So what now ? " said Jay.

" Let just play along with this man. " said Marina giving her idea to Jay.

" Fine. " answer Jay.

" Then we can't always call you 'sir', it will be weird. Then how about we give you a name? " said Marina to the consciousness.

The consciousness stare weirdly at Marina and said " Name huh? that's kinda interesting."

Marina happily said " Yeah , now , would you tell us about where you come from so we can give a suitable name for you? "

The consciousness then tell Marina and Jay that he came from a far, far from their imagination and arrived on Earth through strange hole that mysteriously appear and disappear out of thin air.

Hearing this , Marina and Jay think that maybe this is just his way to hide his shame because of lost in the desert like a stupid people .

Both of them agree to play along with the consciousness and choose the suitable name for him.

Marina then said " Because you said you came from a place far from our imagination, then how about the name of Sirius? it is the brightest star in the night and a place that impossible for us to imagine."

Jay then continued " Because Sirius is the brightest star ,then , I think Light should be suitable for your last name" .

Marina said excitedly to the consciousness " Sirius Light, its a good name for you, don't you think so too? "

The consciousness look at the star that shine above him brightly while smiling and said " I've got a name and it is Sirius Light. "

While Sirius is happy with his new name , there's something unexpected that happening around the Earth because of his arrival through the weird hole that are making changes around the world such as the thickening of energy making even though its still miniscule compare to other places on universe , its enough to make a big change on earth and strengthening the current Earth and every living being there.

The increase of energy on earth cause the awakening of authority user much simpler than before birthing a lot of new authority user on each corner of the Earth.

However, on the Deep Earth, there's a disaster that was never happened before and it making the surrounding Kingdom in panic.

All of the Deep Earth residents were concern about this and propose to their king to take some safety measure to make sure they are safe from any kind of danger.

While everybody is panicking, at the core of the disaster, there's a mysterious orb that was laying around and sucking the natural energy of the Deep Earth slowly as it seems like its waiting for the perfect time like a snake waiting for its prey.

I hope that you can enjoy it.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

TheWallowingMANGOcreators' thoughts