
I am Constellation

In the world full of mystic and unique creature born to rule and conquer others , those who have been given the authority shall thrive and become the supreme one . Welcome to this world and this is your authority ...

TheWallowingMANGO · Fantasía
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6 Chs


In the world of Drakna , every being born into it will be given an authority either it powerful or weak . You as the master of your authority shall train it to become the supreme one and control the fate of others.

As the wheel of fortune and fate spins with all its might, it shall decide your fate until the supreme one ascended the throne of mortal and complete the prophecy.

Hello guys , this is my first ever novel that am gonna write and I hope that you guys can stay with me until the end of this story or any unexpected thing happen to me . So I hope that you guys can enjoy it as much as I enjoy it.

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